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Biblioteca Benjamín Franklin
Sitios Selectos - Relaciones México - Estados Unidos

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Contenido: Bases de Datos | Centros de Investigación de: Estados Unidos, México, América Latina | Economía y Comercio, TLCAN | Frontera Mexico-EU | Migración | Narcotráfico

Background Notes: Mexico
Building human capital in an aging Mexico
Chiefs of Mission for Mexico
Dealing with Neighbors
Los Estados Unidos y México: Construyendo Una Asociación Estratégica: español / inglés
The Fence as a Metaphor for How the U.S. Views its Relations with Mexico
Hearing "U.S.–Mexican Relations: the Unfinished Agenda", April 2002
How Reforms in Mexico Could Make the U.S. More Secure
Managing Mexican Migration to the United States
Medellin v. Texas: Why It Matters to You
Mexican civil military relations
Mexico: a country study / LC
Mexico at an Impasse
Mexico in the World Factbook
Mexico is Facing a Difficult Time
Mexico: The Cost of Outdated Nationalism
Mexico-U.S. Relations: Issues for Congress
Mexico-U.S. Relations: Issues for the 106, 107th, 108th and 109th Congress
Mexico's Armed Forces: A Factbook
Mexico's Importance and Multiple Relationships with the United States
Mexico's Last Chance
Militarizing Mexico, Where is the Officer Corps going?
The Mood in Mexico
More Than Neighbors: The U.S.-Mexican Alliance
National Policies for Innovation and Growth in Mexico
New horizons in U.S.-Mexico relations
Obama and Mexico
Partnership for Prosperity
The Party System and Democratic Governance in Mexico
Reassuring Allies: Secretary Clinton's most important mission
Reuniones Interparlamentarias México-Estados Unidos
Security and Prosperity Partnership Of North America
Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America: An Overview and Selected Issues
Slavery without borders: human trafficking in the U.S.-Mexican context
Some Recent Examples of the Dependency/Dominance Relationship between Mexico and the U.S.
Tratados celebrados por México / SRE
Treaties in Force: Bilateral Treaties and other Agreements between Mexico and the U.S.
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
The United States and Mexico: Helping One Another, Helping Ourselves
The U.S. and Mexico: Towards a Strategic Partnership
The U.S.-Mexico Binational Commission (BNC)
U.S. Mexico Border Security and the Evolving Security Relationship
U.S.-Mexico relations
U.S. Mexico Relations: Comments on the Eve of President Obama’s Inauguration
U.S.-Mexico Relations: Doing the Right Thing
The U.S. and Mexico: Towards a Strategic Partnership
Ventana a México
Visitas Presidenciales - Reuniones Presidenciales entre México y los Estados Unidos: español / inglés
The Zedillo Legacy in Mexico

Bases de Datos
Columbia International Affairs Online
Handbook of Latin American Studies-HLAS: English / Spanish
Internet Resources for Latin America
Latin America Network Information Center (LANIC)
Political Database of the Americas

Centros de Investigación de Estados Unidos
Center for Border Economic Studies / UTPanAm
Center for Comparative Immigration Studies / UCSD
Center for Immigration Studies
Center for Migration Studies
Center for North American Studies / AU
Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies / UCSD
Center for U.S.-Mexico Studies / UTD
Center for Mexican-American Studies / UH
Center for Mexican American Studies / UTA
Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) / Mexico Project
Council on Foreign Relations / Americas
Migration Policy Institute
Pew Hispanic Center
Wilson Center / Mexico Institute
Worldwide Consortium for Research on Mexico

Centros de Investigación de México
Centro de Estudios Internacionales / Colmex
Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo
Centro de Investigaciones sobre América del Norte / UNAM Colegio de la Frontera Norte
Consejo Mexicano de Asuntos Internacionales
Depto. de Estudios Internacionales / ITAM
División de Estudios Internacionales / CIDE

