
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate.


Add Photos & Videos

  • Upload Photos

  • Add a Photo Album

  • Add a Video

  • Photos and videos are colorful and exciting types of media that you can upload to ExchangesConnect to share your life and culture with others.

    To upload photos or videos, go to your profile page and click the "Photos" or "Videos" link in the left column of the page, under your profile photo.

    **Remember, the Terms of Service requires that you upload only your own photos and videos. Do not upload any offensive images, and provide an English translation for any content that is not in English.**

    Upload Photos

    There are three ways you can upload photos:

  • Add Photos from Your Computer
  • Add Photos from Flickr
  • Add Photos by Phone or E-mail. You'll see that there is a unique e-mail address to which you can send your photos.

**Note that each photo may be up to 10MB in size, but smaller photos will upload faster. The site supports photos in the .jpg, .gif and .png file formats.**

Add a Photo Album

Once you have uploaded photos, here’s how you add them to an album:

  • Click on "Photos" at the top of the page.

  • Click on "My Albums" at the top of the page.

  • Click on words "+Add Albums."

  • Drag the photos you want to add to the album area on the right.

  • Arrange them in the order you prefer.

  • Select one to be the album “cover.”

  • Give your album a title and add a short description.

  • Click “Save” under the album area.

Upload Videos

There are three ways you can upload videos:

  • Add Videos from Your Computer
  • Add Videos by Phone or E-mail. You'll notice that there is a unique e-mail address to which you can send your photos.
  • Add Videos from YouTube, Hulu, or Vimeo

**Note that files must be 100MB or smaller. The site supports .mov, .mp4, .mpg, .avi, .3gp and .wmv file formats.**

If you are using a FlipCam to record video, please read these basic tips for filming.

To maintain the best video quality for uploading on ExchangesConnect, we recommend using "iPod video" format. This is h.264 mp4 with AAC audio, with a size of 426 x 324 (to convert videos easily into iPod video format, you can use free software like iSquint for Macs and Videora iPod Converter for Windows PCs).

Most importantly, don't forget to tag your photos and videos with descriptive words (like the location and the country) to help people search for them!

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