NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR) Comprehensive Grant Program

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Department of Commerce

The NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR) Comprehensive Grant Program provides funding to eligible proposers to support research involving neutron research and spectroscopy specifically aimed at assisting visiting researchers at the NCNR, developing new instrumentation for neutron research, conducting collaborative research with NIST scientists, and to conduct other outreach and educational activities that advance the use of neutrons by U.S. academia and industrial scientists.

To view the full announcement of the Federal Funding Opportunity, click here To see a summary of the program, click on this link ( to the Synopsis. To apply for funding under this program electronically through, click on the Application box near the top of the Synopsis screen.

For assistance in applying electronically, contact Christopher Hunton at christopher.hunton[at]nist[dot]gov or (301) 975-5718.

For more information on the NCNR, see the NCNR website