Colecciones de Investigación Latina
Bancroft Library / UC Berkeley
Center For Southwest Research / UNM
Cesar E. Chavez Collection / MSU
Chicano Studies Research Center Library / UCLA
Hispanic Reading Room / LC
Mexican Archives at the Benson Latin American Collection / UT
Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection / UT
Economía y Comercio
American Chamber of Commerce in Mexico
Banco de Desarrollo de América del Norte
Basic Importing and Exporting
Benefits of Trade - Costs of Protectionism
Better Business Bureaus
Border Trade Alliance (BTA)
  Border Trade Data (TA&MIU)
Center for Border Economic Studies / UT Pan American
Chambers of Commerce
Country Commercial Guide 2009: Mexico
Economic Freedom and Economic Growth in Mexico
Foreign Trade Statistics
Free Trade Area of the Americas
The Future Role of U.S. Trade Policy: An Overview
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States
Hispanics and the Economic Downturn
Hoover´s Handbook of American Business
How Much Will the Global Financial Storm Hurt Mexico?
Immigrants and the Current Economic Crisis
Inversión extranjera en México
Latino Workers in the Ongoing Recession: 2007 to 2008
Official Harmonized Tariff Schedule
Petróleo en México: Pozo de Pasiones
Secretaría de Economía
Thomas Register
Trade Agreements: Impact on the U.S. Economy
Trade Compliance Center
Trade Glossary
Trade Policy Confusion
TradeStats Express
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
U.S. Commercial Service
U.S.-Mexico Chamber of Commerce
U.S. Mexico Relations: Comments on the Eve of President Obama’s Inauguration
U.S. Trade Balance with Mexico
USA Trade Online
USA Economy in Brief
USITC Interactive Tariff and Trade DataWeb

Economía y Comercio / TLCAN
Acuerdo de Cooperación Ambiental del TLCAN: español inglés
Acuerdo de Cooperación Laboral del TLCAN: español / inglés
Cross Border - Motor Carrier
Mexican Motor Carriers
NAFTA: A Strong Record of Success
NAFTA at ten
NAFTA Benefits
NAFTA - Customs Portal
NAFTA Labor Side Agreement: Lessons for the Worker Rights and Fast-Track Debate
NAFTA – Myth vs. Facts
NAFTA Resources
NAFTA Rules of Origin
Ocho años del TLCAN: español / inglés
Overview of Labor Enforcement Issues in Free Trade Agreements
Secretariado del TLCAN
Simon Chair in Political Economy
TLCAN: documentos de política exterior: español / inglés
TLCAN (texto completo): español / inglés

