NMFS Panama City

Staff Publications

2012 2011 2010 
2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 
1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 
1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 
1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973

Staff of the Panama City Laboratory are identified in bold print.


Baremore, I.E., D.M. Bethea, and K.I. Andrews. Gillnet selectivity of juvenile blacktip sharks Carcharhinus limbatus. Fish Bull. 110:230-241.

Courtney, D. L., and R. Foy. Pacific sleeper shark Somniosus pacificus trophic ecology in the eastern North Pacific Ocean inferred from nitrogen and carbon stable isotope ratios and diet. Journal of Fish Biology.

Fitzhugh, G.R., K.W. Shertzer, G.T. Kellison and D.M. Wyanski. Review of size and age dependence in batch spawning: Implications for stock assessment of species exhibiting indeterminate fecundity. Fishery Bulletin 110: 413-425

Godin, A.C., J.K. Carlson, V. Burgener, 2012. The Effect of Circle Hooks on Shark Catchability and At-Vessel Mortality Rates in Longlines Fisheries. Bulletin of Marine Science 88: 469-483.

Kyne, P.M., Carlson, J.K., Ebert, D.A., Kulka, D.W., Fordham, S.V., Bizzarro, J.J., Graham, R.T., Tewes, E., Harrison, L. and Dulvy, N.K. (eds). 2012. The Conservation Status of North and Central American and Caribbean Chondrichthyans. IUCN Species Survival Commission Shark Specialist Group, Vancouver, Canada.

Lombardi-Carlson, L., M. Cook, H. Lyon, B. Barnett, and L. Bullock.  A description of age, growth, and reproductive life history traits of scamp (Mycteroperca phenax) from the northern Gulf of Mexico. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science, 4:1, 129-144. doi:10.1080/19425120.2012.675965.

Norton, S.L. T.R. Wiley, J.K. Carlson and A. Frick. 2012. Designating critical habitat for the endangered smalltooth sawfish Pristis pectinata in the United States    challenges and results.  Marine and Coastal Fisheries

Roman, M.R., J.J. Pierson, D.G. Kimmel, W.C. Boicourt, X. Zhang (2012) Impacts of hypoxia on zooplankton spatial distributions in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Estuaries and Coasts 35:1261–1269

Wuenschel, W., R.S. McBride, G.R. Fitzhugh. 2012. Relations between total gonad energy and physiological measures of condition in the period leading up to spawning: Results of a laboratory experiment on black sea bass (Centropristas striata). Fisheries Research. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2012.05.012

Zapp, M.S., B.K. Barnett, W.F. Patterson, III, J.H. Cowan, Jr., and A.M. Shiller. Discrimination of juvenile red snapper otolith chemical signatures from Gulf of Mexico nursery regions.  Marine and Coastal Fisheries Dynamics, Management and Ecosystem Science.



Allee, R.J., A.W. David, and D.F. Naar.  2011.  Two shelf edge Marine Protected Areas in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico.  In P. Harris and E. Baker, (Eds.), Seafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat: GeoHab Atlas of Geomorphic Features as Benthic Habitat (pp.435-448). Waltham, MA: Elsevier.

Baremore, I.E. and Bethea, D.M. (2010)  A Guide to otoliths from fishes of the Gulf of Mexico. NOAA Technical Memorandum   NMFS-SEFSC-599, 102p. PDF

Baremore, I.E. and J.D. Rosati. (2010) Gulf sturgeon standardized abundance and mortality study: year one report.  NMFS-SEFSC-619, 38 p. PDF

Barnett, B. K. and W. F. Patterson, III.  2010.  The effect of coring and pulverizing juvenile red snapper, /Lutjanus campechanus/, otoliths on their chemical signatures.  Environmental Biology of Fishes 89:463-471. DOI 10.1007/s10641-010-9697-7.

Bernal, D. J.K. Carlson, K.J. Goldman and C.G. Lowe. In press.  Energetics,Metabolism, and Endothermy in Sharks and Rays. In: The Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives. J. Carrier, J. Musick, M. Heithaus (eds.) CRC Press, LLC.

Bethea D.M., J.K. Carlson, L.D. Hollensead, Y.P. Papastamatiou, and B.S. Graham (In Review) A comparison of the foraging ecology and bioenergetics of two sympatric juvenile hammerhead sharks. Bull. Mar. Sci. 87 (4); 873-889.

Black, B.A., R.J. Allman, I.D. Schroeder, and M.J. Schirripa. Multidecadal otolith growth histories for red and gray snapper in the northern Gulf of Mexico, USA. Fisheries Oceanography 20 (5); 347-356. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2419.2011.00588.x.

Carlson, J.K., L.F. Hale, A. Morgan and G. Burgess.  Relative abundance and size of coastal sharks from the Northwest Atlantic Ocean derived from commercial shark longline catch and effort data.  Journal Fish Biology.  Special Issue: Shark Conservation and Management.       

Cortés, E.,  E.N. Brooks, and T.D. Gedamke.  Population dynamics, demography, and stock assessment.  Chapter 15 In: (J.C. Carrier, J.A. Musick, and M.R. Heithaus, eds.) Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives (CRC Press) 2nd edition.

Duncan, M.S., B.M. Wrege, F.M. Parauka, and J.J. Isely.  2011.  Seasonal distribution of Gulf of Mexico sturgeon in the Pensacola bay system.  Journal of Applied   Ichthyology 27: 316 - 321.

Jiao Y., E. Cortés, K. Andrews, and F. Guo. 2011.  Poor-data and data-poor species stock assessment using a Bayesian  hierarchical approach.  Ecological Applications 21: 2691-2708.

Mejia-Falla P.A., A.F. Navia, E. Cortés, and F. Zapata. In press. Reproductive parameters of Urotrygon rogersi (Batoidea: Urotrygonidae): a partially seasonal species of the Tropical Eastern Pacific.  Environmental Biology of Fishes.

Navia, A. F., E. Cortés, F. Jordán, V.H. Cruz-Escalona, and P.A. Mejia-Falla.  In press. Changes to marine trophic networks caused by fishing.  In Ecosystems (Intech Open Acces)

Nelson, J., R. Wilson, F,Coleman, C. Koenig, D. DeVries, C. Gardner and J. Chanton.  Flux by fin: fish-mediated carbon and nutrient flux in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Marine Biology. DOI: 10.1007/s00227-011-1814-4.

Parauka, F.P., M.S. Duncan, and P.A. Lang.  2011.  Winter coastal movement of Gulf of Mexico sturgeon throughout northwest Florida and southeast Alabama.  Journal of Applied Ichthyology 27: 343 - 350.

Wetherbee, B.M., E. Cortés, and J.J. Bizzarro.  Food consumption and feeding habits.  Chapter 8 (pp.239-264) In: (J.C. Carrier, J.A. Musick, and M.R. Heithaus, eds.) Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives (CRC Press) 2nd edition.

Wrege, B.M., M.S. Duncan, and J.J. Isely.  2011.  Diel activity of Gulf of Mexico sturgeon in a northwest Florida bay.  Journal of Applied Ichthyology 27: 322 - 326


Baremore, I.E. 2010. Reproductive aspects of the Atlantic angel shark /Squatina dumeril/ in the northern Gulf of Mexico. J. Fish Biol.; doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2010.02608.x (early view).

Baremore, I.E. and D.M. Bethea. 2010. A guide to otoliths from fishes of the Gulf of Mexico. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-599, 102 p. PDF

Baremore, I.E., D.M. Murie, J.K. Carlson. 2010. Seasonal and size-related differences in diet of the Atlantic angel shark /Squatina dumeril/ in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Aquat. Biol. 8:125-136; doi: 10.3354/ab00214

Brooks, E.N., J.E. Powers, and E. Cortés. 2010. Analytic reference points for age-structured models: application to data-poor fisheries. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 67:165 - 175; doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsp225

Carlson, J.K.M.M. Ribera, C.L. Conrath, M.R. Heupel, G.H. Burgess. 2010. Habitat use and movement patterns of bull sharks Carcharhinus leucas determined using pop-up satellite archival tags. J. Fish. Biol. EARLY VIEW doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8649.2010.02707.x

Cortés, E., F. Arocha, L. Beerkircher, F. Carvalho, A. Domingo, M. Heupel, H. Holtzhausen, M. Neves, M. Ribera and C. Simpfendorfer. 2010. Ecological risk Assessment of pelagic sharks caught in Atlantic pelagic longline fisheries. Aquat. Living Resour. 23:25-34; doi:10.1051/alr/2009044

Fitzhugh, G., M. Wuenschel, and R. McBride. 2010. Evaluation of bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) to measure condition and energy allocated to reproduction in marine fishes. Journal of Physics Conference Series 224:1-4.

Hale, L.F.S.J.B. Gulak, and J.K. Carlson. 2010. Characterization of the shark bottom longline fishery, 2009. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-596, 25 p. PDF

Morgan, A. and J.K. Carlson. 2010. Capture time, size and hooking mortality of bottom longline-caught sharks. Fish. Res. 101(1-2):32-37; doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2009.09.004

Navia, A. F., E. Cortés, and P.A. Mejia-Falla. 2010. Topological analysis of the ecological importance of elasmobranch fishes: the Gulf of Tortugas food web, Colombian Pacific Ocean, as a case study. Ecological Modelling 221:2918-2926.

Passerotti, M.J.K. Carlson, and S.J.B. Gulak. 2010. Catch and Bycatch in U.S. Southeast Gillnet Fisheries, 2009. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-600, 20p. PDF

Passerotti, M.S.J.K. Carlson, A.N. Piercy, S.E. Campana. 2010. Age validation in great hammerhead shark, Sphyrna mokarran, using bomb radiocarbon analysis. Fish. Bull. 108: 346-351.

Patrick, W.S., P. Spencer, O. Ormseth, J. Cope, J. Field, D. Kobayashi, T. Gedamke, E. Cortés, K. Bigelow, W. Overholtz, J. Link, and P. Lawson. 2010. Using productivity and susceptibility indices to assess the vulnerability of United States fish stocks to overfishing. Fish. Bull. 108: 305-322.

Piercy, A.N., J.K. Carlson and M.S. Passerotti. 2010. Age and growth of the great hammerhead shark, Sphyrna mokarran, in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico. Mar. Freshwater Res. 61:1-7.

Shepard, K.S., W.F. Patterson III, and D.A. DeVries. 2010. Trends in Atlantic Contribution to Mixed-Stock King Mackerel Landings in South Florida Inferred from Otolith Shape Analysis. Mar. Coast. Fish. 2:195-204; doi:10.1577/C09-014.1

Shepard, K.S., W.F. Patterson III, D.A. DeVries, and M. Ortiz. 2010. Contemporary Versus Historical Estimates of King Mackerel Scomberomorus Cavalla Age and Growth in the U.S. Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico. Bull. Mar. Sci. 10:515-532.

Sheridan, P. and G. Davenport. 2010. A brief history of time at the National Marine Fisheries Service Panama City Laboratory. (Apologies to Stephen Hawking). Gulf of Mexico Science. 28 (1-2): 141-148.


Allman, R.J. and L.A. Goetz. 2009. Regional variation in the population structure of gray snapper, Lutjanus griseus, along the west Florida shelf. Bull. Mar. Sci. 84(3):315-330.

