About Us
Hanford Beryllium Awareness Group (BAG)


In addition to information resources available from DOE and Hanford contractor organizations, current and former Hanford employees may have additional concerns and questions with respect to beryllium, its long-term health issues, and medical treatment. DOE and all Hanford contractors support the Hanford Beryllium Awareness Group (BAG), a worker advocacy group that:

  • Provides knowledge, information, orientation, and support to current and former beryllium affected employees along with their family members;
  • Provides input on Hanford site beryllium worker training and services;
  • Serves as a resource on beryllium issues;
  • Provides feedback to contractor management and the Department of Energy;
  • Advocates for the interests of beryllium affected individuals.

Beryllium affected individuals are eligible to become members of the BAG and/or may be invited to attend specific meetings consistent with their work schedule. A membership roster and meeting minutes are maintained documenting BAG activities. The BAG meets twice a month or as otherwise agreed to by the members.

The BAG maintains its own website at http://www.hanfordbag.org




Last Updated 05/21/2012 7:32 AM