About the Panama City Lab

Our Purpose

The Panama City Laboratory, located in Panama City, Florida, is operated by the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Southeast Fisheries Science Center. The National Marine Fisheries Service's mission is stewardship of the nation's living marine resources for the benefit of the nation. The Laboratory performs research relevant to the formulation of rational plans to manage the marine fishery resources of the U.S. South Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico. Our current research program encompasses a spectrum of projects including basic fishery biology, ecology, routine monitoring and data collection, and habitat mapping. Fisheries of primary interest are reef fishes, mackerels, and sharks and rays. Habitat research addresses coral and rocky reefs, seagrasses, and shallow continental shelf waters.

Our Mission

Conduct innovative research for sustainable fisheries, and collect and analyze data for the management of fishes and their habitats.

Opening Hours

The Laboratory is open Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm (except Federal holidays). Visitors must check in at the Main Building and may arrange group tours by calling ahead of time.

Current Research

Biology of Reef Fishes and Mackerels

  • Age and growth
  • Reproduction
  • Recruitment and diversity studies
  • Stock delineation
  • Fishery landings data collection
  • Information for samplers and port agents

Marine Protected Areas

  • NE Gulf of Mexico - Madison-Swanson and Steamboat Lumps MPAs
  • South Atlantic Bight MPAs
  • Florida Atlantic Oculina Banks
  • Geographic information systems
  • Multibeam acoustic mapping
  • Fish spawning aggregations

Shark Population Assessment

  • Fishery-independent juvenile shark survey
  • Age and growth
  • Bioenergetics
  • Diet and foraging ecology
  • Distribution and movement patterns
  • Reproduction
  • Stock assessment
  • Fishery observer programs

Protected Species

  • Sawfish conservation
  • Gulf sturgeon movements and habitats
  • Marine mammal and sea turtle strandings
  • Johnson's seagrass conservation

Habitat Conservation Division

The laboratory hosts a team from the National Marine Fisheries Service, Southeast Regional Office, Habitat Conservation Division, based in St. Petersburg, FL. Division staff review permit applications from other agencies and comment with regard to potential impacts of coastal construction on fishery habitat.

Cooperative Programs

The Panama City Laboratory conducts cooperative research with scientists from other agencies and universities. We participate in cooperative programs with the University of Florida, Florida State University, University of West Florida, Louisiana State University, and Gulf Coast Community College in Panama City, as well as the Environmental Protection Agency's Gulf of Mexico Program, Department of Interior's U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Navy, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, and Mote Marine Laboratory. We have a Bay County Partnership agreement with Surfside Middle School. We participate in the Bay Environmental Study Team, a local multi-agency consortium. We assist marine mammal and sea turtle stranding and salvage networks. We participate in numerous outreach activities throughout the year, including the Bay County and Three Rivers Science Fairs, Middle School career day fairs, lab tours, and other programs. We maintain the data files and webpage for the local Bay Watch water quality monitoring program of the St. Andrew Bay Resource Management Association.



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