Frontera Mexico-EU
El Agua: Reto Político-Ambiental en la Región de América del Norte
Behind the U.S.-Mexico Water Treaty Dispute
Border 2012: English / Spanish
Border Crossing Data
Border Ecoweb
Border Information and Outreach Service
Border Overview - US Embassy Mexico City
Border Security: Barriers Along the U.S. International Border
Border Security: Key Agencies and Their Missions
Border Security: The Role of the U.S. Border Patrol
Border Security: The San Diego Fence
Border Trade Alliance (BTA)
Border Trade Data
Border Wait Times
The Borderlands Encyclopedia
Center for Border Economic Studies / UTPanAm
Comisión Nacional del Agua
Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC)
Crossing U.S. Borders
Gestión Administrativa de las Aguas Transfronterizas entre México y E.U.: español / inglés
International Boundary and Water Commission
The Internet: a Handbook for U.S.- Mexico Border Information
Meeting the Water Needs of the Border Region
Mexico's Maquiladora Decline Affects U.S.-Mexico Border Communities and Trade
Protocols to share frequency Bands in the Common Border Area
- 380-399.9 MHz
- 406.1-420 MHz
Secure Border Initiative Fence Construction Costs
Secure Border Initiative: Observations on Deployment Challenges
Sharing the Waters
The Southwest Border Area
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Texas-Mexico Border Crossings Study
Texas/Mexico Relations
Tijuana/San Diego Border Research
Tratado sobre Distribución de Aguas Internacionales México-E.U.:
- español / inglés
Two Alternatives for Improving Wastewater Treatment at the United States-Mexico Border
Amnesty International
Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration
Center for Immigration Studies
Center for Migration Studies
Controlling unauthorized immigration from Mexico
DHS and Immigration: Taking stock and correcting course
Department of Homeland Security
- U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
- U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
- U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
Elite vs. Public Opinion: An Examination of Divergent Views on Immigration
  Enforcing immigration law: the role of state and local law enforcement
Estimates of Unauthorized Immigrant Population Residing in the U.S.
Federation for American Immigration Reform
Fundamentos de migración
Global Report of Trafficking in Persons
Guía para inmigrantes nuevos
Guest Workers: New Solution, New Problem?
Hispanic Population of the U.S.
Hoffman Plastic Compounds, Inc. v. NLRB
How many undocumented: the numbers behind the U.S.-Mexico Migration Talks
Human Rights Watch
Illegal alien schoolchildren: issues in estimating state-by-state
Immigrants in the US Armed Forces
Immigration: Adjustment to PermanentResident Status Under Section 245(i)
Immigration Classifications and Visa Categories
Immigration Enforcement in the United States
Immigration Law Sanctions and Enforcement in Selected Foreign Countries
Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 110th Congress
Instituto Nacional de Migración
International Organization for Migration
Index of Migratory agricultural Works Agreements Mexico-U.S.
Keeping the promise: immigration proposals
Learning by doing: Experiences of circular migration
LIFE Act of 2000
Managing Mexican migration to the United States
Measuring Imigrant Assimilation in the United States
Mexican Immigrants in the United States / MPI
Mexican Immigrants in the United States / Pew
Mexican Migrant Civic and Political Participation
Mexican Migration Project
Mexican Policy and Mexico - U.S. Migration
Mexico-U.S. Dialogue on Migration and Border Issues, 2001-2005
Mexico-U.S. Migration: a Shared Responsibility
Mexico´s Forgotten Southern Border
Migrants, Migration, and Development
Migration Dialogue
Migration Information
Migration News
Migration Policy Institute
National Council of La Raza
National Immigration Forum
National Survey of Latinos 2008
Pew Hispanic Center
A Portrait of Unauthorized Immigrants in the United States
Preguntas Frecuentes sobre Inmigración, Senador, D.Feinstein
Regulating Immigration at the State Level
The rise of new immigrant gateways
Southwest Border Initiative
Southwest Border: The Way Ahead (Fact Sheet)
Statistical Portrait of Hispanics in the United States
There is nothing more permanent than temporary foreign workers
Trends in Unauthorized Immigration
Undocumented Immigrants: Facts and Figures
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics

Bilateral Cooperation with Mexico (ONDCP)
Consejo Nacional contra las Adicciones
Drug Control: International Policy and Options
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
Drug Trafficking on the Southwest Border
Esfuerzos Nacionales para Combatir las Drogas, documentos selectos: español / inglés
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
Global Issues: Narcotics
Iniciativa Mérida
Iniciativa Mérida: Mitos vs. Hechos
International Narcotics Control Strategy Report 2002
- México
Kingpin list as of February 6, 2003
La Lucha contra el Lavado de Dinero: español / inglés
Mexican Drug Certification Issues
Mexico´s Counter-Narcotics Efforts Under Zedillo
National Drug Control Strategy 2002
National Drug Control Strategy: FY 2003 Budget Summary
Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP)
El Proceso de Certificación de Drogas, documentos selectos: español / inglés
Procuraduría General de la República
State Drug Resources
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
The U.S. and Mexico: Narcotics Issues
U.S. Customs Anti-Drug Initiatives
US/Mexico Bi-National Cooperation Against Illicit Drugs
US/Mexico Bi-National Drug Strategy

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Embajada de los Estados Unidos en México
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Biblioteca Benjamín Franklin
Liverpool 31, Col. Juárez
C.P. 06600, México, D.F.
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