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Monday Morning Memo

Click on any underlined Monday Morning Memo to listen to a weekly podcast from Congressman Kevin Brady. Click on the links to view reports and news articles he refers to.

2/18/13 -- In this week’s Monday Morning Memo, Congressman Kevin Brady says the President is wrong to think he can add dozens of new government programs without adding to our nation’s dangerously high deficits and getting people off minimum wage, not raising the amount should be the goal. The Congressman says deficits matter to every family and that’s what most Americans want spending cuts. As he prepares to lead a new working group on energy tax reform, Congressman Brady cites the example of Apple and Exxon Mobil to explain just how complex and problematic our bloated tax code is .

Finally, he says getting our nation’s financial house in order should be the top issue for young workers who are finding it increasingly more difficult to find a fulltime job.

2/11/12 - In this week’s Monday Morning Memo, Congressman Kevin Brady breaks down new Congressional Budget Office numbers that show 7 million Americans will lost their current health care plans as ObamaCare is implemented. The Ways & Means Committee has launched an ObamaCare Burden Tracker to track the cost of red tape and joined the Energy & Commerce to outline their process for a politics-free replacement for the broken way doctors who treat seniors get paid.

As Capitol Hill prepares for the State of the Union address on Tuesday, the Congressman says a partisan speech is expected, because this White House has not gotten serious about their ‘balanced’ solution or deficit reduction promises -- even as the CBO predicts unemployment to stay around 8% this year. Finally, he says the contrast between Washington and Texas speaks for itself. While the President’s Washington first policies – like an explosion of red tape -- aren’t working, Texas has four of the top ten fastest growing American cities, including Number 1, Number 2 and Number 3 and falling unemployment rates.

2/4/12 - In this week’s Monday Morning Memo, Joint Economic Committee Chairman-designate Kevin Brady looks at the disappointing ‘new normal’ January Jobs report, the shrinking economy and the axing of the President’s Jobs Council. Brady, who is also the chairman of the Ways & Means Health Subcommittee, suggests employees look at their W-2 forms to learn the true cost of their health care plans, be aware of a new ObamaCare loophole being sought by unions and a new study that shows paychecks go further in right-to-work states like Texas due to cost of living.

Finally, he says taxpayers should be upset that the Labor Department shelled out $230 million in tax dollar grants with no way of determining if the grants had achieved their goals. That news broke just as the Congressman was wrapping up a series of town hall meetings from Conroe to Crockett, Hilltop Lakes, Madisonville, Montgomery, Navasota and The Woodlands.

1/28/12 -- In this week’s Monday Morning Memo, Congressman Kevin Brady discusses “No Budget, No Pay” and why he will fight the President’s very liberal second term agenda – including restricting American’s 2nd Amendment rights. The Congressman also calls out the Obama Administration for bad Medicare data and for continuing to delay approval of the Keystone XL pipeline. Finally, as both an adoptive parent and a lawmaker, he weighs on the 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade.

1/21/12 -- In this week’s Monday Morning Memo, Congressman Kevin Brady tells the Senate “No Budget, No Paycheck” as the House prepares to fire the first volley in the debt ceiling battle. Congressman Brady also makes it clear he will fight the President’s gun proposals because they won’t keep our children safe at school or protect our 2nd Amendment rights and Texans don’t want to be on a ‘registry’ that might help criminals at the expense of law-abiding citizens.

The Congressman, who said no to the Sandy Scam, says it’s time to get a handle onskyrocketing welfare spending , as well as ObamaCare and what it is doing to small business hiring.

1/14/12 -- In this week’s Monday Morning Memo, Congressman Kevin Brady tackles fundamental tax reform which was last done when Top Gun was the top draw at the box office and how Obama Administration officials are confirming higher health care costs and spending as ObamaCare ramps up. As businesses cut back employee hours, a favorite economist of the President’s is making some strange predictions about government job growth in 2013.

While Americans are more fiscally conservative, Washington’s big spenders are floating  "bone-headed ideas" for dealing with our nation’s debt. Congressman Brady says they are in for afight if the President tries to use the 14th Amendment to arbitrarily raise the debt ceiling or simply mint trillion dollar coins. The new chairman of the Joint Economic Committee says these ideas are “severely lacking” in commonsense as the White House is poised to miss a fourth budget deadline in five years. Brady also vows to "fight breaches to 2nd Amendment rights at every step of the way" as anti-gun advocates misrepresent the facts on rifles and violence. He says just look at the differences between illegal gun use in Washington DC despite the city’s strict bans and intended use in the Houston area.

1/7/12 -- In this Monday Morning Memo, Congressman Kevin Brady addresses the latest report in a long string of weak jobs numbers, how the Bush income tax cuts are now permanent for 99% of Americans, and Speaker John Boehner’s decision to end one-to-one negotiations with the White House.                                                                                                                                         

He also discusses Secretary Clinton’s latest decision to testify on the situation that led to the deaths of our US Ambassador and three other Americans in Libya, applauds a Marine who called out Sen. Feinstein of California for her anti-second Amendment efforts and calls out the President for his signing statement hypocrisy. Finally, did you know an Oscar nominated French actor may become a citizen of Russia? Hint, it all has to do with France’s proposed 75% tax rate.