American Public Transportation Association
American Public Transportation Association
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 APTA Webcasts, Webinars & Online Training

APTA offers an array of online education opportunities.

Webcasts & Webinars

Webinars are offered throughout the year on topics relevant and vital to the public transportation industry, focusing specifically on today's transit needs.

Webinars offer transit agencies and business members alike the opportunity to take advantage of an invaluable educational resource from anywhere with an internet connection and telephone. Webinars are a terrific opportunity to offer cutting edge interactive training opportunities to one or 100 of your staff. We encourage all members to make APTA webinars part of your professional development program.

Board Support Staff Leadership Development Webinars

In today’s economy, the emphasis is on creating more value as a team member and as an organization. APTA is pleased to introduce a leadership development program for its members who serve in rolls that support boards of directors and commissions, to help develop public transportation agency board support teams into strong leaders for today and into the future. This “Learn and Grow” webinar series is sponsored by APTA’s Transit Board Members Board Support Subcommittee.

Business Member Webinars

  • APTA Advocacy Throughout the Year

    This January 2013 webinar showed APTA business members how to develop an advocacy campaign plan for the year,  including specific steps to take in order to make a difference on policy issues at the state and federal level.  Also covered was coalition building and advocate training.
  • APTA: Election Update and Connecting with the New Congress

    This webinar recapped the November 2012 election day results and provided insight into what it means for transportation issues, as the 113th Congress begins.  Designed specifically for APTA Members, we take a look at how you can better interact with federal legislators and their staffs (and have an impact) in 2013.
  • Maximizing Your Investment in APTA: Lessons Learned by Small Business Members of APTA (members only)

    For APTA DBE and Small Business Members 

    This webinar was created to provide business members going to their first APTA conference with ideas on how to create a business strategy for the conference, tips about what to expect when they get there. It also provides information on the opportunities and resources that APTA provides to its members. The webinar is a project of the Business Member Small Business Committee.

Labor Management Relations Webinars

APTA’s Labor Relations Subcommittee will feature three webinar sessions during the course of the 2012 calendar year. These 60-minute sessions will address a broad range of transit labor management relations issues, challenges, and solutions. See below for details of a recent webinar session. 

Economic Sustainability Webinars

This free monthly series of webinars – November 2011 through June 2012 – is for board members and executives of APTA-member public transportation systems on the theme of an APTA strategic goal, economic sustainability.  

Supervisory Skills Training for New Transit Operations and Maintenance Supervisors

This unique webinar series is designed to help new transit operations and maintenance supervisors learn about some fundamental core competencies and related skills important for their success. (members-only)

Online Training

In collaboration with APTA members and representatives from organized labor, APTA has developed specialized online training programs for the Rail Industry. These courses will be available in upcoming months:

  • Introduction to DC Track Circuits for Signal Maintainers
  • Introduction to AC Track Circuits for Signal Maintainers

Transit Board Members 2012-2013 Webinar Series

This series for of four webinars for board members and commissioners of public transportation systems covers four aspects of sustainability:  education, workforce, financial, and environmental.

Bus Maintenance Webinars

APTA’s Bus Technical Maintenance Committee and Clean Propulsion Committee will present quarterly webinars discussing the latest hot issues and topics related to Bus maintenance. 

Featured Webinars

Please note that several of our webinar series are only available to APTA members. Please log in to see links to those webinars.

More Information

For more information, please contact Joseph Niegoski of APTA's Program Management & Educational Services department at (202) 496-4870 or

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