Doing Business with Us

  • Technology Partnerships Division

    Interested in finding out about partnering opportunities with NASA Ames? We match Ames resources and needs with those of the private sector, stimulating job growth and increasing U.S. competitiveness in the global marketplace. We invite you to learn more about our technologies available for partnership and licensing.

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  • Freedom of Information Act

    Are you interested in more information about NASA? The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) was passed to enable the public access to records of the agency. Please visit our website for guidance, contact information and procedures.

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  • New Business Office

    Interested in developing a proposal in partnership with Ames? Interested in finding out about potential proposal partnering opportunities?

    › Learn More
  • Acquisition Division - Ames Small Business Specialist

    Ames Small Business Specialist
    Are you a small business seeking information on how NASA Ames Research Center acquires goods and services? Want an information package on doing business with NASA Ames Research Center? Want to know who the Small Business contact is at NASA Ames Research Center?

    › Learn More  →
  • Acquisition Division - Procurement

    Ames Procurement
    Want to look at active requirements for goods and services (i.e., pre-award business opportunities)? Want to view ARC's acquisition forecast for this Fiscal Year? Interested in links to other Center procurement websites?

    › Learn More  →


Contact Information

    NASA Ames Research Center
    Moffett Field, California 94035
    Phone: (650) 604-5000

    Public Affairs Division
    Phone: (650) 604-4789