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The facts are clear: #Obamacare has had disastrous effects on our #economy and #healthcare system. This law needs to be repealed and replaced both quickly and effectively, and it needs to be done in this Congress--not kicked down the road to the future, as #Congress so often does. Too often, Congress takes a defeatist attitude before we even begin a job. At this moment, it's critical that we take on a much more aggressive, ‘get to work’ mindset when it comes to keeping our promises--particularly in the area of healthcare reform and repealing Obamacare. That's our job. That's what we were sent here to do. I spoke with Peter Alexander on "Meet the Press Daily" about this issue.
Debbie and I were privileged to attend the dedication ceremony of the Charles George Statue at the VA Hospital in Asheville this weekend. The statue was dedicated to honor Private First Class Charles George, a Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient. The events included a closing ceremony with the Warriors of the Anikituhwa--of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. If you look closely, you can see Debbie joining in!
Recently I joined CNN Newsroom to promote and discuss our "First 100 Days" rules and regulations report with the Trump administration. It's time we get our government off the backs of hard-working Americans and allow them to reach their full potential without the weight of crushing bureaucracy.
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Last night I had the opportunity to join The Daily Caller for a Facebook Live event--talking Obamacare repeal, the upcoming inauguration, and more.

The Daily Caller was live.

Will President Donald J. Trump leave the government smaller than he found it? The House Freedom Caucus intends to make sure. Their leader, Rep. Mark Meadows, joins us live!

Within hours of inauguration this Friday, President-elect Trump and Republicans in Congress will be ready to get to work immediately and begin rolling back the out-of-control bureaucracy in Washington.

Congress is poised to undo key environmental and labor rules soon after Trump’s inauguration.|By Mike DeBonis

"The time is always right to do what is right."

Thank you, Dr. King. #MLKDay

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Flawed. Failing. Not fixable.

These are just a few of the words to describe #Obamacare--our crumbling healthcare system that is hurting working families, bankrupting businesses, and driving our economy into the ground. This law needs to be fully repealed. Americans cannot afford to bear the burden of its failure any longer.

While Republicans continue to debate how to best repeal and replace Obamacare, we agree on the big picture: our current system does not work and is unacce...ptable.

While serious concerns remain, I have been pleased to hear the Speaker commit to bringing up a healthcare replacement bill within days, not weeks, of a repeal measure. This has been a top priority of mine and the Freedom Caucus’, as I believe it is critical that we give the American people a clear direction and assurance of a smooth transition toward a sound, high quality, and affordable healthcare market—especially so the most vulnerable can get the coverage they need.

Going forward, I strongly believe and will continue to express that a full repeal of Obamacare should take effect within two years during the 115th Congress. That is what we promised the voters we would do. That is our job--and it’s high time we accomplish it.…/rep-meadows-statement-on-obamac…

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Washington, D.C. – Statement from Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC), Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus: “While Republicans continue to debate how to best repeal and replace Obamacare, we agree on the big picture: our current system does not work. Obamacare is flawed, failing, and not fixable—and it needs…

Best wishes to my friend Dr. Dan Lunsford, Mars Hill University President, on his upcoming retirement. Dr. Lunsford is one of the best.

Mars Hill University President Dr. Dan Lunsford announced that he will retire in the fall of 2018. According to a press release, the exact timing of his retirement will depend on the university finding a new president. Lunsford did confirm that it will be|By Zachary Downes

1. Repeal #ObamaCare in its entirety and replace it with a market-based solution that drives down costs and allows consumer choice. And don’t take three years to do it.

2. Secure our border. We are a nation of laws and we must end the free flow of illegal immigration into the United States. #Congress must also immediately deport criminal illegal immigrants and cut funding to sanctuary cities and sanctuary campuses.

3. Put in place an immediate halt on refugees from terrorist ...hotspots until we are able to reform our vetting system to ensure no threat is posed to the homeland.

4. Provide our #military the support and direction it needs from Congress to ensure we are prepared for threats both abroad and domestically.

5. Implement #welfare reform that helps the truly needy but requires able-bodied adults to work.

6. Pass tax reform legislation that simplifies the tax code, incentivizes businesses to operate in the U.S., and eases the burden on working families.

