Children's Environmental Health Network

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Welcome to the Children's Environmental Health Network

The Children's Environmental Health Network is a national multi-disciplinary organization whose mission is to protect the developing child from environmental health hazards and promote a healthier environment. 

To achieve this mission, the Network has had several goals:

  1. to promote the development of sound public health and child-focused national policy
  2. to stimulate prevention-oriented research
  3. to educate health professionals, policy makers and community members in preventive strategies; and
  4. to elevate public awareness of environmental hazards to children.


CEHN has been working since 1992 to promote this vital work and has a history of working with a wide range of stakeholders.  From health care and child care professionals to faith and policy leaders, to parents and care givers, CEHN has partnered with local and national professional and advocacy organizations, reaching local, state, federal, and international audiences.

Although children are better protected today than 20 years ago, we still have a great deal of work to do in order to ensure all children have the right to a healthy and safe future.

Today, CEHN is the voice of children’s environmental health in the nation’s capitol, one that is uniquely informed by a strong basis in pediatric and environmental health science. 

To read about some of CEHN's key accomplishments in the field please visit:

 20 Years of Key Accomplishments


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