Baremore, I.E.K.I. Andrews, and L.F. Hale. 2009. Difficulties associated with modeling growth in the Atlantic angel shark (Squatina dumeril). Fish. Res. 99(3):203-209.

Brusher, J.B., and J. Schull. 2009. Non-lethal age determination for juvenile goliath grouper Epinephelus itajara from southwest Florida. Endang. Species Res. 7:205-212.

Carlson, J.K., C.T. McCandless, E. Cortés, R.D. Grubbs, K.I. AndrewsM. A. MacNeil, and J.A. Musick. 2009. An Update on the Status of the Sand Tiger Shark, Carcharias taurus, in the northwest Atlantic Ocean. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-585, 26 p. PDF

Cook, M.C.G.R. Fitzhugh, and J.S. Franks. 2009. Validation of yellowedge grouper, Epinephelus flavolimbatus, age using nuclear bomb-produced radiocarbon. Environ. Biol. Fishes. 86(4):461-472; doi:10.1007/s10641-009-9536-x

Hale, L.F.S.J.B. Gulak, and J.K. Carlson. 2009. Characterization of the shark bottom longline fishery, 2008. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-586. 23 p. PDF

Harter, S.L.M.M. Ribera, A.N. Shepard, and J.K. Reed. 2009. Assessment of fish populations and habitat on Oculina Bank, a deep-sea coral marine protected area off eastern Florida. Fish. Bull. 107(2):195-206. PDF

Lara, M.R., J. Schull, D.L. Jones, and R. Allman. 2009. Early life history stages of goliath grouper Epinephelus itajara (Pisces: Serranidae) from Ten Thousand Islands, Florida. Endang. Species Res. 7:221-228.

Levin, P.S., I. Kaplan, R. Grober-Dunsmore, P.M. Chittaro, S. Oyamada, K.I. Andrews, and M. Mangel. 2009. A framework for assessing the biodiversity and fishery aspects of marine reserves. J. of Appl. Ecol. 46:735-742.

MacNeil, M.A.J.K. Carlson,and L.R. Beerkircher. 2009. Shark depradation rates in pelagic longline fisheries: a case study from the Northwest Atlantic. ICES J. Mar. Sci.66:708?719.

Murphy, P. L., A. Waterhouse, T. Hesser, A. Penko, and A. Valle Levinson. 2009. Tidal and sub tidal circulation in a narrow subtropical lagoon inlet. Cont. Shelf Res. 29:2318-2332.

Passerotti, M.S., and J.K. Carlson. 2009. Catch and bycatch in U.S. southeast gillnet fisheries: 2008. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-583. 19p. PDF


Allman, R. J. and G.R. Fitzhugh. 2008. Temporal age progressions and relative year-class strength of Gulf of Mexico red snapper. In: Red Snapper Life History, Ecology, and Fisheries in the United States' Gulf of Mexico (G. R. Fitzhugh and W. Patterson, eds.), p. 311-328. American Fisheries Society Symposium 60.

Baremore, I.E., D.M. Murie, and J.K. Carlson. 2008. Prey selection by the Atlantic angel shark (Squatina dumeril) in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Bull. Mar. Sci. 82:297-314.

Barnes, C., D.M. Bethea, R.D. Brodeur, J. Spitz, V. Ridoux, C. Pusineri, B. C. Chase, M.E. Hunsicker, F. Juanes, A. Kellermann, J. Lancaster, F. M?nard, F.-X. Bard, P. Munk, J.K. Pinnegar, F.S. Scharf, R.A. Rountree, K.I. Stergiou, C. Sassa, A. Sabates, and S. Jennings. 2008. Data Paper: Predator and prey body sizes in marine food webs. Ecology 89:881.

Beerkircher, L.R., E. Cortés, and M. Shivji. 2008. Case study: Elasmobranch bycatch in the pelagic longline fishery off the southeastern United States, 1992-1997. Chapter 20 (pp. 242-246) In: (M. Camhi, E.K. Pikitch, and E.A. Babcock, eds.) Sharks of the Open Ocean (Blackwell Publishing). Fish and Aquatic Resources Series 13.

Carlson, J. K.E. CortésJ.A. Neer, C.T. McCandless, and L.R. Beerkircher. 2008. The status of the United States population of night shark (Carcharhinus signatus). Mar. Fish. Rev. 70(1):1-14. PDF

Carlson, J.K., M.R. Heupel, D.M. Bethea, and L.D. Hollensead. 2008. Coastal habitat use and residency of juvenile Atlantic sharpnose sharks (Rhizoprionodon terraenovae). Estuar. Coast. 31(5):931-940.

Clardy, T.R., W.F. Patterson, III, D.A. DeVries, and C.L. Palmer. 2008. Spatial and temporal variability in the relative contribution of king mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla) stocks to winter mixed fisheries off South Florida. Fish. Bull. 106:152-160. PDF

Cortés, E. 2008. Comparative life history and demography of pelagic sharks. Chapter 27 (pp. 309-322) In: (M. Camhi, E.K. Pikitch, and E.A. Babcock, eds.) Sharks of the Open Ocean (Blackwell Publishing). Fish and Aquatic Resources Series 13.

Cortés, E., Y. Papastamatiou, B.M. Wetherbee, J.K. Carlson, and L. Ferry-Graham. 2008. An overview of the feeding ecology and physiology of elasmobranch fishes. Chapter 9 (pp. 393-443) In: (J.E.P. Cyrino, D.P. Bureau ,and B.G. Kapoor, eds.) Feeding and Digestive Functions in Fishes (Science Publishers).

Dulvy, N.K and 14 others (including E. Cortés). 2008. You can swim, but you can?t hide: the global status and conservation of pelagic oceanic sharks and rays. Aquat. Conserv.: Mar. Freshwat. Ecosyst. 18:459-482.

Ellis, J., M. Clarke, E. Cortés, H. Heessen, P. Apostolaki, J.K. Carlson, and D. Kulka. 2008. Management of elasmobranch fisheries in the North Atlantic. In: Advances in Fisheries Science 50 years on from Beverton and Holt (A. Payne, J. Cotter and T. Potter, eds.), p. 184-228.

Fitzhugh, G.R., W.A. Fable, Jr., and W.L. Trent. 2008. Life History Paramaters of Gulf Flounder (Paralichthys albigutta)From Northwest Florida. Gulf of Mex. Sci. 26:100-117.

Graham N.A.J., T.R. McClanahan, M.A. MacNeil, S.K. Wilson, N.V.C. Polunin, et al. 2008. Climate Warming, Marine Protected Areas and the Ocean-Scale Integrity of Coral Reef Ecosystems. PLoS ONE 3(8): e3039. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0003039

Hale, L.F. and C. Lowe. 2008. Age and growth of the round stingray Urobatis halleri at seal beach California. J. Fish Biol. 73:510-523.

Jiao, Y., C. Hayes, and E. Cort?s. 2008. Population dynamics of the hammerhead shark complex (Sphyrna spp.): a hierarchical Bayesian approach. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 66:1-11.

Lombardi-Carlson, L.G. FitzhughC. PalmerC. GardnerR. Farsky, and M. Ortiz. 2008. Regional size, age, and growth differences in red grouper (Epinephelus morio) along the west coast of Florida. Fish. Res. 91:239-251.

Lombardi-Carlson, L., M.A. Grace, and D.E. De Anda Fuentes. 2008. Comparison of red grouper populations from Campeche Bank, Mexico and West Florida Shelf, United States. Southeast. Nat. 7(4):651-664.

MacNeil, M.A., C.J. Fonnesbeck, and T.R. McClanahan. 2008. Occupancy models for estimating the size of reef fish communities. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 7-11 July 2008. Session 18.

Mill, A.C., C.J. Sweeting, C. Barnes, S.H. Al-Habsi, and M.A. MacNeil. 2008. Mass-spectrometer bias in stable isotope ecology. Limnol. Oceanog. Methods 6:34-39.

Murphy, P.L. and A. Valle-Levinson. 2008. Tidal and residual circulation in the St. Andrew Bay system, Florida. Cont. Shelf Res. 28:2678-2688.

Natanson, L.J., S.P. Wintner, F. Johansson, A. Piercy, P. Campbell, A. De Maddalena, S.J.B. Gulak, B. Human, F. Cigala Fulgosi, D.A. Ebert, F. Hemida, F.H. Mollen, S. Vanni, G. H. Burgess, L. J. V. Compagno, A. Wedderburn-Maxwell. 2008. Ontogenetic vertebral growth patterns in the basking shark Cetorhinus maximus. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 361:267?278.

Shepard, K., W. Patterson, D. DeVries, and C. Palmer. 2008. Age and growth and stock mixing in Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic king mackerel (Scomberomorous cavalla). Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst. 60:391-397.

Smith, W., G.M. Cailliet, and E. Cortés. Demography of the stingray (Dasyatis sabina) in Central California. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 59:575-586.


Allman, R.J. 2007. Small-scale spatial variation in the population structure of vermilion snapper (Rhomboplites aurorubens) from the northern Gulf of Mexico. Fish. Res. 86:88-99.

Baremore, I.E.J.K. CarlsonL. Hollensead, and D.M. Bethea. 2007. Catch and bycatch in U.S. southeast gillnet fisheries, 2007. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-565. 23p. PDF

Beck, M.W., W.L. Kruczynski, and P.F. Sheridan. 2007. Conclusions. In: Seagrass status and trends in the northern Gulf of Mexico: 1940-2002 (L. Handley, D. Altsman, and R. DeMay, eds.), Pages 254-263. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5287 and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 855-R-04-003. 267 p.

Bethea, D.M.L. HaleJ.K. CarlsonE. Cortés, C. A. Manire, and J. Gelsleichter. 2007. Geographic and ontogenetic variation in the diet and daily ration of the bonnethead shark, Sphyrna tiburo, from the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Mar. Biol. 152:1009-1020.

Carlson, J.K. 2007. Modeling the role of sharks in the trophic dynamics of Apalachicola Bay, Florida. American Fisheries Society Symposium 50:281-300.

Carlson, J.K., and D.M. Bethea. 2007. Catch and bycatch in the shark gillnet fishery: 2005-2006. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-552. 26 p. PDF PDF - errata

Carlson, J.K.A.M. Middlemiss, and J.A. Neer. 2007. A revised age and growth model for blacknose shark,Carcharhinus acronotus, from the eastern Gulf of Mexico using x-radiography. Gulf Mex. Sci. 25(1):82-87.

Carlson, J.K., J. Osborne, and T.W. Schmidt. 2007. Monitoring the recovery of smalltooth sawfish, Pristis pectinata, using standardized relative indices of abundance. Biol. Conserv. 136:195-202.

Cortés, E. 2007. Chondrichthyan demographic modeling: an essay on its use, abuse and future. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 58:4-6.

Cortés, E. 2007. Catches of pelagic sharks from the western North Atlantic Ocean, including the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea. ICCAT /SCRS/2007/072.

Cortés, E. 2007. Standardized catch rates for blue shark and mako sharks from the US pelagic longline logbook and observer programs. ICCAT /SCRS/2007/073.

Cortés, E., C.A. Brown, and L.R. Beerkircher. 2007. Relative abundance of pelagic sharks in the western North Atlantic Ocean, including the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea. Gulf Caribb. Res. 19(2):37-52.

DeVries, D.A. 2007. No evidence of behavior-related size or sex selectivity in hook-and-line sampling of the protogynous red porgy (Pagrus pagrus, Sparidae). Fish. Bull. 105:582-587. PDF

Hale, L.F., and J.K. Carlson. 2007. Characterization of the shark bottom longline fishery: 2005-2006. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-554. 28 p. PDF

Hale, L.F.L. Hollensead, and J.K. Carlson. 2007. Characterization of the shark bottom longline fishery, 2007. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-564. 25p. PDF

Heupel, M.R., J.K. Carlson, and C.A. Simpfendorfer. 2007. Shark nursery areas: concepts, definition, characterization, and assumptions. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 337:287-297.

Murphy, P.L. 2007. Water and seawater, p. 38-49, and Dynamic coasts, p. 92-103, In: Hidden Depths: Atlas of the Oceans (A. E. Theberge, Jr. (ed.), HarperCollins Publishers, New York.

Neer, J.A., K.A. Rose, and E. Cortés. 2007. Simulating the effects of temperature on individual and population growth of Rhinoptera bonasus: a coupled bioenergetics and matrix modeling approach. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 329:211-223.

Piercy, A.N., J.K. Carlson, J.A. Sulikowski, and G.H. Burgess. 2007. Age and growth of the scalloped hammerhead shark, Sphyrna lewini, in the north-west Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 58:34-40.

Porch C. E., G.R. Fitzhugh, M.W. Jackson, M.S. Duncan, and L.A. Collins. 2007. Age- and size-based estimates of batch fecundity for red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) in U.S. Gulf of Mexico waters. In: Red Snapper Life History, Ecology, and Fisheries in the United States' Gulf of Mexico (G. R. Fitzhugh and W. Patterson, eds.), p. 229-244. American Fisheries Society Symposium 60.

Sheridan, P.F., J. W. Ferguson, and S. L. Downing (editors). 2007. Report of the National Marine Fisheries Service Workshop on Advancing Electronic Tag Technologies and Using Them in Stock Assessments. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-F/SPO-82, Seattle, Washington. 91 p. PDF

Sulikowski, J.A., W.B. Driggers, T.S. Ford, R. Boonstra, and J.K. Carlson. 2007. Reproductive cycle of the blacknose shark Carcharhinus acronotus in the Gulf of Mexico. J. Fish Biol. 70:428-440.

Sulikowski, J.A., S.B. Irvine, K.C. DeValerio, and J.K. Carlson. 2007. Age, growth and maturity of the roundel skate, Raja texana, from the Gulf of Mexico, USA. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 58:41-53.

Whitfield, P.E., J.A. Hare, A.W. DavidS.L. Harter, R.C. Muñoz, and C.M. Addison. 2007. Abundance estimates of the Indo-Pacific lionfish Pterois volitans/miles complex in the Western North Atlantic. Biol. Invasions. 9:53-64.


Bethea, D.M.J.K. Carlson, J. Buckel, and M. Satterwhite. 2006. Ontogenetic and site-related trends in the diet of the Atlantic sharpnose shark from the northeast Gulf of Mexico. Bull. Mar. Sci. 78:287-307.

Bullard, S.A., R.M. Overstreet, and J.K. Carlson. 2006. Selachohemecus benzi n. sp. (Digenea: Sanguinicolidae) from the blacktip shark Carcharhinus limbatus(Carcharhinidae) in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Syst. Parasitol. 63:143-154.

Carlson, J.K., J.R. Sulikowski, and I.E. Baremore. 2006. Do differences in life history exist for blacktip sharks,Carcharhinus limbatus, from the United States South Atlantic Bight and eastern Gulf of Mexico? Environ. Biol. Fishes 77:279-292.

Hale, L.F., J.V. Dudgeon, A.Z. Mason, and C.G. Lowe. 2006. Elemental signatures in the vertebral cartilage of the round stingray, Urobatis halleri, from Seal Beach, California. Environ. Biol. Fishes. 77: 317-325.

Harter, S.L., and K.L. Heck, Jr. 2006. Growth rates of juvenile pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides): effects of habitat and predation risk. Estuaries and Coasts 29:318-327.

King, S.P., and P.F. Sheridan. 2006. Nekton of new seagrass habitats colonizing a subsided salt marsh in Galveston Bay, Texas. Estuaries and Coasts 29:286-296.

Neer, J.A.J.K. Carlson, and B. A. Thompson. 2006. Standard oxygen consumption of seasonally acclimatized cownose rays, Rhinoptera bonasus (Mitchill 1815), in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Fish Physiol. Biochem. 32:67-71.

Sheridan, P.F., R. Hill, and B. Kojis. 2006. Trap fishing in the U. S. Virgin Islands: how and where effort is exerted. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst. 57:175-188.

Siegfried, K.I., and B. Sansó. 2006. Two Bayesian methods for estimating parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth equation. Environ. Biol. Fishes. 77:301-308.

Travis, S.E., and P.F. Sheridan. 2006. Genetic structure of natural and restored shoalgrass Halodule wrightii populations in the NW Gulf of Mexico. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 322:117-127.


Allman, R.J., L. R. Barbieri, and C. T. Bartels. 2005. Regional and fishery-specific patterns of age and growth of yellowtail snapper (Ocyurus chrysurus). Gulf Mex. Sci. 2005:211-223.

Allman, R.J.G.R. FitzhughK.J. Starzinger, and R.A. Farsky. 2005. Precision of age estimation in red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus). Fish. Res. 73(1-2):123-133.

Burgess, G.H., L.R. Beerkircher, G.M. Cailliet, J.K. CarlsonE. Cortés, K.J. Goldman, R.D. Grubbs, J.A. Musick, M.K. Musyl, and C.A. Simpfendorfer. 2005. Is the collapse of shark populations in the northwest Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico real? Fisheries 30(10):19-26.

Burgess, G.H., L.R. Beerkircher, G.M. Cailliet, J.K. CarlsonE. Cortés, K.J. Goldman, R.D. Grubbs, J.A. Musick, M.K. Musyl, and C.A. Simpfendorfer. 2005. Reply to "Robust estimates of decline for pelagic shark populations in the northwest Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico". Fisheries 30(10):30-31.

Caldwell, P., and P.F. Sheridan. 2005. Data sets relevant to identification of essential fish habitat (EFH) on the Gulf of Mexico continental shelf and for estimation of effects of shrimp trawling gear. American Fisheries Society Symposium 41:315.

Carlson, J.K., and I.E. Baremore. 2005. Growth dynamics of the spinner shark (Carcharhinus brevipinna) off the United States southeast and Gulf of Mexico coasts: a comparison of methods. Fish. Bull. 103(2):280-291.PDF

David, A.W. 2005. Susceptibility of reef fish to fishing in NE Gulf of Mexico marine protected areas. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst. 56:383-394.

Fitzhugh, G.R., C.C. Koenig, F.C. Coleman, C.B. Grimes, and W. Sturges. 2005. Spatial and temporal patterns in fertilization and settlement of young gag (Mycteroperca microlepis) along the west Florida shelf. Bull. Mar. Sci. 77:377-396.

Gelsleichter, J., C.A. Manire, N.J. Szabo, E. Cortés, J.K. Carlson, and L.A. Lombardi-Carlson. 2005. Organochlorine concentrations in bonnethead sharks (Sphyrna tiburo) from four Florida estuaries. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 48:474-483.

Hill, R., P.F. Sheridan, R. Appeldoorn, T. Matthews, and B. Kojis. 2005. Analyzing the effects of trap fishing in coral reef habitats: methods and preliminary results. American Fisheries Society Symposium 41:599.

Johnson, A.G., and C.C. Koenig. 2005. Age and size structure of the fishery and juvenile abundance of gag (Mycteroperca microlepis), from the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish Inst. 47:906-914. (conf. held 1994)

Koenig, C.C., A.N. Shepard, J.K. Reed, F.C. Coleman, S.D. Brooke, J. Brusher, and K.M. Scanlon. 2005. Habitat and fish population in the deep-sea Oculina coral ecosystem of the western Atlantic. Amer. Fish. Soc. Symp. 41:795-805.

Neer, J.A., and B.A. Thompson. 2005. Life history of the cownose ray, Rhinoptera bonasus, in the northern Gulf of Mexico, with comments on the geographic variability in the life history traits. Environ. Biol. Fishes 73:321-331.

Neer, J.A., B.A. Thompson, and J.K. Carlson. 2005. Age and growth of Carcharhinus leucas, in the northern Gulf of Mexico: incorporating variability in size at birth. J. Fish Biol. 67:370-383.

Rehage, J.S., B.K. Barnett, and A. Sih. 2005. Behavioral responses to a novel predator and competitor of invasive mosquitofish and their non-invasive relatives (Gambusia spp.). Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 57(3):256-266.

Sheridan, P.F., and J. Doerr. 2005. Short-term effects of the cessation of shrimp trawling on Texas benthic habitats. Amer. Fish. Soc. Symp. 41:571-578.

Sheridan, P.F., R. Hill, G. Matthews, R. Appeldoorn, B. Kojis, and T. Matthews. 2005. Does trap fishing impact coral reef ecosystems? An update. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst. 56:511-520.


Bethea, D.M., J.A. Buckel, and J.K. Carlson. 2004. Foraging ecology of the early life stages of four sympatric shark species. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 268:245-264.

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Cortés, E. 2004. Life history patterns, demography and population dynamics. pp. In: Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives (Carrier, J.C, J.A. Musick, and M.R. Heithaus, eds.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fla.

Driggers, W.D., III, J.K. Carlson, B. Cullum, J.M. Dean, and G. Ulrich. 2004. Age and growth of the blacknose shark, Carcharhinus acronotus in the western north Atlantic Ocean, with comments on regional variation in growth rates. Environ. Biol. Fishes 71:171-178.

Driggers, W.D., III, D.A. Oakley, G. Ulrich, J.K. Carlson, B.J. Cullum, and J.M. Dean. 2004. Reproductive biology of Carcharhinus acronotus in the coastal waters of South Carolina. J. Fish Biol. 64:1540-1551.

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Gledhill, C., and A.W. David. 2004. Survey of fish assemblages and habitat within two marine protected areas on the west Florida shelf. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst. 55:614-625.

Hill, R.L., P.F. Sheridan, R.S. Appeldoorn, T.R. Matthews, and B.J. Kojis. 2004. The effects of trap fishing in coral reef habitats: a preliminary analysis. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst. 55:1028-1029.

Mitchell, K.M., T. Henwood, G.R. Fitzhugh, and R.J. Allman. 2004. Distribution, abundance, and age structure of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) caught on research longlines in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. Gulf Mex. Sci. 22(2):164-172.

Neer, J.A., and B.A. Thompson. 2004. Aspects of the biology of the finetooth shark, Carcharhinus isodon, in Louisiana waters. Gulf Mex. Sci. 22(1):108-113.

Scharer, M.T., M.C. Prada, R.S. Appeldoorn, R. Hill, P.F. Sheridan, and M. Valdes-Pizzini. 2004. The use of fish traps in Puerto Rico: current practice, long-term changes, and fishers' perceptions. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst. 55:744-756.

Sheridan, P.F. 2004. Comparison of restored and natural seagrass beds near Corpus Christi, Texas. Estuaries 27:781-792.

