UPR of the United States

U.S. Statement at the UPR of Romania

We commend Romania’s overall track record on protecting human rights. However, we are concerned that discrimination and violence against members of Roma and LGBT communities as well as their advocates are still common in Romania and often go unreported.

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Completion of the First UPR of the United States: Statement by Harold Hongju Koh

We complete our first Universal Periodic Review proud of our heritage as a nation conceived in liberty, still dedicated to the proposition that all persons are created equal. At a time when so many nations are in turmoil; when so many are still struggling to achieve government of the people, by the people, and for the people, our constant and urgent challenge remains the same: to achieve a more perfect union and to promote a more perfect world.

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United States Response to UN HRC Recommendations

At a time when the United States has its first African-American President and Attorney General, a female Secretary of State, our first Hispanic Supreme Court justice, an Arab-American and two Asian-American cabinet members, we see visible progress in our national quest for equality and fair treatment.

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Press Conference by the U.S. Delegation to the UPR (Transcript)


BRIMMER: We have just completed a serious interactive discussion with delegations from around the world on the human rights in the United States. We have just witnessed a useful demonstration of freedom of speech. The overall tone was respectful, with many delegations noting our country’s many contributions to the promotion of human rights and values worldwide. There were critical comments and sharp questions as well, but we took opportunities all morning to explain our system, our laws and our policies, and to reflect on ongoing challenges.

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UPR of the United States – Opening Statements by Esther Brimmer and Michael Posner


Brimmer: The United States is honored to present our first Universal Periodic Review report to the United Nations Human Rights Council. It is my pleasure to introduce our delegation, which is comprised of senior officials from eleven U.S. departments and agencies, a representative of our local authorities, and two advisers from civil society groups. Their participation reflects the depth of our commitment to human rights at home, which spans the federal government as well as state, local, and tribal governments across our country, and which is complemented by the deep commitment from President Obama and Secretary Clinton to multilateral engagement, human rights, and the rule of law.

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Universal Periodic Review of the United States in Booklet Format

The National Report of the United States in Brochure Format (PDF File).

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Interactive Dialogue on the U.S. UPR: U.S. Delegation Opening Statement

The United States is honored to present our first Universal Periodic Review report to the United Nations Human Rights Council. It is my pleasure to introduce our delegation, which is comprised of senior officials from eleven U.S. departments and agencies, a representative of our local authorities, and two advisers from civil society groups.

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Ambassador Donahoe Briefs The Press On Upcoming US UPR


We are proud of our human rights record. We take our human rights values and principles very seriously. And we value the opportunity to engage in self-reflection and importantly to engage deeply and seriously with civil society. We believe it’s an opportunity for us to reinforce the idea that open dialogue is valuable.

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U.S. Delegation to the Universal Periodic Review


On November 5, 2010, a senior U.S. delegation will make a formal presentation of the U.S. Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.

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Live Webcast: Universal Periodic Review Town Hall in Geneva on Nov 5, 2010


The United States will make its presentation at the Human Rights Council in Geneva on Friday November 5, 2010. Participation in the official session is limited to governments. However, on the afternoon of November 5, the U.S. Government will hold a Town Hall at the UN Palais in Geneva that will be open to civil society organizations. This event will enable activists and nongovernmental groups to question and engage on the U.S.’s human rights record. CO.NX will broadcast this Town Hall live, and we encourage you to participate in this groundbreaking webcast.

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