7. Lift job-killing #regulations put in place under the Obama administration.

8. Stand up for religious liberty and protect the sanctity of life. Congress should defund Planned Parenthood and pass the First Amendment Defense Act, which protects religious liberty.

9. Reaffirm our commitment to our allies abroad, especially to our great ally Israel.

10. Remember, there is a $20 trillion #debt that must be addressed.

ICYMI: My op-ed with Rep. Jim Jordan. No more excuses, Republicans. Let's get the job done.

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OPINION | Last election, everyday Americans said it’s time Washington started working for them.

Op-ed with my House Freedom Caucus colleague, Jim Jordan: "No more excuses, Republicans." It's time to keep our promises and do the bold things that the American people sent us here to do.

OPINION | Last election, everyday Americans said it’s time Washington started working for them.

Republicans in #Congress have rightfully criticized the excessive spending habits of the Obama Administration these last 8 years. For us to bring back earmarks now would send the wrong message. It cannot happen.

It's time for Congress to restore order and use its power over the purse for its rightful purpose: to rein in our out-of-control government and bureaucracy.

My interview on Your World with Neil Cavuto:

The facts are clear: #Obamacare has had disastrous effects on our #economy and #healthcare system. This law needs to be repealed and replaced both quickly and effectively, and it needs to be done in this Congress--not kicked down the road to the future, as #Congress so often does.

Too often, Congress takes a defeatist attitude before we even begin a job. At this moment, it's critical that we take on a much more aggressive, ‘get to work’ mindset when it comes to keeping our promises--particularly in the area of healthcare reform and repealing Obamacare. That's our job. That's what we were sent here to do.

I spoke with Peter Alexander on "Meet the Press Daily" about this issue.

Posted by Mark Meadows

#Obamacare is the first big test of this new Congress, and we have an obligation to act now, to act thoroughly, and to act swiftly. Republicans have promised to repeal Obamacare over the last 3 elections. It’s time to deliver on serious, patient-centered healthcare reform that will provide Americans with real options at affordable costs.

Great to join my friend Shannon Bream with Fox News yesterday to talk about repealing and replacing Obamacare.

Today is Law Enforcement Appreciation Day (L.E.A.D. Day)! Thank you to the men and women in blue who lay their lives on the line every day to protect us--especially the officers of #NC11, the best in the country.

We often forget how much we rely on these men and women until we're in need. On a day like today, if you see a police officer, be sure to thank them!

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Image may contain: 8 people, people smiling, people standing and suit

Happy birthday to one of the truly finest places in the country, the City of Hendersonville, NC -- turning 170 this week!

Hendersonville, NC City Government

City council celebrated Hendersonville’s 170th birthday during their monthly meeting Thursday night.|By Andrew Mundhenk, Times-News Staff Writer

The most effective way to grow our economy: simplify the tax code, reduce #taxes, and unlock the potential of American workers and business.

Watch the video below to see my interview on Fox Business, discussing our new Congress' goal of reforming our tax system and lifting the crushing burden of government off of working families.

Thanks to Senator Rand Paul for meeting with the House Freedom Caucus today -- discussing solutions to healthcare reform and our budget deficit. Great to work with a man who has consistently demonstrated such a strong commitment to upholding conservative principles and values.

(Photo credit to the gentleman from Michigan, Rep. Justin Amash).

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Americans have been told lie after lie about #Obamacare. Here are just a few:

- Obamacare was supposed to reduce health insurance premiums of Americans $2500 per family per year (premiums rising by an average of over 22% across the country.)

- "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."


- "If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it."

- Obamacare supposedly would not "add one dime to the deficit" (it is consistently projected to add over 6 trillion to the long term deficit.)

Obamacare represents 6 years of misguided policy, broken promises, and failed results. Americans deserve better. This law should be fully repealed.

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Humbled and privileged to begin serving #NC11 this week in the 115th Congress. We have a long road ahead and there is much work to be done, but I'm optimistic and truly believe that the best days of America are ahead.

To the great people of Western NC--thank you for giving me this opportunity. My voting card will always belong to you.

I am a businessman, husband and father proudly representing North Carolina's 11th Congressional District.