Sheridan, P.F. 2004. Recovery of floral and faunal communities after placement of dredged material on seagrass in Laguna Madre, Texas. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 59:441-458.

Wetherbee, B.M., and E. Cortés. 2004. Food consumption and feeding habits. pp. 225-246 In: Carrier, J.C, J.A. Musick, and M.R. Heithaus, eds. Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fla.


Bedee, C.D., D.A. DeVries, S.A. Bortone, and C.L. Palmer. 2003. Estuary-specific age and growth of spotted seatrout in the northern Gulf of Mexico. In: Biology of the Spotted Seatrout (S.A. Bortone, ed.), p. 57-77. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

Beerkircher,L., M. Shivji, and E. Cortés. 2003. A Monte Carlo demographic analysis of the silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis): implications of gear selectivity. Fish. Bull. 101:168-174. PDF

Carlson, J.K., and I.E. Baremore. 2003. Changes in biological parameters of Atlantic sharpnose sharkRhizoprionodon terraenovae in the Gulf of Mexico: evidence for density-dependent growth and maturity. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 54:227-234.

Carlson, J.K., and E. Cortés. 2003. Gillnet selectivity of small coastal sharks off the southeastern United States. Fish. Res. 60(2-3):405-414.

Carlson, J.K.E. Cortés, and D.M. Bethea. 2003. Life history and population dynamics of the finetooth shark (Carcharhinus isodon) in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Fish. Bull. 101(2):281-292. PDF

Carlson, J.K., and G.R. Parsons. 2003. Respiratory and hematological responses of the bonnethead shark,Sphyrna tiburo, to acute changes in dissolved oxygen. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 294(1):15-26.

Collins, L.A.W.T. Walling, Jr.J.H. Brusher, M.G. Remy, J.J. Mikulas, G.M. Chandler, and D.M. La Fond. 2003. Preliminary results from a study of reproduction in the vermilion snapper (Lutjanidae: Rhomboplites aurorubens) from the eastern U.S. Gulf of Mexico, 1991-2001. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst. 54:580-591.

DeVries, D.A., C.D. Bedee, C.L. Palmer, and S.A. Bortone. 2003. The demographics and reproductive biology of spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus, in six northwest Florida estuaries. In: Biology of the Spotted Seatrout (S.A. Bortone, ed.), p. 79-98. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

Fitzhugh, G.R.L.A. Lombardi-Carlson, and N.M. Evou. 2003. Age structure of gag (Mycteroperca microlepis) in the eastern Gulf of Mexico by year, fishing mode, and region. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst. 54:538-549.

Gelsleichter, J., L.E.L. Rasmussen, C.A. Manire, J. Tyminski, B. Chang and L.A. Lombardi-Carlson. 2003. Serum steroid concentrations and development of reproductive organs during puberty in male bonnethead sharks, Sphyrna tiburo. Fish Physiol. Biochem. 26: 389-401.

Gillanders, B.M., K.W. Able, J.A. Brown, D.B. Eggleston, and P.F. Sheridan. 2003. Evidence of connectivity between juvenile and adult habitats for mobile marine fauna: an important component of nurseries. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 247:281-295.

Lombardi-Carlson, L.A.E. Cortés, G.R. Parsons, and C.A. Manire. 2003. Latitudinal variation in life-history traits of bonnethead sharks, Sphyrna tiburo, (Carcharhiniformes: Sphyrnidae) from the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 54(7):875-884.

Sheridan, P.F., and C. Hayes. 2003. Are mangroves nursery habitat for transient fishes and decapods? Wetlands 23:449-458.

Sheridan, P.F., C. Henderson, and G. McMahan. 2003. Fauna of natural seagrass and transplanted Halodule wrightii (shoalgrass) beds in Galveston Bay, Texas. Restor. Ecol. 11(2):139-154.

Sheridan, P.F., R. Hill, G. Matthews, and R. Appeldoorn. 2003. The effects of trap fishing in coralline habitats: What do we know? How do we learn more? Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst. 54:1-12.

Sheridan, P.F., and T.J. Minello. 2003. Nekton use of different habitat types in seagrass beds of Lower Laguna Madre, Texas. Bull. Mar. Sci. 72(1):37-61.

Strelcheck, A.J., G.R. Fitzhugh, F.C. Coleman, and C.C. Koenig. 2003. Otolith-fish size relationship in juvenile gag (Mycteroperca microlepis) of the eastern Gulf of Mexico: a comparison of growth rates between laboratory and field populations. Fish. Res. 60(2-3):255-265.


Allman, R.J., and C.B. Grimes. 2002. Temporal and spatial dynamics of spawning, and growth of gray snapper (Lutjanus griseus) from the West Florida shelf as determined from otolith microstructures. Fish. Bull. 100(3):391-403. PDF

Allman, R.J.L.A. Lombardi-CarlsonG.R. Fitzhugh, and W.A. Fable. 2002. Age structure of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) in the Gulf of Mexico by fishing mode and region. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst. 53:482-495.

Beerkircher, L.R., E. Cortés, and M. Shivja. 2002. Characteristics of shark bycatch observed on pelagic longlines off the southeastern United States, 1992-2000. Mar. Fish. Rev. 64(4):40-49. PDF

Carlson, J.K. 2002. Shark nurseries in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. In: Shark nursery grounds of the Gulf of Mexico and the east coast waters of the United States: an overview (McCandless, C.T., H.L. Pratt, Jr., and N.E. Kohler, eds.), p. 165-182. NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service Naragansett Lab., Naragansett, R.I. PDF

Carlson, J.K., and I.E. Baremore. 2002. Changes in biological parameters of Atlantic sharpnose shark,Rhizoprionodon terraenovae, in the Gulf of Mexico: evidence for density-dependent regulation? Northw. Atl. Fish. Org., Scient. Counc. Mtg--Sept. 2002. NAFO SCR Doc. 02/128, 8 p.

Carlson, J.K., M.A. Grace, and P.K. Lago. 2002. An observation of juvenile tiger sharks feeding on clapper rails off the southeastern coast of the United States. Southeast. Nat. 1(3):307-310.

Cortés, E. 2002. Incorporating uncertainty into demographic modeling: application to shark populations and their conservation. Conserv. Biol. 16(4):1048-1062.

DeVries, D.A., C.B. Grimes, and M.H. Prager. 2002. Using otolith shape analysis to distinguish eastern Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean stocks of king mackerel. Fish. Res. 57(1):51-62.

Fitzhugh, G.R.W. L. TrentW.A. Fable, Jr., and E. Cortés. 2002. A comparison of paralichthid flounder size-structure in northwest Florida based on trammel net catches adjusted for mesh selectivity and collection by SCUBA divers. Gulf Mex. Sci. 20(2):110-121.

Gelsleichter, J., L.E.L. Rasmussen, C.A. Manire, J. Tyminski, B. Chang, and L. Lombardi-Carlson. 2002. Serum steroid concentrations and development of reproductive organs during puberty in male bonnethead sharks,Sphyrna tiburo. Fish Physiol. Biochem. 26:389-401.

Gold, J.R., E. Pak, and D.A. DeVries. 2002. Population structure of king mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla) around peninsular Florida, as revealed by microsatellite DNA. Fish. Bull. 100(3):491-509. PDF

Neer, J.A., B.A. Thompson, R.E. Condrey, J.A. Desilva, G.W. Peterson, K.P. Barry, J.K. Blackburn, and D.C. Parnell. 2002. Shark nursery areas of Louisiana's nearshore coastal waters: a preliminary review. In: Shark nursery grounds of the Gulf of Mexico and the east coast waters of the United States: an overview (McCandless, C.T., H.L. Pratt, Jr., and N.E. Kohler, eds.), p. 193-208. NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service Naragansett Lab., Naragansett, R.I. PDF


Carlson, J.K., and G.R. Parsons. 2001. The effects of hypoxia on three sympatric shark species: physiological and behavioral responses. Environ. Biol. Fishes 61:427-433.

Collins, L.A., G.R. Fitzhugh, L. Mourand, L.A. LombardiW.T. Walling, Jr., M.R. Burnett, and R.J. Allman. 2001. Preliminary results from a continuing study of spawning and fecundity of the red snapper (Lutjanidae: Lutjanus campechanus) from the Gulf of Mexico, 1998-1999. Proc. Gulf and Caribb. Fish. Inst. 52:34-47.

Cortés, E. 2001. Catches and catch rates of pelagic sharks in the U.S. Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean. ICCAT Working Document SCRS/01/60.


Carlson, J.K., M.E. Mroczka, T.A. Randall, and P.E. Pellegrino. 2000. A comparison of the relative abundance and size of juvenile winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus, in natural intertidal and anthropogenically altered marina habitats. J. Northw. Fish. Sci. 26:1-8.

Collard, S.B., A. Lugo-Fernandez, G. FitzhughJ. Brusher, and R. Shaffer. 2000. A mass mortality event in coastal waters of the central Florida panhandle during spring and summer 1998. Gulf Mex. Sci. 18(1):68-71.

Cortés, E. 2000. Catch rates of pelagic sharks from the northwestern Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean. ICCAT Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 51 (SCRS/99/50 rev.), 5 p.

Cortés, E. 2000. Life history patterns and correlations in sharks. Rev. Fish. Sci. 8(4):299-344.

Cortés, E. 2000. Potential rates of increase and rates of increase per generation for three species of pelagic sharks from the Atlantic Ocean. ICCAT Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 51 (SCRS/99/45 rev.), 7 p.

Koenig, C.C., F.C. Coleman, C.B. Grimes, G.R. Fitzhugh, K.M. Scanlon, C.T. Gledhill, and M. Grace. 2000. Protection of fish spawning habitat for the conservation of warm-temperate reef-fish fisheries of shelf-edge reefs of Florida. Bull. Mar. Sci. 66(3):593-616.


Carlson, J.K. 1999. Occurrence of neonate and juvenile sandbar sharks, Carcharhinus plumbeus, from the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Fish.Bull. 97:387-391. PDF

Carlson, J.K., and J.H. Brusher. 1999. Index of abundance for coastal species of juvenile sharks from the northeast Gulf of Mexico. Mar. Fish. Rev. 61(3):37-45. PDF

Carlson, J.K.E. Cortés, and A.G. Johnson. 1999. Age and growth of the blacknose shark, Carcharhinus acronotus, in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Copeia 1999(3):684-691.

Carlson, J.K.C.L. Palmer, and G.R. Parsons. 1999. Oxygen consumption rate and swimming efficiency of the blacknose shark, Carcharhinus acronotus. Copeia 1999(1):34-39.

Carlson, J.K., and G.R. Parsons. 1999. Seasonal differences in routine oxygen consumption rates of the bonnethead shark. J. Fish. Biol. 55:876-879.

Cortés, E. 1999. A stochastic stage-based population model of the sandbar shark in the western North Atlantic. Amer. Fish. Soc. Symp. 23:115-136.

Cortés, E. 1999. Standardized diet compositions and trophic levels of sharks. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 56:707-717.

Heinisch, B.V., and W.A. Fable, Jr. 1999. Movement of gag, Mycteroperca microlepis, in and from St. Andrew Bay, Florida. Bull. Mar. Sci. 64(3):501-508.

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Randall, T.A., J.K. Carlson, and M.E. Mroczka. 1999. Distribution and density of submergent aquatic vegetation beds in a Connecticut harbor. Rhodora 101(905):40-45.


