Last Updated: 1/31/2013 10:00:00 AM

Heat Index: 47 Wind Direction: W
Humidity: 67% Wind Speed: 4 mph
Dew Point: 37 Barometric Pressure: 29.834
  • Mid-day model paints snowy picture

    By Chick Jacobs | 2/16/2013 11:27 AM

    Yes, I know we’re well in the range of now-casting, and models really don’t mean much. But as folks in Fayetteville hear about light snow (it just started to spit snow in Lillington, BTW) while they just see gloom and drizzle, the models serve as a reminder: This ain’t over … it hasn’t even begun. Here’s the mid-day GFS run through Sunday...  [Read more]

  • So, where’s the snow?

    By Chick Jacobs | 2/16/2013 11:03 AM

    While Fayetteville waits for the first wave of moisture to knock down surface temps, a few places nearby have seen considerable cooling – and snow. At 11 a.m., temps has dropped below freezing in Moore County, with continues light snow reported in Aberdeen and Southern Pines. Snow was sticking to surfaces and highway rails in Sanford, in Lee...  [Read more]

  • Light snow in Sandhills

    By Chick Jacobs | 2/16/2013 10:01 AM

    Light snow has moved into the region, though still mixing with rain for many. Here’s an update from the NWS in Raleigh: A band of precip moving into the region has begun to pull colder air toward the surface across the region. It has also brought a mixture of light rain and snow to parts of Lee and Moore counties, and should continue through...  [Read more]

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    Rising insurance costs Starting next year, Cumberland County will require its employees to meet health-improvement targets to earn a discount on their insurance. Is it fair to charge people higher rates if they are overweight or have other health problems?
    Yes. Unhealthy people raise costs for everyone
    It may not be fair, but it will motivate people to get fit
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