Eisenhower Army Medical Center
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Clinical Business Operations Branch

Location: 2nd Floor
Phone: (706) 787-8937
Fax: (706) 787-2098

Our number one focus is on patient care. Our function is to enhance the availability, timeliness and quality of information provided to decision-makers to enhance the quality of and accessibility to health care for our beneficiaries.

Our Mission Is To

  • Provide expert analysis and consultation to executive, management, clinical and support teams.
  • Provide the organization and organizational leadership with decision support activities.
  • Actively and effectively address our customer needs.
  • Build intra- and extra-organizational partnerships.
  • Provide a product that is relevant to current and future health care issues and to the growth and development of the organization.
  • Improve accessibility to relevant and timely data, integrated information and comprehensive analysis to decision-makers.
  • Encourage the application of data systems to the decision making process for the benefit of the organization and our beneficiary population.
  • Identify new ventures and initiatives.