Allman, R.J., and C.B. Grimes. 1998. Growth and mortality of little tunny (Euthynnus alleteratus) larvae off the Mississippi River plume and Panama City, Florida. Bull. Mar. Sci. 62(1):189-197.

Carlson, J.K. 1998. The physiological ecology of the bonnethead shark, Carcharhinus acronotus, and Florida smoothhound shark, Mustelus norrisi: effects of dissolved oxygen and temperature. Ph.D. Diss., Univ. Miss., 105 p.

Carlson, J.K., and G.R. Parsons. 1998. Physiological and behavioral responses to hypoxia in the bonnethead shark, Sphyrna tiburo: routine swimming and respiratory regulation. Fish Physiol. Biochem. 19:189-196.

Castillo-Geniz, J.L., J.F. Marquez-Farias, M.C. Rodriguez de la Cruz, E. Cortés, and A. Cid del Prado. 1998. The Mexican artisanal shark fishery in the Gulf of Mexico: towards a regulated fishery. Mar. Freshw. Res. 49:611-620.

Collins, L.A.A.G. JohnsonC.C. Koenig, and M.S. Baker, Jr. 1998. Reproductive patterns, sex ratio, and fecundity in gag, Mycteroperca microlepis (Serranidae), a protogynous grouper from the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Fish. Bull. 96(3):415-427. PDF

Cortés, E. 1998. Demographic analysis as an aid in shark stock assessment and management. Fish. Res. 39(2):199-208.

Cortés, E. 1998. Methods of studying fish feeding: reply. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 55:2708.

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Carlson, J.K., and G.R. Parsons. 1997. Age and growth of the bonnethead shark, Sphyrna tiburo, from northwest Florida, with comments on clinal variation. Environ. Biol. Fishes 50:331-341.

Carlson, J.K., T.A. Randall, and M.E. Mroczka. 1997. Feeding habits of winter flounder (Pleuronectes americanus) in a habitat exposed to anthropogenic disturbance. J. Northw. Atl. Fish. Sci. 21:65-73.

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DeVries, D.A., and C.B. Grimes. 1997. Spatial and temporal variation in age and growth of king mackerel,Scomberomorus cavalla, 1977-1992. Fish. Bull. 95(4):694-708. PDF

DeVries, D.A.C.B. Grimes and F.S. Celada. 1997. Temporal and spatial variation in the growth and age/size structure of the fisheries for king mackerel in the Gulf of Mexico. In: Proceedings of the XX annual Mexus-Gulf Symposium (Kumpf, H.E., and A.C. Jones, eds.), p. 25-29. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFSC-403. PDF

Fable, W.A., Jr., K.M. Burns, and F.S. Celada. 1997. Mark-recapture research on king mackerel,Scomberomorus cavalla, in the Gulf of Mexico. In: Proceedings of the XX annual Mexus-Gulf Symposium (Kumpf, H.E., and A.C. Jones, eds.), p.19-23. U.S. Dept. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFSC-403. PDF

Fitzhugh, G.R., S.W. Nixon, D.W. Ahrenholz, and J.A. Rice. 1997. Temperature effects on otolith microstructure and birth month estimation from otolith increment patterns in Atlantic menhaden. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 126:579-593.

Grimes, C.B. 1997. Distribution, abundance, feeding growth and mortality of fish larvae associated with the Mississippi River discharge plume, and the potential impacts of hypoxia. In: Proceedings of the First Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Management Conference, December 5-6, 1995, Kenner, La. p. 76-86.

Johnson, A.G.M.S. Baker, Jr., and L.A. Collins. 1997. Magnitude and composition of undersized grouper bycatch. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst. 49:161-172.

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Trent, L., D.E. Parshley, and J.K. Carlson. 1997. Catch and bycatch in the shark drift gillnet fishery off Georgia and east Florida. Mar. Fish. Rev. 59(1):19-28. PDF


Coleman, F.C., C.C. Koenig, and L.A. Collins. 1996. Reproductive styles of shallow-water groupers (Pisces: Serranidae) in the eastern Gulf of Mexico and the consequences of fishing spawning aggregations. Environ. Biol. Fishes 47(2):129-141.

Collins, L.A.A.G. Johnson, and C.P. Keim. 1996. Spawning and annual fecundity of the red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) from the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. In: Biology, fisheries and culture of tropical groupers and snappers (F. Arreguin-Sanchez, J.L. Munro, M.C. Balgos and D. Pauly, eds.), ICLARM Conf. Proc. 48:174-188.

Fitzhugh, G.R., L.B. Crowder, and J.P. Monaghan, Jr. 1996. Mechanisms contributing to variable growth in juvenile southern flounder (Paralichthys lethostigma). Can J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 53(9):1964-1973.

Grimes, C.B., and J.J. Isely. 1996. Influence of size-selective mortality on growth of gulf menhaden and king mackerel larvae. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 125(5):741-752.

Grimes, C.B., and M.J. Kingsford. 1996. How do riverine plumes of different sizes influence fish larvae: do they enhance recruitment? Mar. Freshwat. Res. 47:191-208.

Johnson, A.G. 1996. Use of otolith morphology for separation of king mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla) and Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus maculatus). Gulf of Mexico Sci. 14(1):1-6.

Koenig, C.C., F.C. Coleman, L.A. Collins, Y. Sadovy, and P.L. Colin. 1996. Reproduction in gag (Mycteroperca microlepis) (Pisces: Serranidae) in the eastern Gulf of Mexico and the consequences of fishing spawning aggregations. In: Biology, fisheries and culture of tropical groupers and snappers (F. Arreguin-Sanchez, J.L. Munro, M.C. Balgos and D. Pauly, eds.), ICLARM Conf. Proc. 48:307-323.


Fitzhugh, G.R., and W.F. Hettler. 1995. Temperature influence on postovulatory follicle degeneration in Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus. Fish. Bull. 93:568-572. PDF

Fitzhugh, G.R., and J.A. Rice. 1995. Error in back-calculation of lengths of juvenile southern flounder,Paralichthys lethostigma, and implications for analysis of size-selection. In: Recent developments in fish otolith research (D.H. Secor, et al., eds.), p. 227-246. Univ. South Carolina Press, Columbus, SC.

Johnson, A.G.L.A. CollinsJ. Dahl, and M.S. Baker, Jr. 1995. Age, growth and mortality of lane snapper from the northern Gulf of Mexico. Proc. Ann. Conf. SE Assoc. Fish Wildl. Agencies 49:178-186.

McNeil, C.S., and C.B. Grimes. 1995. Diet and feeding ecology of striped anchovy, Anchoa hepsetus, along the environmental gradients associated with the Mississippi River discharge plume. In: Nutrient-Enhanced Coastal Ocean Productivity. Proceedings of 1994 Synthesis Workshop (D.K. Atwood, W.F. Graham, and C.B. Grimes, eds.), p. 81-89. Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Baton Rouge.


Corvino, H.M., and R.N. Shaffer. 1994. A bibliography of NOAA Technical Memoranda issued by the Southeast Fisheries Science Center of the National Marine Fisheries Service, 1972-1993. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFSC-335, 49 p. PDF

David, A.W.C.B. Grimes, and J.J. Isely. 1994. Vaterite sagittal otoliths in hatchery-reared juvenile red drums. Prog. Fish-Cult. 56(4):301-303.

David, A.W.J.J. Isely, and C.B. Grimes. 1994. Differences between the sagitta, lapillus, and asteriscus in estimating age and growth in juvenile red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus. Fish. Bull. 92:509-515. PDF

Ditty J.G., R.F. Shaw, C.B. Grimes, and J.S. Cope. 1994. Larval development, distribution, and abundance of common dolphin, Coryphaena hippurus, and pompano dolphin, C. equiselis (family: Coryphaenidae), in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Fish. Bull. 92:275-291. PDF

Johnson, A.G., and L.A. Collins. 1994. Age-size structure of red grouper, (Epinenephelus morio), from the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Northeast Gulf Sci. 13(2):101-106.

Johnson, A.G.L.A. Collins, and C.P. Keim. 1994. Age-size structure of gray snapper from the southeastern United States: a comparison of two methods of back-calculating size at age from otolith data. Proc. SE Assoc. Fish Wildl. Agencies 48:592-600.

Johnson, A.G.W.A. Fable, Jr.C.B. Grimes, L. Trent, and J.V. Perez. 1994. Evidence for distinct stocks of king mackerel, Scomberomorus cavalla, in the Gulf of Mexico. Fish. Bull. 92:91-101. PDF

Lang, K.L., C.B. Grimes, and R.F. Shaw. 1994. Variations in the age and growth of yellowfin tuna larvae,Thunnus albacares, collected about the Mississippi River plume. Environ. Biol. Fishes 39(3):259-270.

Schaefer, H.C., and W.A. Fable, Jr. 1994. King mackerel, Scomberomorus cavalla, mark-recapture studies off Florida's east coast. Mar. Fish. Rev. 56(3):13-23. PDF


Able, K.W., C.B. Grimes, R.S. Jones, and D.C. Twichell. 1993. Temporal and spatial variation in habitat characteristics of tilefish (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps) off the east coast of Florida. Bull. Mar. Sci. 53(3):1013-1026.

Grimes, C.B. 1993. Regional fisheries overview. pp. 42-44 In: Proceedings of a Workshop on Future Research, Monitoring and Modelling of Coastal Interactions in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, February 2-3, 1993, Miami, Florida.

Johnson, A.G.L.A. Collins, and J.J. Isely. 1993. Age-size structure of gag, Mycteroperca microlepis, from the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Northeast Gulf Sci. 13(1):59-63.

Scott, G.P., S.C. Turner, C.B. Grimes, W.J. Richards, and E.B. Brothers. 1993. Indices of larval bluefin tuna,Thunnus thynnus, abundance in the Gulf of Mexico: modelling variability in growth, mortality, and gear selectivity. Bull. Mar. Sci. 53(2):912-929.

Shaffer, R.N. 1993. A bibliography of research on St. Andrew Bay, its tributaries, and the nearby coastal waters of Bay County, Florida. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFSC-320, 62 p. PDF


Cato, J.C., and H.E. Kumpf. 1992. The economic influence of poopulation growth, fisheries, coastal and marine industries, and tourism derived from the use of the Gulf of Mexico. In: The Environmental and Economic Status of the Gulf of Mexico (Gretchen Flock, ed.), p. 153-160. Gulf of Mexico Program, Stennis, Miss.

Govoni, J.J., and C.B. Grimes. 1992. The surface accumulation of larval fishes by hydrodynamic convergence within the Mississippi River plume front. Cont. Shelf Res. 12(11):1265-1276.

Grimes, C.B., and K.L. Lang. 1992. Distribution, abundance, growth, mortality, and spawning dates of yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, larvae around the Mississippi River discharge plume. ICCAT Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 38:177-194.


Dagg, M., C. Grimes, S. Lohrenz, B. McKee, R. Twilley, and W. Wiseman, Jr. 1991. Continental shelf food chains of the northern Gulf of Mexico. In: Food Chains, Yields, Models, and Management of Large Marine Ecosystems (K. Sherman, L.M. Alexander, and B.D. Gold, eds.), p. 67-106. Westview Press, Boulder, CO.

