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Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

UMESC Publications

Declining scaup populations: issues, hypotheses, and research needs

Austin, J. E., Afton, A. D., Anderson, M. G., Clark, R. G., Custer, C. M., Lawrence, J. S., Pollard, J. B., and Ringelman, J. K., 2000, Declining scaup populations: issues, hypotheses, and research needs: Wildlife Society Bulletin, v. 28, no. 1, p. 254-263.


The population estimate for greater (Aythya marila) and lesser (Aythya affinis) scaup (combined) has declined dramatically since the early 1980s to record lows in 1998. The 1998 estimate of 3.47 million scaup is far below the goal of 6.3 million set in the North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP), causing concern among biologists and hunters. We summarize issuesof concern, hypotheses for factors contributing to the population decline, and research and management needs recommended by participants of the Scaup Workshop, held in September 1999. We believe that contaminants, lower female survival, and reduced recruitment due to changes in food resources or breedingground habitats are primary factors contributing to the decline. These factors are not mutually exclusive but likely interact across seasons. Workshop participants identified seven action items. We need to further delineate where declines in breeding populations have occurred, with a primary focus on the western Canadian boreal forest, where declines appear to be most pronounced. Productivity in various areas and habitats throughout the breeding range needs to be assessed by conducting retrospective analyses of existing data and by intensive field studies at broad and local scales. Annual and seasonal survival rates need to be determined in order to assess the role of harvest or natural mortality. Effects of contaminants on reproduction, female body condition, and behavior must be investigated. Use, distribution, and role of food resources relative to body condition and reproduction need to be examined to better understand seasonal dynamics of nutrient reserves and the role in reproductive success. Affiliations among breeding, migration, and wintering areas must be assessed in order to understand differential exposure to harvest or contaminants, and differential reproductive success and recruitment. Biologists and agencies need to gather and improve information needed to manage greater and lesser scaup separately; this includes monitoring the breeding populations of each species separately, closer examination of existing data to improve surveys and data collection, and re-evaluation of the NAWMP population goal. These complex issues will require extensive cooperation and communication among many agencies and organizations in North America.


Aythya affinis, Aythya marila, Management, Population, Research needs, Trends

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