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Business Ethics and Anti-Corruption

Business Ethics: A Manual for Managing a Responsible Business Enterprise in Emerging Market Economies

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Part I - The Responsible Business Enterprise

Chapter 1 Responsible Business Conduct in an Emerging Economy
Chapter 2 Responsible Management and the Responsible Business Enterprise

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Part II - The Business Ethics Program

Chapter 3 Responsible Business Conduct as Strategy
Chapter 4 Creation of a Business Ethics Program

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Part III - Structuring the Business Ethics Program

Chapter 5 Standards, Procedures, and Expectations for the Responsible Business Enterprise
Chapter 6 Business Ethics Infrastructure
Chapter 7 Business Ethics Communications and Feedback

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Part IV - Putting Business Ethics into Practice

Chapter 8 Aligning the Responsible Business Enterprise
Chapter 9 Responsible Business Conduct and Practices

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Part V - Achieving Responsible Business Conduct

Chapter 10 Program Evaluation and Organizational Learning

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List of RBE Worksheets

  1. Business Ethics Program Logic Model
  2. Relevant Context Data Collection
  3. Stakeholder Pressure Data Collection
  4. Organizational Culture Questionaire
  5. Questions for the Responsible
  6. Sample Outline for a Code of Conduct
  7. RBE Standards and Expectations Worksheet
  8. Business Ethics Infrastructure Worksheet
  9. Communications Needs Assessment Worksheet
  10. Training Program Outcomes Worksheet
  11. Communications Infrastructure Worksheet
  12. Enterprise Alignment Worksheet
  13. Responsible Business Practices Worksheet
  14. Organizational Culture Worksheet
  15. Process Evaluation
  16. Outcomes Evaluation
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Prepared and published by the U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration, Good Governance Program, 2004

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