Grimes, C.B.D.A. DeVries, and K. Lang. 1991. Distribution, growth and mortality of three species of scombrid larvae around the Mississippi River discharge plume. (ABSTRACT) In: Proceedings of the 42d Annual Tuna Conference (Daniel Margulies and Jeanne B. Wexler, eds.), p. 12. Inter-Amer. Trop. Tuna Comm., La Jolla, CA.

Grimes, C.B., and J.H. Finucane. 1991. Spatial distribution and abundance of larval and juvenile fish, chlorophyll and macrozooplankton around the Mississippi River discharge plume, and the role of the plume in fish recruitment. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 75:109-119.

Rudloe, A., J. Rudloe, and L.H. Ogren. 1991. Occurrence of immature Kemp's ridley turtles, Lepidochelys kempiin coastal waters of northwest Florida. Northeast Gulf Sci. 12(1):49-53.

Scott, G.P., S.C. Turner, C.B. Grimes, W.J. Richards, and E.B. Brothers. 1991. Indices of larval bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) abundance from ichthyoplankton surveys in the Gulf of Mexico. ICCAT Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. 35(2):257-270.


Barger, L.E. 1990. Age and growth of bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix from the northern Gulf of Mexico and U.S. south Atlantic coast. Fish. Bull. 88(4):805-809. PDF

Collard, S.B., and L.H. Ogren. 1990. Dispersal scenarios for pelagic post-hatchling sea turtles. Bull. Mar. Sci. 47(1):233-243.

DeVries, D.A.C.B. Grimes, K.L. Lang, and D.B. White. 1990. Age and growth of king and Spanish mackerel larvae and juveniles from the Gulf of Mexico and U.S. South Atlantic Bight. Environ. Biol. Fishes 29:135-143.

Fable, W.A., Jr. 1990. Summary of king mackerel tagging in the southeastern USA: mark-recapture techniques and factors influencing tag returns. Amer. Fish. Soc., Symp. 7:161-167.

Finucane, J.H.C.B. Grimes, and S.P. Naughton. 1990. Diets of young king and Spanish mackerel off the southeast United States. Northeast Gulf Sci. 11(2):145-153.

Grimes, C.B.J.H. FinucaneL.A. Collins, and D.A. DeVries. 1990. Young king mackerel, Scomberomorus >cavalla, in the Gulf of Mexico, a summary of the distribution and occurrence of larvae and juveniles, and spawning dates for Mexican juveniles. Bull. Mar. Sci. 46(3):640-654.

Horvath, M.L., C.B. Grimes, and G.R. Huntsman. 1990. Growth, mortality, reproduction and feeding of knobbed porgy, Calamus nodosus, along the southeastern United States coast. Bull. Mar. Sci. 46(3): 677-687.

Schmid, J.R., and L.H. Ogren. 1990. Results of a tagging study at Cedar Key, Florida, with comments on Kemp's ridley distribution in the southeastern U.S. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-278:129-130.


Grady, J.R., A.G. Johnson, and M. Sanders. 1989. Heavy metal content in otoliths of king mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla) in relation to body length and age. Contrib. Mar. Sci. 3l:17-23.

Ogren, L.H. 1989. Distribution of juvenile and subadult Kemp's ridley turtles: preliminary results from the 1984-1987 surveys. Texas A&M Univ. Sea Grant Pub., TAMU-SG-89-105:116-123.

Ogren, L.H., et al. (eds.) 1989. Proceedings of the second Western Atlantic Turtle Symposium. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-226, 401 p.

Rudloe, A., J. Rudloe, and L. Ogren. 1989. Populations of Atlantic ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys kempi) in Apalachee Bay, Florida, coastal waters. (ABSTRACT) U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-232:151. PDF

Shaefer, H.C., L.E. Barger, and H.E. Kumpf. 1989. The driftnet fishery in the Fort Pierce-Port Salerno area off southeast Florida. Mar. Fish. Rev. 51(1):44-49. PDF

Shaffer, R.V., and E.L. Nakamura. 1989. Synopsis of biological data on the cobia Rachycentron canadum(Pisces: Rachycentridae). U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS 82, 21 p. PDF


Crawford, M.K., C.B. Grimes, and N.E. Buroker. 1988. Stock identification of weakfish, Cynoscion regalis, in the Middle Atlantic region. Fish. Bull. 87(1):205-211. PDF

Grimes, C.B., C.F. Idelberger, K.W. Able, and S.C. Turner. 1988. The reproductive biology of tilefish,Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps Goode and Bean, from the United States Mid-Atlantic Bight, and the effects of fishing on the breeding system. Fish. Bull. 86(4):745-762. PDF

Hood, P.B., K.W. Able, and C.B. Grimes. 1988. Biology of the conger eel, Conger oceanicus, in the Mid-Atlantic Bight. I. Distribution, age, growth and reproduction. Mar. Biol. 98:587-596.

Levy, A., K.W. Able, C.B. Grimes, and P. Hood. 1988. Biology of the conger eel, Conger oceanicus, in the Mid-Atlantic Bight. II. Foods and feeding ecology. Mar. Biol. 98:597-600.

Maceina, M.J., B.R. Murphy, and J.J. Isely. 1988. Factors regulating Florida largemouth bass stocking success and hybridization with northern largemouth bass in Aquilla Lake, Texas. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 117(3):221-231.

Potthoff, T., S. Kelley, and L.A. Collins. 1988. Osteological development of the red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus (Lutjanidae). Bull. Mar. Sci. 43(1):1-40.


Able, K.W., D.C. Twichell, C.B. Grimes, and R.S. Jones. 1987. Sidescan sonar as a tool for detection of demersal fish habitats. Fish. Bull. 85(4):725-736. PDF

Brusher, H.A., and B.J. Palko. 1987. Results from the 1984 and 1985 charterboat surveys in southeastern U.S. waters and the U.S. Caribbean Sea. Mar. Fish. Rev. 49(2):109-117. PDF

Fable, W.A., Jr.A.G. Johnson, and L.E. Barger. 1987. Age and growth of Spanish mackerel,Scomberomorus maculatus, from Florida and the Gulf of Mexico. Fish. Bull. 85(4):777-783. PDF

Fable, W.A., Jr., L. Trent, G.W. Bane, and S.W. Ellsworth. 1987. Movements of king mackerel, Scomberomorus cavalla, tagged in southeast Louisiana, 1983-85. Mar. Fish. Rev. 49(2):98-101. PDF

Grimes, C.B. 1987. Reproductive biology of the Lutjanidae: a review. In: Tropical Snappers and Groupers: Biology and Fisheries Management (Jeffrey J. Polovina and Stephen Ralston, eds.), p. 239-294. Westview Press, Boulder, CO.

Grimes, C.B., K.W. Able, R.S. Jones, D.C. Twichell, and S.C. Turner. 1987. Studies on tilefish fishery biology, ecology and bioerosion on the middle Atlantic and southern New England continental shelf. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Symp. Ser., Undersea Res. 2(2):49-69. PDF

Grimes, C.B.A.G. Johnson, and W.A. Fable, Jr. 1987. Delineation of king mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla) stocks along the U.S. east coast and in the Gulf of Mexico. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-199:186-187. PDF

Henwood, T.A., and L.H. Ogren. 1987. Distribution and migrations of immature Kemp's ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys kempi) and green turtles (Chelonia mydas) off Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. Northeast Gulf Sci. 9(2):153-159.

Hirth, H.F., and L.H. Ogren. 1987. Some aspects of the ecology of the leatherback turtle Dermochelys coriaceaat Laguna Jalova, Costa Rica. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS 56, 14 p. PDF

Kumpf, H.E.R.N. Vaught, C.B. Grimes, A.G. Johnson, and E.L. Nakamura (eds.) 1987. Proceedings of the Stock Identification Workshop, Nov. 5-7, 1985, Panama City Beach, Florida. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-199, 228 p.

Manooch, C.S., III, S.P. Naughton, C.B. Grimes, and L. Trent. 1987. Age and growth of king mackerel,Scomberomorus cavalla, from the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. Mar. Fish. Rev. 49(2):102-108. PDF

Nakamura, E.L. 1987. MEXUS-Gulf coastal pelagic fish research, 1977-84. Mar. Fish. Rev. 49(1):36-38. PDF

Palko, B.J.L. Trent, and H.A. Brusher. 1987. Abundance of Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus maculatus, in the southeastern United States based on charterboat CPUE data, 1982-85. Mar. Fish. Rev. 49(2):67-77. PDF

Trent, L.W.A. Fable, Jr., S.J. Russell, G.W. Bane, and B.J. Palko. 1987. Variations in size and sex ratio of king mackerel, Scomberomorus cavalla, off Louisiana, 1977-85. Mar. Fish. Rev. 49(2):91-97. PDF

Trent, L.B.J. Palko, and A. Trimble. 1987. Improved method of measuring lengths of large samples of fish. Prog. Fish. Cult. 49(4):310-312.

Trent, L.B.J. Palko, M.L. Williams, and H.A. Brusher. 1987. Abundance of king mackerel, Scomberomorus cavalla, in the southeastern United States based on CPUE data from charterboats, 1982-85. Mar. Fish. Rev. 49(2):78-90. PDF


Brusher, H.A., and B.J. Palko. 1986. Catch and effort data from a sample survey of charterboat captains in the southeastern United States, 1985. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-170, 138 p. PDF

Fable, W.A., Jr., and E.L. Nakamura. 1986. Observations on purse-seined king mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla) and Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus maculatus), March 1983-March 1986. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-183, 44 p. PDF

Finucane, J.H., and L.A. Collins. 1986. Reproduction of Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus maculatus, from the southeastern United States. Northeast Gulf Sci. 8(2):97-106.

Finucane, J.H.L.A. CollinsH.A. Brusher, and C.H. Saloman. 1986. Reproductive biology of king mackerel,Scomberomorus cavalla, from the southeastern United States. Fish. Bull. 84(4):841-850. PDF

Finucane, J.H., and R.N. Vaught. 1986. Species profile of Atlantic thread herring, Opisthonema oglinum(Lesueur 1818). U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-182, 30 p. PDF

Goodwin, J.M., IV, and A.G. Johnson. 1986. Age, growth, and mortality of blue runner, Caranx crysos, from the northern Gulf of Mexico. Northeast Gulf Sci. 8(2):107-114.

Grimes, C.B., K.W. Able, and R.S. Jones. 1986. Tilefish, Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps, habitat, behavior and community structure in Mid-Atlantic and southern New England waters. Environ. Biol. Fishes 15(4):273-292.

Johnson, A.G., and R.N. Vaught. 1986. Species profile of Spanish sardine (Sardinella aurita). U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-187, 82 p. PDF

Naughton, S.P.C.H. Saloman, and R.N. Vaught. 1986. Species profile of round scad, Decapterus punctatus(Cuvier 1829). U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-181, 39 p. PDF

Trent, L.H.A. Brusher and B.J. Palko. 1986. NMFS charterboat surveys in the southeast United States: progress, problems, and plans. (ABSTRACT) Gulf States Mar. Fish. Comm. Rep. 14:21-22.


Barger, L.E. 1985. Age and growth of Atlantic croakers in the northern Gulf of Mexico, based on otolith sections. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 114(6):847-850.

