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The Step Beyond

This web site contains non-traditional participatory safety programs that draw on miners competitive spirit to participate. It is much more effective if you can sell a miner on safety rather than force it down his throat. MSHA is making these programs available for Safety Directors to stimulate miner participation in developing a strong safety culture at their mines. These programs are not intended to replace training programs madated in CFR, Parts 46 and 48 for hazard training, task training, new miner, or annual miner retraining.

If you are using or are aware of other effective, outside the box, safety programs and would like to share them with the mining industry, you can submit them by e-mailing them to Each month, we will review the submitted programs and one submitted program will be added to this web site. You will receive recognition for your contribution both on this site and in any hardcover publication.

Safety! Something YOU can live with.

Proven Innovative Participatory Safety Programs Demonstrated To Have Been Very Successful
    The links below will result in pop-up windows for each of the topics.
    If you experience problems opening a link, please make certain that any pop-up blockers you may have on are disabled.

Holiday Hazard
Football Game
What Have You Done For Safety Today?
Safety Slogan Contest
E&E (Escape and Evacuation)
Safety Awareness Month
Call the House
Video Challenge
Pre-shift Safety Video
Raising the Red Flag
Scavenger Hunt (Submitted by: Ben J. Caplan, Safety/Environmental Manager - ILC Resources)

MSHA is interested in your proven safety programs whether they are competitive in nature or formal. The following are a few suggested categories we would like to populate with industry proven safety programs. Programs in other categories are certainly welcome. Please email us at with your suggestions.

Accident Reduction
    Problems encountered and overcome. Successful solutions and preventions used in mining practices.
Safety Meeting, Toolbox or Tailgate Talk Topics
    Short topics (1 page, preferably) on safety, best practices, tips, etc.
    Contests and games that create competition and stimulate interest in safety.
When sufficient entries in the categories are posted, the subjects will be catalogued by mine type (i.e. coal, stone ,sand & gravel, surface, underground) and work categories (i.e. haulage, roof, rib, highwall control, electrical, etc. as necessary to ensure this website is truly a Safety Director's Helper).
It should be noted these participatory safety programs typically have additional costs associated with them for supporting awards however these costs are far outweighed by the reductions in injury related costs.