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CLL 206 Introduction to Parts Management
(Last Modified:09-Aug-2012)



Welcome to the Introduction to Parts Management module. Parts management, previously known as parts control, has been a discretionary practice or a requirement in DoD weapon systems or equipment acquisition contracts since 1957. Today's weapons systems and equipments acquisition environment is characterized by rapidly changing designs, increases in the use of commercial part types, offshore manufacturing of parts, and diminishing manufacturing sources and material shortages (DMSMS). These factors have increased risk for Department of Defense weapon systems and equipment acquisition contracts. Because of these risks, the need for contractors to have an effective parts management program is greater than ever before. The Parts Management Program is an integral part of the acquisition process for design, development, modification, and support of weapon systems and equipment.

Parts management focuses on selecting the best parts at the design phase of an acquisition program under an overarching systems engineering umbrella. Typically, the use of parts described by non-Government or military standards, or the use of commonly used parts already in the DoD supply system, would be preferred. These will provide the ultimate user, the warfighter, returns that can be measured through the desired performance-based criteria of operational availability, operational reliability, cost per unit usage, logistics footprint and logistics response time, as well as payback in terms of total ownership costs. The vehicle for ensuring good parts management programs exist is the inclusion of parts management requirements in all new DoD weapon systems and equipment acquisition contracts. Parts management focuses on selecting the best parts at the design phase of an acquisition program under an overarching systems engineering umbrella. Typically, the use of parts described by non-government or military standards, or the use of commonly used parts already in the DoD supply system, would be preferred. Those will provide user returns that can be measured through the desired performance-based criteria of operational availability, operational reliability, cost per unit usage, logistics footprint, and logistics response time, as well as payback in terms of total ownership costs. The vehicle for ensuring good parts management programs is the inclusion of parts management requirements in all new DoD weapons systems and equipment acquisition contracts. Parts management, previously known as parts control, has been a discretionary practice or a requirement in DoD weapons systems or equipment acquisition contracts since 1957.
Target Attendees
Predecessor Course(s) (Acceptable as a substitute for this course until the acceptance date specified below.)
Predecessor Predecessor Course Title PDS Code Accepted Until
None None None None
Course Length
Approximately 1.5 hours to complete
Additional Course Information
Delivery Mode Continuous Learning
Equivalent Courses None
ACE Recommended Credits N/A
Additional Public Information N/A
Continuing Education Units   0
Continuous Learning Points  1.5
Reservist Retirement Points  0
Historical Allocations Mouse Over for Past CEU/CLPs
  • Technical requirements for this course.
  • You have 60 days to complete this course.
  • This course contains an end of module test that must be passed with a 100% score.
  • After passing your exam, please be sure to complete the required Module Survey from the Table of Contents. You will not be graduated from the module until you have completed the Survey. If you experience any difficulty in completing the Survey, please contact the DAU Help Desk to ensure that you receive proper credit.
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