Genetics, Disease and Dentistry

Educational Resource from NCHPEG

  • Program Highlights

visit the case studies

Case Studies

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visit the primer

Genetics Primer

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clinical reviews

Clinical Reviews

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Resource Links

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Case Driven Format

Three case studies are used to walk you through basic genetics concepts and their applications in practice. Expect to spend between 15 and 45 minutes per case, depending on your level of genetics knowledge.

Genetics Primer

A genetics primer answers basic questions including, What is a gene? Why do we have two copies of each gene? and What is a mutation?  The primer also centrally locates animations explaining the single gene patterns of inheritance you are most likely to encounter.

Clinical Reviews

Clinical reviews for each condition highlighted in the case studies are available under the "clinical reviews" tab on the menu bar. These synopses include, but are not limited to, dental manifestations.

Resource Links

Several publications and live website links are available in the resources and links section for those who wish to pursue more in-depth information.


Genetics, Disease and Dentistry

Getting Started

Learning objectives:

When you have completed the case studies in this site, you should have an increased understanding of:

  • Genetics vocabulary
  • The utility of the genetic family history in practice
  • Basic patterns of single-gene inheritance
  • Red flags that signal a genetic contribution to disease
  • Differences between the presentation of single-gene and complex disorders
  • Some ethical, legal, and social issues related to the provision of genetics services

And be able to:

  • Collect basic but informative family history information
  • Identify patients and families who may benefit from genetic services
  • Consult trusted resources about genetic contributions to dental findings
  • Locate and refer to genetics professionals as necessary