Brusher, H.A., and B.J. Palko. 1985. Charterboat catch and effort from southeastern U.S. waters, 1983. Mar. Fish. Rev. 47(3):54-66. PDF

Ehler, C.N., D.J. Basta, T.F. Lapointe, E.L. NakamuraR.N. Vaught, D.F. Sutherland, and J.A. Dobbin. 1985. Gulf of Mexico coastal and ocean zones strategic assessment: Data atlas. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA, Rockville, MD, unpaged.

Goodwin, J.M., IV, and J.H. Finucane. 1985. Reproductive biology of blue runner (Caranx crysos) from the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Northeast Gulf Sci. 7(2):139-146.

Jones, A.C., S.A. Berkeley, J.A. Bohnsack, S.A. Bortone, D.K. Camp, G.H. Darcy, J.C. Davis, K.D. Haddad, M.Y. Hedgepeth, E.W. Irby, Jr., W.C. Jaap, F.S. Kennedy, Jr., W.G. Lyons, E.L. Nakamura, T.H. Perkins, J.K. Reed, K.A. Steidinger, J.T. Tilmant, and R.O. Williams. 1985. Ocean habitat and fishery resources of Florida. In: Florida Aquatic Habitat and Fishery Resources (William Seaman, Jr., ed.), p. 437-542, Amer. Fish. Soc., Fla. Chapter.

Naughton, S.P., and C.H. Saloman. 1985. Food of gag (Mycteroperca microlepis) from North Carolina and three areas of Florida. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-160, 36 p. PDF

Williams, M.L., H.A. Brusher, B.J. Palko, and L. Trent. 1985. Catch and effort data from a sample survey of charterboat captains in the southeastern United States, 1984. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-157, 120 p.


Bacon, P., F. Berry, K. Bjorndal, H. Hirth, L. Ogren, and M. Weber (eds.) 1984. Proceedings of the Western Atlantic Turtle Symposium, 17-22 July 1983. Center for Environ. Educ., Washington, DC, 3 v.

Brusher, H.A.M.L. WilliamsL. Trent, and B.J. Palko. 1984. Using charterboat catch records for fisheries management. Mar. Fish. Rev. 46(3):48-55. PDF

Collins, L.A., and J.H. Finucane. 1984. Ichthyoplankton survey of the estuarine and inshore waters of the Florida Everglades, May 1971 to February 1972. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS 6, 75 p.

Fable, W.A., Jr., and L. Trent. 1984. Catches of king mackerel and cero in the Spanish mackerel gill-net fishery. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-138, 12 p. PDF

Finucane, J.H., and L.A. Collins. 1984. Reproductive biology of cero, Scomberomorus regalis, from the coastal waters of south Florida. Northeast Gulf Sci. 7(1):101-107.

Johnson, A.G. 1984. Age, growth, and mortality of gray triggerfish, Ballistes capriscus, from the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Fish. Bull. 82(3):485-492. PDF

Mechler, L.S., and J.R. Grady. 1984. Recent foraminifera of St. Andrew Bay, Florida. Trans. Gulf Coast Assoc. Geolog. Soc. 34:385-394.

Naughton, S.P., and C.H. Saloman. 1984. Food of bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) from the U.S. south Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-150, 37 p. PDF

Palko, B.J. 1984. An evaluation of hard parts for age determination of pompano (Trachinotus carolinus), ladyfish (Elops saurus), crevalle jack (Caranx hippos), gulf flounder (Paralichthys albigutta), and southern flounder (Paralichthys lethostigma). U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-132, 11 p. PDF

Saloman, C.H., and S.P. Naughton. 1984. Beach restoration with offshore dredged sand: effects on nearshore macroinfauna. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-133, 20 p. PDF

Saloman, C.H., and S.P. Naughton. 1984. Food of crevalle jack (Caranx hippos) from Florida, Louisiana, and Texas. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-134, 34 p. PDF

Williams, M.L.H.A. BrusherB.J. Palko, and L. Trent. 1984. Catch and effort data from a sample survey of charterboat captains in the southeastern United States, 1983. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-139, 170 p.

Williams, M.L.H.A. Brusher, and L. Trent. 1984. Catch and effort data from a pilot survey of charterboat captains in the southeastern United States, 1982. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-129, 25 p. PDF


Johnson, A.G. 1983. Age and growth of yellowtail snapper from south Florida. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 112(2A):173-177.

Johnson, A.G. 1983. Comparison of dorsal spines and vertebrae as ageing structures for little tunny,Euthynnus alletteratus, from the northeast Gulf of Mexico. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS 8:111-115. PDF

Johnson, A.G.W.A. Fable, Jr.M.L. Williams, and L.E. Barger. 1983. Age, growth, and mortality of king mackerel, Scomberomorus cavalla, from the southeastern United States. Fish. Bull. 81(1):97-106. PDF

Neal, R.A., H.A. Brusher, and L.F. Sullivan. 1983. A survey of brown shrimp resources in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico 1961-1965. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-114, 30 p. PDF

Saloman, C.H., and S.P. Naughton. 1983. Food of king mackerel, Scomberomorus cavalla, from the southeastern United States including the Gulf of Mexico. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-126, 25 p. PDF

Saloman, C.H., and S.P. Naughton. 1983. Food of the Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus maculatus, from the Gulf of Mexico and southeastern seaboard of the United States. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-128, 22 p. PDF

Trent, L.C.H. Saloman, and S.P. Naughton. 1983. Selectivity of gill nets on Spanish mackerel,Scomberomorus maculatus, king mackerel, S. cavalla, and bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-119, 28 p. PDF

Trent, L., R.O. Williams, R.G. Taylor, C.H. Saloman, and C.H. Manooch, III. 1983. Size, sex ratio, and recruitment in various fisheries of king mackerel, Scomberomorus cavalla, in the southeastern United States. Fish. Bull. 81(4):709-721. PDF


Carr, A.A. MeylanJ. MortimerK. Bjorndal, and T. Carr. 1982. Surveys of sea turtle populations and habitats in the western Atlantic. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-91, 92 p.

Nakamura, E.L. 1982. What is the best use of fish resources in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico? In: Allocation of fishery resources (John H. Grover, ed.), p. 289-292. FAO, Rome.

Ogren, L., and C. McVea, Jr. 1982. Apparent hibernation by sea turtles in North American waters. In: Biology and Conservation of Sea Turtles K.A. Bjorndal(ed.), p. 127-132. Smithsonian Inst., Washington, DC.

Palko, B.J. 1982. (Book review) Laboratory Animal Management, Marine Invertebrates. National Research Council. Bull. Mar. Sci. 32(3):805.

Pristas, P.J. 1982. Big game fishing in the northern Gulf of Mexico during 1981. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-90, 34 p.

Renfro, W.C., and H.A. Brusher. 1982. Seasonal abundance, size distribution, and spawning of three shrimps (Penaeus aztecus, P. setiferus, P. duorarum) in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico, 1961-1962. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-94, 47 p.

Saloman, C.H.S.P. Naughton, and J.L. Taylor. 1982. Benthic faunal assemblages of shallow water sand and seagrass habitats, St. Andrew Bay, Florida. U.S. Fish & Wildl. Serv., Panama City, FL., 575 p.

Saloman, C.H.S.P. Naughton, and J.L. Taylor. 1982. Benthic community response to dredging borrow pits, Panama City Beach, Florida. U.S. Army Corps of Eng., CERC, Misc. Rep. 82-3, 138 p.

Steimle, F.W., Jr., and L. Ogren. 1982. Food of fish collected on artificial reefs in the New York Bight and off Charleston, South Carolina. Mar. Fish. Rev. 44(6-7):49-52. PDF

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Fable, W.A., Jr.H.A. BrusherL. Trent, and J. Finnegan, Jr. 1981. Possible temperature effects on charter boat catches of king mackerel and other coastal pelagic species in northwest Florida. Mar. Fish. Rev. 43(8):21-26. PDF

Grady, J.R. 1981. Properties of sea grass and sand flat sediments from the intertidal zone of St. Andrew Bay, Florida. Estuaries 4(4):335-344.

Johnson, A.G. 1981. Electrophoretic patterns of proteins in Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus maculatus). U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-76, 11 p. PDF

MacGregor, R., III, J.J. Dindo, and J.H. Finucane. 1981. Changes ins serum androgens and estrogens during spawning in bluefish, Pomatomus saltator, and king mackerel, Scomberomorus cavalla. Can. J. Zool. 59(9):1749-1754.

Nakamura, E.L. 1981. Sciaenid resources in the Gulf of Mexico. Mar. Recreat. Fish. 6:29-39.

Naughton, S.P., and C.H. Saloman. 1981. Stomach contents of juveniles of king mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla) and Spanish mackerel (S.maculatus). Northeast Gulf Sci. 5(1):71-74.

Pristas, P.J. 1981. Big game fishing in the northern Gulf of Mexico during 1980. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-77, 34 p.

Saloman, C.H. 1981. Aspects of the biology of Spilocuma salomani (Cumacea: Boditriidae). Northeast Gulf Sci. 4(2):99-104.

Saloman, C.H., and W.A. Fable, Jr. 1981. Length-frequency distributions of recreationally caught reef fishes from Panama City, Florida, in 1978 and 1979. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-SEFC-61, 22 p.PDF

Trent, L., R.O. Williams, R.G. Taylor, C.H. Saloman, and C.S. Manooch, III. 1981. Size and sex ratio of king mackerel, Scomberomorus cavalla, in the southeastern United States. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-62, 59 p.


Barger, L.E., and A.G. Johnson. 1980. An evaluation of marks on hardparts for age determination of Atlantic croaker, spot, sand seatrout, and silver seatrout. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-22, 14 p.PDF

Barger, L.E., and M.L. Williams. 1980. A summarization and discussion of age and growth of spot, Leiostomus xanthurus Lacepede, sand seatrout, Cynoscion arenarius Ginsburg, and silver seatrout, Cynoscion nothusHolbrook, based on a literature review. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-14, 15 p. PDF

Carr, A., L. Ogren, and C. McVea. 1980. Apparent hibernation by the Atlantic loggerhead turtle Caretta carettaoff Cape Canaveral, Florida. Biol. Conserv. 19:7-14.

Collins, L.A.J.H. Finucane, and L.E. Barger. 1980. Description of larval and juvenile red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus. Fish. Bull. 77(4):965-974.

Fable, W.A., Jr. 1980. Tagging studies of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) and vermilion snapper (Rhomboplites aurorubens) off the south Texas coast. Contrib. Mar. Sci. 23:115-121.

Finucane, J.H.H.A. Brusher, and L.A. Collins. 1980. Spawning of bluefish, Pomatomus saltator, in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Northeast Gulf Sci. 4(1):57-59.

Johnson, A.G.W.A. Fable, Jr. L.E. Barger, and M.L. Williams. 1980. Preliminary report on the age and growth of king mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla) from the United States. ICCAT Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 9(3):722-733.

McEachran, J.D., J.H. Finucane, and L.S. Hall. 1980. Distribution, seasonality and abundance of king and Spanish mackerel larvae in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico (Pisces: Scombridae). Northeast Gulf Sci. 4(1):1-16.

Nakamura, E.L. 1980. Carangids of the northern Gulf of Mexico. Miss.-Ala. Sea Grant Consort., pub. no. MASGP-80-012, p. 18-33.

