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USAID Transitions Poultry Farm to Private Investor

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Robert Sauers/USAID

USAID Senior Deputy Mission Director Robert Hellyer speaks to Afghan government officials and area farmers about the successful transition of the Bolan Poultry Farm to a private investor, the Hilmand Ihsan Poultry Company.

Today in Hilmand Province, USAID transitioned a state-of-the-art poultry farm to a local investor, Hilmand Ihsan Poultry Company (HIPC), enabling the farm to operate as a private enterprise. The Hilmand Poultry Project (HPP) implemented a tailored training regimen to ensure HIPC had the technical and business acumen to establish a local presence to fully assume daily operations.

“I am delighted to be here today with Minister Rahimi and Governor Mangal to mark a major milestone in our joint work to support private sector investment in the agriculture sector,” said USAID Senior Deputy Mission Director Robert Hellyer at the transition ceremony. “USAID is committed to supporting the return of a thriving agricultural economy, where the Afghan government and the private-sector work hand-in-hand to realize this growth.”

HPP established an integrated breeder flock, hatchery, and feed mill operation at the poultry farm, which has distributed more than one million chicks to farmers. It can produce up to 90,000 chicks and 750 tons of feed per month. Five distributors, five poultry veterinary clinics, 70 local outlets, and 50 outlets in other districts of Hilmand carry poultry products originating from the farm.

Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock H.E. Muhammad Asif Rahimi, who led the

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Robert Sauers/USAID

Mohammad Asif Rahimi, Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (left) and Gulabuddin Mangal, Governor of Hilmand Province inspect baby chicks at the Bolan Poultry Farm.

transition ceremony, thanked the U.S. Government for actively promoting agricultural opportunities such as the poultry industry in Afghanistan.

USAID began HPP in 2007 to develop the poultry industry as part of its effort to improve Afghanistan’s trade balance and the country’s overall food security. Previous HPP projects include rehabilitating facilities owned by the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Livestock at the Bolan Poultry Farm in Lashkar Gah, and providing technical assistance to private poultry producers in the area.

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2011.05.23 Press Release Bolan Poultry Farm English

2011.05.23 Press Release Bolan Poultry Farm Pashto

Fact Sheet ASAP Hilmand Poultry Project-3/31/2011

Fact Sheet ASAP Hilmand Poultry Project-Mar 2011 Pashto

Learn more: Agriculture

About this activity: Accelerating Sustainable Agriculture Project (ASAP)


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