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Feb 13, 2013

Tipton Reintroduces Pro-Jobs Hydropower Bill with Senate Companion

Rep. Scott Tipton (CO-03) reintroduced a measure to increase the production of clean, renewable hydropower and create rural jobs. Tipton first introduced The Bureau of Reclamation Small Conduit Hydropower and Rural Jobs Act last Congress

Jan 30, 2013

Tipton Statement on Revived Forest Service Effort to Hijack Individual Water Rights

Rep. Scott Tipton (R-CO) issued this statement following an announcement by the U.S. Forest Service to initiate a public comment process as it once again ramps up efforts to implement a directive that would require the transfer of privately held water rights to the federal government as a permit condition on National Forest System lands.

Jan 14, 2013

Editorial: Wildfire prevention is first priority in new Congress

We cannot wait for another summer of destruction to pass before taking action to improve forest conditions. It's our responsibility to act now to proactively manage our forests...

Jan 9, 2013

Tipton applauds passage of Endangered Fish Recovery Act

Last week Congressman Scott Tipton, R-Cortez, of the 3rd Congressional District of Colorado, lauded the U.S. Senate’s recent passage of the Endangered Fish Recovery Programs Extension Act of 2012.

Jan 7, 2013

Tipton reflects on first term

Tipton says his priorities for the 2013 session include job creation, domestic energy exploration and development, eliminating "regulatory requirements and paperwork that inhibit small business", and reintroducing a forestry bill that gives states more flexibility...

Jan 3, 2013

Tipton begins second term with signed Katie’s Law in sight

Congressman Scott Tipton (R-CO) was sworn in for a second term today, with his effort to establish a federal version of Katie’s Law hours from becoming a reality. The President is expected to sign it into law sometime today.

Jan 3, 2013

Lawmakers agree on endangered fish funding

As the House and Senate wrangled over the fiscal cliff, Democrats and Republicans found agreement on the four endangered fish of the Colorado River. The Senate on Monday unanimously approved a measure reauthorizing the recovery program for four species of endangered fish in the Colorado River basin. Once it’s signed by President Barack Obama, the measure will remove a “significant uncertainty” for water users in the basin, said Chris Treese, spokesman for the Colorado River Water Conservation District.

Jan 2, 2013

Tipton Applauds Passage of Measure to Protect Endangered Colorado River Fish

Rep. Scott Tipton (CO-03) applauded the Senate’s passage of the Endangered Fish Recovery Programs Extension Act of 2012 (H.R. 6060), a measure to help restore the populations of four endangered fish species in the Colorado River. Tipton is an original co-sponsor of the bill and played a role in guiding it successfully through the House. The Senate passed the measure un-amended and with unanimous consent.

Dec 12, 2012

Tipton Urges Forest Service to Allow Mountain Bikes on New Trail Segment near Gunnison and Crested Butte

Today, Congressman Scott Tipton (CO-03) expressed concerns over the Forest Service plan to preclude mountain bikes from sharing a new segment of the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail, despite allowing hiking and horseback riding on the trail.

Dec 4, 2012

Colorado Pride on Display with U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree

Today, Congressman Scott Tipton (CO-03) joined Senators Mark Udall (CO) and Michael Bennet (CO), and Speaker John Boehner in lighting the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree.
