United States Institute of Peace

The Iran Primer


New Human Rights Watch Report on Iran

            In 2012, Iran put opposition leaders under house arrest, harassed and arrested civil society activists, and prevented oppositio

Sanctions and Medical Supply Shortages in Iran

            Sanctions have unintentionally played a key role in creating shortages of life-saving medical supplies and drugs in Iran, accor

Nuclear Issue: Why is Iran Negotiating?

            The Islamic Republic is under increasing domestic and international pressure to be more flexible on its nuclear program, accord

Gallup: Most Iranians Support Nuclear Program Despite Sanctions

            Nearly half of Iranians said international sanctions have hurt their personal livelihoods a great deal, according to a new Gall

Solving the Iranian Nuclear Puzzle

            Iran is still years away from developing nuclear weapons, according to a new report by the Arms Control Association.

Khamenei Comments: West Wants to Block Election

            In three major speeches in January, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei focused on the upcoming presidential election, the t

Pew: Rising Tide of Restrictions on Religion

             Among 197 countries, Iran ranked sixth in restricting freedom of religion, according to a Pew Research Center survey.

Congress Report: Iran Intelligence Expanding

           Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security has recently expanded its operations in the Middle East and beyond, most no

Pew: Iran’s Popularity (or Not) in the World

            As part of its Global Attitudes Project, the Pew Research Center surveyed attitudes about Iran among major countries.

Iran Boosts North Korean Missile Program

             Iran may have helped North Korea launch a multistage rocket and put a satellite into orbit on December 12, according to

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