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HRSA and GLSEN Work Together in Support of No Name Calling Week

No Name Calling Week

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is proud of its long history of working with the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) and other student groups to promote healthy kids and safe schools. These partnerships are a great chance for HRSA to reach youth in their schools and community to prevent bullying. Over the years, HRSA and GLSEN have shared resources and spoken at events. This year, we are continuing that work on social media for GLSEN’s No Name Calling Week. Continue Reading

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SPIRIT: Maintaining a “Cooler Classroom” Climate

A child at a Sikh site.

Bullying takes many forms. It happens in many contexts. Because bullying is complex, there is no one-size-fits-all solution for it.

“Student Problem Identification and Resolution of Issues Together” (SPIRIT ) is a service program that CRS delivers to schools across the nation.  The program helps schools prevent bullying by focusing on the social tension and conflict that can lead to it, including:

Creating a space for teachers, students, and parents to build understanding and trust through discussion Continue Reading

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Defending Childhood: Challenging Our Perceptions on Bullying

Defending Childhood photo_small

Participants at the Grand Forks Defending Childhood Site learn more about bullying intervention strategies.

In 2010, Attorney General Eric Holder launched the Defending Childhood initiative to address children’s exposure—as victims and as witnesses—to violence. He hopes to change our perceptions of violence and abuse, make the topic an issue on the national level, and address how abuse and violence affect children. He understands that violence can follow and wound children throughout their lives. We need to address abuse and Continue Reading

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Giving Teachers Tools to Stop Bullying: Free Training Toolkit Now Available

A teacher stands in a classroom

Over the past three years, at our annual Federal Partners in Bullying Prevention Summits, we have heard the same call by educators-– teachers want to help stop bullying, but they don’t know how. Most try to help, but few receive training on how to do so. There are bullying prevention trainings available for teachers, but many are very expensive or not based on the best available research.

That is why the Department of Education and its Safe and Supportive Technical Continue Reading

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Are You Up to the Challenge? Show Us How You’re More Than a Bystander

The Federal Partners in Bullying Prevention are looking for informative and entertaining videos that send a positive message to youth about the importance of being “more than a bystander” to bullying in their schools and communities.

In August, U.S. Department of Education Secretary Arne Duncan, called on America’s youth to take the Stop Bullying Video Challenge. This contest gives young people another way to create a more positive and healthy environment in their schools and communities. Students are asked Continue Reading

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