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FCRPS: Tributary Habitat Program

Reclamation's Tributary Habitat Program in the Pacific Northwest Region was initiated in 2000 as part of the NOAA Fisheries Biological Opinions on Operation and Maintenance of the Federal Columbia River Power System. Reclamation is currently operating under the 2010 FCRPS Biological Opinion.

Reclamation works in partnership with local landowners, representatives from states, Tribes, other federal agencies, and conservation groups on habitat projects to improve spawning and rearing habitat for Columbiamap of subbasins Washington Subbasins Idaho Subbasins Oregon Subbasins River Basin salmon and steelhead listed under the Endangered Species Act.

The program is focused on providing technical services including project coordination, environmental compliance, permit application, engineering design, and construction monitoring to local project sponsors who obtain federal, state, and private funding to construct the habitat projects.

Reclamation contributions are limited to instream habitat projects that:

  • increase streamflow through water acquisition or lease
  • remove barriers to improve access to a greater range of spawning and rearing habitat
  • replace screens on water diversions to reduce entrainment of fish in water delivery systems
  • increase channel complexity through side-channel and floodplain reconnections

Subbasin liaisons (trained biologists or engineers) are stationed in Wenatchee and Twisp, Washington; John Day and La Grande, Oregon; and Salmon, Idaho. Publications produced by the program cover a range of topics including environmental compliance, project completion, and scientific investigations associated with river system behavior for planning and implementation of instream habitat improvement projects.


Download information about the various subbasins:

Washington: Wenatchee, Entiat, Methow
Oregon: Upper, Middle, and North Fork John Day, Grande Ronde
Idaho: Lemhi, Pahsimeroi, Upper Salmon, Little Salmon | Yankee Fork Rehabilitation Project
Other Documents
Joe Spinazola
Habitat Coordinator
(208) 378-5378

Last Update: February 28, 2013 10:52 AM