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Lindsay Thomas - Education Specialist for the North Inlet-Winyah Bay NERR, South Carolina     

Lindsay Thomas
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Meet an Expert
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Lindsay Thomas

Title: Education Specialist
Reserve: North Inlet-Winyah Bay NERR, SC
With the NERRS since: 2008
Education: B.S. Biology


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About the Reserve
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North Inlet-Winyah Bay Reserve, South Carolina

Location: The reserve is located in Georgetown County, S.C., 30 miles south of Myrtle Beach and 50 miles north of Charleston.

Total Acreage: 12,327
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Name: Lindsay Thomas

What is your expertise or focus area? 
I am an education specialist with the North Inlet-Winyah Bay NERR. I participate in and lead tours of our local saltmarsh habitats with local school groups, judge local science fairs, participate in county library programs, lead kayaking and biking trips, and assist with the Reserve's Coastal Training Program events.

What education, training, and experiences led you to your current job with the NERRS? 
I spent the five years before I was employed with the NERRS working in public aquariums in Georgia and South Carolina. My focus was on fishes husbandry work, and I got the opportunity to begin in the education sector while leading behind the scenes tours of my galleries. I enjoyed the interaction with the public and showing them new, different things. So when I decided to move away from the public aquarium job, marine education was my next choice.

What are some interesting aspects of your job? 
With my position, I get the ability to help in many different areas of the NERRS sector. I primarily focus on k-12 and public programs, but I do get the opportunity to assist with research projects, attend and assist with the Reserve's Coastal Training Programs, and help with Stewardship programs. I enjoy this because not everyday is the same.

What is the most unusual or most unexpected thing that has happened to you while working with or in estuaries? 
Haven’t really experience anything too unusual yet, but give it time, I haven’t even been here a whole year.

What is your proudest achievement in your job? 
The thing that I enjoy and am most proud of is the way that a child's face changes and lights up once you introduce them to an animal that they have never seen before. This happens most often with fiddler crabs, and how at first the kids are terrified, but after you explain to them what they are and give them some background information, they are willing to pick them up and hold them.
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Last Updated on: 01-16-2009


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