
Entrepreneur Success Stories

Hudson, OH
Mon, 05/02/2011

Entrepreneur Success Stories

"Entrepreneur Success Stories” panel consisting of individuals who have taken the plunge into starting their own business and have lived to tell their tale. Each of the businesses featured on this year’s panel are in different stages of development and success, yet all have a unique story and perspective to relate.

An Introduction to Federal Funding Opportunities for Early-Stage Companies

Akron, OH
Thu, 04/28/2011

An Introduction to Federal Funding Opportunities for Early-Stage Companies

Come to an introductory session, sponsored by the Akron Global Business Accelerator of the JumpStart Entrepreneurial Network, to learn how you can win these free, non-dilutive grants. Presenting the basics of the SBIR program is Lisa Kurek, Managing Partner of Biotechnology Business Consultants, who has over 30 years of experience in grant assistance. Following the presentation, you will have an opportunity to meet one-on-one with Lisa and grant preparation experts from the Ohio Aerospace Institute.

Foreign Trade Zone Boards

Reviews FTZ applications, designates site licenses, and provides information/education concerning how special customs procedures allowing domestic activity involving foreign items may be used in FTZ. FTZ can offset customs advantages available to overseas producers who compete with domestic producers. Helps facilitate and expedite international trade and exports, attract offshore activity and the retention of domestic activity, and create employment opportunities.

Click here for more information: http://www.trade.gov/ftz


Nestlé Professional North America announced in April 2011 their plans for a multi-million dollar expansion of the L.J. Minor facility in Cleveland, OH. The official groundbreaking took place on August 18th, 2011. The new facility will cover 75,000 square feet and add new advanced technologies to the site.