Nakamura, E.L., J.R. Taylor, and I.K. Workman. 1980. The occurrence of life stages of some recreational marine fishes in estuaries of the Gulf of Mexico. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-45, 53 p.

Pristas, P.J. 1980. Big game fishing in the northern Gulf of Mexico during 1979. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-23, 29 p.

Pristas, P.J. 1980. A possible hatchet marlin (Tetrapterus sp.) from the Gulf of Mexico. Northeast Gulf Sci. 4(1):51-56.

Sutherland, D.F., and W.A. Fable, Jr. 1980. Results of a king mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla) and Atlantic Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus maculatus) migration study, 1975-79. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-12, 23p.


Johnson, A.G. 1979. A simple method for staining the centra of teleost vertebrae. Northeast Gulf Sci. 3(2):113-115.

McEachran, J.D., and J.H. Finucane. 1979. Distribution, seasonality and abundance of larval king and Spanish mackerel in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. (Abstract). Gulf States Mar. Fish. Comm., pub. no. 4, p 59.

Nakamura, E.L., and H.R. Bullis, Jr. (eds.) 1979. Proceedings: Colloquium on the Spanish and king mackerel resources of the Gulf of Mexico. Gulf States Mar. Fish. Comm. pub. no. 4, 117 p.

Saloman, C.H. 1979. New records of caridean shrimps (Decapoda, Caridea) from the nearshore area of Panama City Beach, Florida, U.S.A. Crustaceana, Suppl. 5:147-152.

Saloman, C.H. 1979. Fishes of the littoral zone, Pinellas County, Florida. Fla. Sci. 42(2):85-92.

Trent, L., and E.A. Anthony. 1979. Commercial and recreational fisheries for Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus maculatus. Gulf States Mar. Fish. Comm., pub. no. 4, p. 17-32.

Williams, R.O., and D.F. Sutherland. 1979. King mackerel migrations. (Abstract). Gulf States Mar. Fish. Comm., pub. no. 4, p. 57.


Barger, L.L.A. Collins, and J.H. Finucane. 1978. First record of bluefish larvae, Pomatomus saltatrix, in the Gulf of Mexico. Northeast Gulf Sci. 2(2):145-148.

Brusher, H.A.L. Trent, and M.L. Williams. 1978. Recreational fishing for king mackerel in Bay County, Florida, during 1975. Mackerel Workshop Report, Univ. Miami Sea Grant, Spec. Rep. no. 14:120-142.

Finucane, J.H.L.A. Collins, and L.A. Barger. 1978. Spawning of the striped mullet, Mugil cephalus, in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Northeast Gulf Sci. 2(2):148-150.

Manooch, C.S., III, E.L. Nakamura, and A. Bowman Hall. 1978. Annotated bibliography of four Atlantic scombrids: Scomberomorus brasiliensis, S. cavalla, S. maculatus, and S. regalis. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS Circ. 418, 166 p.

Nakamura, E.L. 1978 (book review). Fishes of the Gulf of Mexico: Texas, Louisiana, and adjacent waters. By H. Dickson Hoese and Richard H. Moore. Fisheries 3(4):53.

Naughton, S.P., and C.H. Saloman. 1978. Fishes of the nearshore zone of St. Andrew Bay, Florida, and adjacent coast. Northeast Gulf Sci. 2(1):43-55.

Ogren, L.H., and D.R. Ekberg. 1978. National marine turtle management program (Abstract). Fla. Mar. Res. Pub. 33:61.

Pristas, P.J., and L. Trent. 1978. Seasonal abundance, size, and sex ratio of fishes caught with gill nets in St. Andrew Bay, Florida. Bull. Mar. Sci. 28(3):581-589.

Saloman, C.H. 1978. Occurrence of Lightiella floridana (Crustacea: Cephalocaridea) from the west coast of Florida. Bull. Mar. Sci. 28(1):210-212.

Saloman, C.H., and S.P. Naughton. 1978. Benthic macroinvertebrates inhabiting the swash zone of Panama City Beach, Florida. Northeast Gulf Sci. 2(1):65-72.

Sutherland, D.F. 1978. Estimated average daily instantaneous numbers of recreational and commercial fishermen and boaters in the St. Andrew Bay system, Florida, and adjacent coastal waters, 1973. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS-SSRF-724, 23 p.


Lindall, W.N., Jr., and C.H. Saloman. 1977. Alteration and destruction of estuaries affecting fishery resources of the Gulf of Mexico. Mar. Fish. Rev. 39(9):1-7.

Ogren, L.H. 1977. Concealment behavior of the Spanish lobster, (Syllarides nodifer) (Stimpson), with observations on its diel activity. Northeast Gulf Sci. 1(2):115-116.

Ogren, L.H., and H.A. Brusher. 1977. The distribution and abundance of fishes caught with a trawl in the St. Andrew Bay system, Florida. Northeast Gulf Sci. 1(2):83-105.

Ogren, L.H., J.W. Watson, Jr., and D.A. Wickham. 1977. Loggerhead sea turtles, Caretta caretta, encountering shrimp trawls. Mar. Fish. Rev. 39(11):15-17.

Pristas, P.J., and L. Trent. 1977. Comparisons of catches of fishes in gill nets in relation to webbing material, time of day, and water depth in St. Andrew Bay, Florida. Fish. Bull. 75(1):103-108.

Saloman, C.H., and S.P. Naughton. 1977. Effect of Hurricane Eloise on the benthic fauna of Panama City Beach, Florida, USA. Mar. Biol. 42(4):357-363.

Sutherland, D.F. 1977. Catch and catch rates of fishes caught by anglers in the St. Andrew Bay system, Florida, and adjacent coastal waters, 1973. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS-SSRF-708, 9 p.

Trent, L., and P.J. Pristas. 1977. Selectivity of gill nets on estuarine and coastal fishes from St. Andrew Bay, Florida. Fish. Bull. 75(1):185-198.


Brusher, H.A., and L.H. Ogren. 1976. Distribution, abundance, and size of penaeid shrimps in the St. Andrew Bay system, Florida. Fish. Bull. 74(1):158-166.

Hastings, R.W., L.H. Ogren, and M.T. Mabry. 1976. Observations on the fish fauna associated with offshore platforms in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Fish. Bull. 74(2):387-402.

May, N., L. Trent, and P.J. Pristas. 1976. Relation of fish catches in gill nets to frontal periods. Fish. Bull. 74(2):449-453.

Nakamura, E.L. 1976. Scombrid fishes in St. Andrew Bay, Florida. Bull. Mar. Sci. 26(4):619-621.

Nakamura, E.L. 1976. Recreational fisheries for snappers and groupers in the Gulf of Mexico. Florida Sea Grant College Prog., Rep. no. 17:77-85.

Solaman, C.H. 1976. The benthic fauna and sediments of the nearshore zone off Panama City Beach, Florida. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Coastal Eng. Res. Cent., Misc. Rep. 76-10, 256 p.

Trent, L., E.J. Pullen, and R. Proctor. 1976. Abundance of macrocrustaceans in a natural marsh and a marsh altered by dredging, bulkheading, and filling. Fish. Bull. 74(1):195-200.


Hall, J.R., and C.H. Saloman. 1975. Distribution and abundance of macroinvertebrate species of six phyla in Tampa Bay, Florida, 1963-1964 and 1969. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA, NMFS Data Rep. 100, 505 p.

Lindall, W.N., Jr., W.A. Fable, Jr., and L.A. Collins. 1975. Additional studies of the fishes, macroinvertebrates, and hydrological conditions of upland canals in Tampa Bay, Florida. Fish. Bull. 73(1):81-85.

Lindall, W.N., Jr., and L. Trent. 1975. Housing development canals in the coastal zone of the Gulf of Mexico: ecological consequences, regulations, and recommendations. Mar. Fish. Rev. 37(10):19-24.

Ogren, L.H. 1975. Midwater structures for enhancing recreational fishing. Texas A&M Univ. Sea Grant Pub. TAMU-SG-74-103:65-67.

Saloman, C.H. 1975. A selected bibliography of the nearshore environment: Florida west coast. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Coastal Eng. Res. Cent., Misc. pap. no. 5-75, 268 p.

Smith, G.B., H.M. Austin, S.A. Bortone, R.W. Hastings, and L.H. Ogren. 1975. Fishes of the Florida Middle Ground with comments on ecology and zoogeography. Fla. Mar. Res. Pub. 9, 14 p.


Collins, L.A., and J.H. Finucane. 1974. Hydrographic observations in Tampa Bay and adjacent waters, May 1971 through April 1973. NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service Data Report 87, 146 p.

Fable, W.A., Jr., and C.H. Saloman. 1974. The recreational fishery on three piers near St. Petersburg, Florida, during 1971. Mar. Fish. Rev. 36(10):14-18.

Gilmore, G., and L. Trent. 1974. Abundance of benthic macroinvertebrates in natural and altered estuarine areas. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS-SSRF-677, 13 p. PDF

Hall, J.R., and W.N. Lindall, Jr. 1974. Benthic macroinvertebrates and sediments from upland canals in Tampa Bay, Florida. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA, NMFS Data Rep. 94, 221 p.

Lenarz, W.H., and E.L. Nakamura. 1974. Analysis of length and weight data on three species of billfish from the western Atlantic Ocean. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS-SSRF-675:121-125. PDF

McNulty, J.K., W.N. Lindall, Jr., and E.A. Anthony. 1974. Data of the biology phase, Florida portion, Cooperative Gulf of Mexico Estuarine Inventory. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA NMFS Data Rep. 95, 229 p.

Nakamura, E.L., and L.R. Rivas. 1974. An analysis of the sportfishery for billfishes in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico during 1971. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS-SSRF-675:269-289. PDF

Pullen, E.J., and L. Trent. 1974. Hydrographic observations from a natural marsh and a marsh altered by dredging, bulkheading, and filling in West Bay, Texas. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA, NMFS Data Rep. 97, 15 p.

Saloman, C.H. 1974. Hydrographic and meteorological observations from Tampa Bay and adjacent waters--1971. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA, NMFS Data Rep. 84, 554 p.

Saloman, C.H. 1974. Physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of nearshore zone of Sand Key, Florida, prior to beach restoration. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service, Panama City Laboratory, Panama City, FL, 2 v.

Saloman, C.H., and L.A. Collins. 1974. Hydrographic observations in Tampa Bay and adjacent waters--1972. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA, NMFS Data Rep. 90, 176 p.

Smith, G.B., and L.H. Ogren. 1974. Comments on the nature of the Florida Middle Ground reef ichthyofauna.In: Proceedings of Marine Environmental Implications of Offshore Drilling in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico (Robert E. Smith, ed.), Jan.31 - Feb. 2, 1974, St. Petersburg, FL, p. 229-232.

Trent, L., E.J. Pullen, G. Adams, and G. Zamora, Jr. 1974. Catch per unit effort and mean total length of brown shrimp, (Penaeus aztecus) Ives, taken by trawl in the Galveston Bay system, Texas 1963-67. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA, NMFS Data Rep. 93, 42 p.


Lindall, W.N., Jr. 1973. Alterations of estuaries of south Florida: a threat to its fish resources. Mar. Fish. Rev. 35(10):26-33. PDF

Wickham, D.A., J.W. Watson, Jr., and L.H. Ogren. 1973. The efficacy of midwater artificial structures for attracting pelagic sport fish. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 102(3):563-572.



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