Eisenhower Army Medical Center
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Center Judge Advocate

Location: 11th Floor; Reception Area: 11B-48
Hours: 0800-1200 & 1330 - 1500 Monday - Friday
Legal Services(wills, notaries, etc.): 0830 - 1145 & 1300 - 1500
Phone: (706) 787-4097/6197
After Hours: (706) 787 - 6019
Ft. Gordon Duty Officer: (706) 791-4517

MISSION: To support the Commanding General's vision for Eisenhower Army Medical Center as the hub of the Southeast Military Health System ready to support America's war fighting capability at home and abroad, by providing legal advice and counsel on the full range of legal issues faced by the command. We will work with every element of the command, the MEDCOM Staff Judge Advocate office, and the Fort Gordon Staff Judge Advocate office to ensure that we professionally address every client's legal issue. We will treat every client with dignity and respect.

The Center Judge Advocate oversees all legal work done by the office and addresses issues concerning Ethics, Military Justice, Medical Law, and Administrative Law.

LOCATION: We are located on the 11th floor of Eisenhower Medical Center. Our reception area is in Room 11B-48.

OFFICE HOURS: Our office hours are 0800 - 1200 & 1330 - 1500, Monday - Friday. For legal services (i.e., wills, POAs, notaries, etc.), our office hours are 0830-1145 and 1300-1500.

PHONE NUMBERS: Our phone numbers are 706-787-4097/6197. Our DSN prefix is 773. If you wish to leave a message on our voice mail, please enter the last 5 commercial digits of the number you are calling when prompted to do so.

LEGAL EMERGENCIES: For after hours emergencies, contact the Eisenhower duty officer at 706-787-6019, or the Fort Gordon duty officer at 706-791-4517.

We pride ourselves on being problem solvers. We can provide you a fresh set of eyes in addressing your issue. Come see us!






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