Energy is your source to find and apply for federal grants. is a central storehouse for information on grants from multiple federal agencies. lists over 1,000 grant programs and provides access to approximately $500 billion in annual awards.

Government organization, educational organization, public housing organization, non-profit organizations, small businesses, other for-profit organizations, individuals are all eligible to apply for different federal governemnt grants.

Visit to search for and apply for grants from a wide variety of industries and sectors

Grants Program Management Office



Clean Energy Loan Guarantee Program

The Department of Energy’s Loan Programs—administered by LPO—enable DOE to work with private companies and lenders to mitigate the financing risks associated with clean energy projects, and thereby encourage their development on a broader and much-needed scale.
The Loan Programs consist of three separate programs managed by two offices, the Loan Guarantee Program Office (LGP) and the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program Office. LPO originates, guarantees, and monitors loans to support clean energy projects through these programs.

NETL Solicitations / Funding Opportunity Announcement

Department of Energy

National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) uses Fedconnect and/or and FedBizOpps to post solicitations and funding opportunity announcements and amendments related to the energy sector, receive proposals and applications, and disseminate award information. Proposals will be accepted only through FedConnect or Grants.Gov as indicated in the solicitation document.

For list of solicited funding opportunities please visit:

Small Business Innovation Research Program and Small Business Technology Transfer Program

Department of Energy

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) is soliciting research proposal for funding on
topic that address issues related to:

• Advanced Scientific Computing Research
• Fusion Energy Sciences
• Basic Energy Sciences
• High Energy Physics
• Biological and Environmental Research
• Nuclear Physics
• Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation

For specific list of topics please refer to:

Awards and contact information are specific to each topic.

Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Funding

U.S. Department of Energy

Department of Energy: Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) provides a list of financial opportunities for business, industry, and universities.

Past opportunities include: solar, geothermal, vehical technology, biomass, hydrogen and fuel cell research,. 

To explore current EERE financial assistance solicitations and solicitation-related requests please click here:

National Energy Technology Laboratory Funding Opportunities

Department of Energy

National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)

Incentive: NETL’s project portfolio includes R&D conducted through partnerships, cooperative research and development agreements, financial assistance, and contractual arrangements with universities and the private sector. Together, these efforts focus a wealth of scientific and engineering talent on creating commercially viable solutions to national energy and environmental problems.

Award: Individual project funding ranges up to $120 million dollars. Individual awards vary by solicitation.

Eligibility: For eligibility, please view the individual solicitation.

Office of Textiles and Apparel (OTEXA) Export Promotion Program

Department of the Commerce

Incentive: The Office of Textiles and Apparel (OTEXA) Export Promotion Program targets small-and medium-sized export-ready firms by providing support, facilitation, and program venues for sales of U.S.-made textile and apparel products in overseas markets.

OTEXA’s Export Program includes export-counseling, seminars, sponsorship of trade missions, U.S.A. pavilions in major international trade events, and market research to identify key export opportunities in selected markets.

Eligibility: U.S. companies interested in participating in an OTEXA-sponsored event must use the event to promote the sale of textile and apparel products or services. They must be a U.S.

Renewable Energy Grants

Renewable Energy Grants

Department of the Treasury

Internal Revenue Service

Incentive: The Section 1603 Grant Program is a renewable energy grant program that is administered by the U.S. Department of Treasury. This program allows taxpayers eligible for the federal business energy investment tax credit (ITC) to take this credit or to receive a grant from the U.S. Treasury Department instead of taking the business ITC for new installations. The program also allows taxpayers eligible for the renewable electricity production tax credit (PTC) to receive a grant from the U.S. Treasury Department instead of taking the PTC for new installations.

Renewable Energy Investment Tax Credit (ITC)

Renewable Energy Investment Tax Credit (ITC)

Department of the Treasury

Internal Revenue Service

Incentive: The Investment Tax Credit (ITC) reduces federal income taxes for qualified tax-paying owners based on capital investment in renewable energy projects (measured in dollars). The ITC generally allows taxpayers to take a single tax credit against the project's tax basis equal to 30% in its first year and allows a taxpayer to elect certain qualified facilities to be characterized as energy property eligible for a 10% or 30% ITC, depending on the technology.

Incentives depend on the type of energy.

Manufacturing Innovations: A Manufacturing Extension Partnership National Event 2011

Orlando, FL
Mon, 05/02/2011

Every year over 700 manufacturers, industry experts and MEP field staff join together to learn and connect, bringing the experience back to their organizations and continuing to build a strong & competitive U.S. manufacturing base. The event truly brings the “voice of manufacturing” and “voice of government” to an open, educational and sharing environment that makes a measurable impact on U.S. manufacturing.

The theme for Manufacturing Innovations 2011 represents MEP’s focus on providing U.S. manufacturers with the information they need on new emerging technologies, partnerships, methodologies and ultimately new business opportunities to ensure profitable growth.