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People to People
Since 1961, the people of the United States of America, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), has extended a helping hand to Salvadorans by fostering economic growth, protecting human health, improving educational services, providing emergency humanitarian assistance and nurturing democracy
Program Highlights
USAID helps improve the quality of basic education in language, which allows keeping children and youth in school.
USAID promotes high-quality health services for mothers, children and HIV/AIDS most-at-risk populations.
Economic Opportunities and Environment
Economic Opportunities and Environment
USAID promotes trade, economic opportunities for small and medium businesses and environment protection.
Disaster Response
Disaster Response
USAID is at the forefront to respond to natural and manmade disasters, bringing effective relief to Salvadorans.
Democracy and Governance
Democracy and Governance
USAID helps strengthen the justice system, implement anti-corruption reforms and prevent crime and violence.
Public-Private Partnerships
Public-Private Partnerships
USAID works in cooperation with partners from the private sector to improve conditions for Salvadoran people.
Partnership for Growth: Joint Country Action Plan
Partnership for Growth: Joint Country Action Plan
This plan outlines the goals and steps to be taken to carry out the Partnership for Growth.
Municipal Competitiveness Index (MCI)
Municipal Competitiveness Index (MCI)
Integrated measurement of the business environment of the top 100 most densely populated municipalities, now with 2011 results.
A Credit Bureau in El Salvador focused on supporting microfinancing institutions.
Millennium Development Goals Indicators
Millennium Development Goals Indicators
Official data, definitions, methodologies and sources for more than 60 indicators to measure progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDG).
CAFTA-DR Trade Projects Website
Last Updated on 2012-10-11