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" Respond Rapidly, or Lose Precious Lives ... Rebuild Carefully, or Waste Precious Funds "


Three children huddle to read a book

Three children huddle to read a book Three children huddle to read a book


Three children smile at camera

Three children smile at camera Three children smile at camera

Food Security

An individual displays his crops.

An individual displays his crops An individual displaces his crops


Several workers and a earth mover move rubble

Several workers and a earth mover move rubble Several workers and a earth mover move rubble


People in green scrubs carry USAID-branded boxes of supplies

People in green scrubs carry USAID-branded boxes of supplies People in green scrubs carry USAID-branded boxes of supplies


A worker carries building materials

A worker carries building materials A worker carries building materials


Two year commemoration of the January 12, 2010, earthquake.
Providing shelter to population affected by the earthquake.
Caracol Industrial Park
The Caracol Industrial Park was inaugurated on October 22, 2012 .
(View photos)

USAID Forward

As outlined by the USAID Administrator, Dr. Rajiv Shah, it is USAID’s responsibility to ensure we are investing every dollar of American taxpayer money in the most effective, efficient and transparent way possible.  USAID Forward reforms are designed to reach these goals while improving the effectiveness and sustainability of development.


Innovation is the USAID hallmark and results in breakthrough outcomes regularly.  Innovation pulls people out of poverty, and enhances U.S. security, and accounts for 80% of countries’ long-term economic growth. It also provides new tools and methods for spreading democracy and improved governance.

Apply for a Development Innovation Ventures Grant. 

Procurement Reform

Procurement Reform is about working more efficiently with smaller and more varied organizations so we can build capacity in countries and draw on the creativity and expertise of a wide range of professionals. [ learn more here ]

Monitoring and Evaluation: 

Monitoring and Evaluation to improve USAID’s effectiveness and reinforce support from key stakeholders, the Agency must obtain, analyze, use and share meaningful information about program performance and impact. [learn more here or here

Science and Technology:

Science and Technology for transforming USAID into the global leader in development by pioneering scientific, technological, research-motivated and innovative approaches to traditional development challenges. [ learn more here or here]


  • Videos
  • Photos

Haiti: A Shared Commitment

Haiti: A Shared Commitment

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Other videos about USAID/Haiti

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Recent Updates

Reconstruction of the 
State University Hospital of Haiti
The Government of Haiti has announced a call for proposals.
New Press Release
USAID’s HIFIVE/Haiti Mobile Money Initiative Announces that Mobile Money Services in Haiti Have Passed the One Million Transaction Milestones
Local Governance Timeline
Since the establishment of the 1987 constitution, USAID has worked to make decentralization and accountable local governance a reality in Haiti
Saving Lives at Birth
USAID is partnering to save lives at birth

Haiti at a glance

A map of Haiti, with major cities marked
9.5 Million
Creole, French
GDP Growth
6.0% (2011)
Gourde (approx. 40 to US$1.00)

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