Cultural Diversity

Findings and recommendations contained in the publications in this section come from analyses of data on barriers to and promising practices for the inclusion of people with disabilities from un-served or underserved people with respect to race, ethnicity, linguistic tradition, and economic status. Publications examine attitudes, awareness, and access to federally funded programs and services. Some of the information was provided directly by people with disabilities from diverse cultures.


  • NCD Language Access Plan Implementation 2012 (HTML) (DOCX)
  • 2012 Progress Report onTribal Consultation Coordination (HTML) (DOCX)


  • NCD Language Access Plan 2011 (HTML) (DOC)


  • Embracing Diversity: Background Information on Enhancing Support for Inclusion through Cultural and Linguistic Competence (HTML) (DOC)


  • Common Myths About Diversity And Cultural Competency (HTML) (DOC)


  • Same Struggle, Different Difference: Civil Rights Policy Forum Summary Paper (HTML) (PDF)
  • Transcending The Barriers And Gaining Entry: A Culturally Competent Realm Of Community Integration For Americans With Disabilities (HTML) (DOC)


  • Summary of the Native American Forum: Disability Matters in Tribal Communities (HTML) (PDF)
  • Disability Matters In Tribal Communities (HTML) (DOC) (DOC)


  • Understanding Disabilities in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities: Toolkit Guide (HTML) (PDF)
  • People With Disabilities on Tribal Lands: Education, Health Care, Vocational Rehabilitation, and Independent Living (HTML) (PDF)
  • Outreach for All Forum Summary Paper (HTML) (DOC)
  • Outreach and People with Disabilities from Diverse Cultures: A Review of the Literature (HTML) (DOC) (PDF)


  • Lift Every Voice Summary (Report Released November 1999) (HTML) (DOC)


  • Action Strategies for Effective Coalitions (HTML) (PDF)
  • The Sandoval Ruling (HTML) (PDF)
  • Applied Leadership for Effective Coalitions (HTML) (PDF)


  • Carrying on the Good Fight: Summary Paper From Think Tank 2000—Advancing the Civil and Human Rights of People With Disabilities From Diverse Cultures (HTML) (PDF)
  • Closing the Gap: A Ten Point Strategy for the Next Decade of Disability Civil Rights Enforcement (HTML) (PDF)
  • New Paradigms for a New Century: Rethinking Civil Rights Enforcement (HTML) (PDF)
  • Back to School on Civil Rights (HTML) (PDF) (PDF)
  • Transcending The Barriers And Gaining Entry: A Culturally Competent Realm Of Community Integration For Americans With Disabilities (HTML)
  • Think Tank 2000: A Brief Summary As Background Information (HTML) (DOC)


  • Lift Every Voice: Modernizing Disability Policies and Programs to Serve a Diverse Nation (HTML) (PDF) (PDF) (PDF) (PDF) (PDF) (PDF)
  • Implementation of the National Voter Registration Act by State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies (HTML) (PDF)


  • Grassroots Experiences with Government Programs and Disability Policy (HTML) (PDF)
  • Reorienting Disability Research (HTML) (PDF)


  • Round Table Summary: Outreach to Minorities with Disabilities and People with Disabilities in Rural Communities (HTML)
  • Outreach to Minorities with Disabilities and People with Disabilities in Rural Communities (HTML)
  • Assisted Suicide: A Disability Perspective Position Paper (HTML)
  • Impact of the Welfare Reform Legislation on Legal Immigrants with Disabilities (HTML)


  • Voices of Freedom: America Speaks Out on the Americans with Disabilities Act (HTML)
  • The Americans with Disabilities Act: Ensuring Equal Access to the American Dream (HTML)


  • Meeting the Unique Needs of Minorities with Disabilities: A Report to the President and the Congress (HTML)
  • Progress in Advancing the Status of People with Disabilities Around the World: The Work of the United States Delegation to the Thirty-Third Session of the Commission for Social Development of the United Nations (HTML)

National Council on Disability • 1331 F Street, NW, Suite 850 • Washington, DC 20004