Learn More About Purchase Limitations

Savings Bonds: You may purchase up to $10,000 each of electronic EE and I Savings Bonds, per person (individual or entity), each calendar year. Purchases of any other Treasury securities - including paper EE and I Savings Bonds or marketable securities - do not alter the purchase limits for electronic EE and I Savings Bonds. The minimum purchase amount is $25, increasing with penny increments not to exceed $10,000. The purchase amount of the savings bonds you transfer, deliver as gifts, or de-link to another TreasuryDirect account holder is applied to the recipient's annual purchase limitation for the year the transaction occurs. (Note: Gift delivery and de-linking are not available in entity accounts.)

Zero-Percent Certificate of Indebtedness (Zero-Percent C of I or C of I): There's no limit to the total amount you may hold in your C of I – but remember, this type of security does not earn any interest. Your C of I security is not included in the savings bond or marketable security purchase limitation. When you choose to withdraw funds from a designated bank account to purchase a C of I, the maximum purchase amount is $1,000 per transaction.

Payroll Zero-Percent Certificate of Indebtedness (Payroll C of I): There's no limit to the total amount you may hold in your Payroll C of I (used to fund the Payroll Savings Plan) – but this type of security does not earn any interest. Your Payroll C of I security is not included in the savings bond or marketable security purchase limitation.

Marketable Securities - Bills, Notes, Bonds, and TIPS: You may purchase up to $5 million of each marketable security type - in Bills, Notes, Bonds, and TIPS - when you bid noncompetitively in an auction through your TreasuryDirect account. Note: No matter what method you use to purchase Treasury marketable securities, you can only bid noncompetitively for a total of $5 million for each security type in a single auction. The minimum purchase amount is $100 with multiples sold in the same increment. The purchase limit of $5 million does not apply to securities issued through reinvestment.

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