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Congressman Roger Williams

Representing the 25th District of Texas

Defense and National Security

“The first job of the federal government is to keep our nation safe.”— Congressman Roger Williams

Roger Williams know that nothing is more important to his nation—and to his district—than national security.

Much of the world’s largest military base, Fort Hood, resides in the 25th Congressional District. And Roger is committed to fighting for those who fight for America.

His agenda for national security is based on the premise that for the world to be free America must be strong.  

Roger supports:

  • Keeping national security spending off-limits from budget cuts;
  • Investing in new weapons technology like the Joint Strike Fighter;
  • Raising the pay of our men and women in uniform;
  • Never apologizing for American military strength.

More on Defense and National Security

Jan 16, 2013

Today, U.S. Congressman Roger Williams (TX-25) released the following statement responding to President Obama’s proposed executive orders and legislation on gun control: