Summary of Last Year's Conference

The Energy Information Administration (EIA) will host its eighth annual National Energy Modeling System/Annual Energy Outlook Conference on March 21, 2000, at the Crystal Gateway Marriott, 1700 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA, near the Crystal City Metro station. The conference includes speakers and attendees from Federal and State governments, private industry, and trade associations, discussing energy issues particularly related to EIA’s Annual Energy Outlook 2000, which was released in November 1999, and the National Energy Modeling System.

Conference Registration

Conference registration is free, but space is limited.

You can register on-line or fax this form to:

Peggy Wells
Energy Information Administration, EI-84
1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20585

Phone: (202) 586-0109 Fax: (202) 586-3045 Or register by e-mail to

Hotel Reservations

The conference will be held at the Crystal Gateway Marriott (not to be confused with the Crystal City Marriott). The Crystal Gateway Marriott is located near the Crystal City Metro subway station at 1700 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22202.

For reservations, contact the Crystal Gateway Marriott directly by telephone: (703) 920-3230. A block of rooms will be held in the name of the NEMS conference until February 28, 2000.

For Further Information, Contact:

Susan H. Holte - (202) 586-4838,

or Peggy Wells - (202) 586-0109,


7:45 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.  
Registration and Reception

8:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.   
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Jay E. Hakes
Energy Information Administration

8:45 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.   
Overview of the Annual Energy Outlook 2000
Mary J. Hutzler
Director, Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting
Energy Information Administration

9:15 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Keynote Address: Microeconomic Analysis of Energy-Efficiency 
Technological Change: Invention, Innovation, and Diffusion

Robert N. Stavins
Albert Pratt Professor of Business and Government and Faculty Chair
Environment and Natural Resources Program, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

10:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.

10:15 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Parallel Sessions A

International Energy and Carbon Trends
Moderator: Mary J. Hutzler
Director, Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting
Energy Information Administration

        Worldwide Projections of Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions from the International Energy Outlook
     Speaker: Linda Doman
                   International, Economic, and Greenhouse Gases Division
     Energy Information Administration

        Land Use and Climate Change Outside of the U.S.
        Speaker: Michael J. Coda
                   Vice President, Climate Change Program
                      Nature Conservancy

        Institutional Preconditions for a World Price of Carbon
     Speaker: Arthur Rypinski
                   Office of Policy
     Department of Energy

        Bridging the Gap between Top-Down and Bottom-Up Energy Models: The System for Analysis 
        of Global Energy Markets

     Speaker: Eric Williams
                   International, Economic, and Greenhouse Gases Division
     Energy Information Administration

Technology: Keeping Natural Gas Competitive
Moderator: James M. Kendell
                 Director, Oil and Gas Division
                 Energy Information Administration

The Impacts of Technological Progress on Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Development
Speaker: Dana Van Wagener
              Oil and Gas Division
              Energy Information Administration

Importance of Technology to Natural Gas Supply
Speaker: Robert S. Boswell
              President and CEO
              Forest Oil Corporation

The Technology of Wishful Thinking: "A Tree Cannot Grow to the Sky"
Speaker: Michael G. Webb
              Senior Vice President, Strategic Planning/Business Development
              Kerr-McGee Corporation

Transportation Fuels: Reduced Sulfur and Oxygenates
Moderator: Bruce Bawks
                Oil and Gas Division
                Energy Information Administration

Cleaner Cars, Cleaner Fuel, Cleaner Air: An Overview of the Tier 2/Gasoline Sulfur Final Rulemaking
Speaker: Mary T. Manners
              Chemical Engineer, Office of Transportation and Air Quality
              Environmental Protection Agency

Modeling Transportation Fuels Product Quality Requirements within the National Energy Modeling System
Speaker: Thomas White
              Oil and Gas Division
              Energy Information Administration

Premises Matter, Nothing but Premises Matter, and It's a Nickel a Gallon. What Was the Question?
Speaker: Barry D. McNutt
              Office of Policy
              Department of Energy

Fuels: Major Changes and New Directions
Speaker: Marc Meteyer
              Fuels Team Leader
              American Petroleum Institute

12:00 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.

1:15 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Parallel Sessions B

Challenges in Competitive Electricity Markets
Moderator: Robert T. Eynon
                 Coal and Electric Power Division
                 Energy Information Administration

Competitive Electricity Pricing in the National Energy Modeling System
Speaker: Peter C. Whitman
              Coal and Electric Power Division
              Energy Information Administration

Market Design in the NY ISO: Issues and Performance
Speaker: Paul M. Sotkiewicz
              Office of Economic Policy
              Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Market Monitoring: Approaches and Issues to Analyzing Market Performance
Speaker: Russell J. Tucker
              Manager, Public Policy Analysis
              Edison Electric Institute

The Impact of Advanced Technologies on Fuel Economy and Vehicle Emissions
Moderator: Susan H. Holte
                Director, Demand and Integration Division
                Energy Information Administration

Emerging Transportation Technologies and Advanced Technology Vehicles: The State of the Art
Speaker: David M. Chien
              Demand and Integration Division
              Energy Information Administration

Tier 2 Emission Standards and Future Engine Development
Speaker: David E. Foster
              Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Engine Research Center
              University of Wisconsin

Ultra-clean Vehicles: Technology Options and Emissions and Fuel Economy Policy Considerations
Speaker: Andrew F. Burke
              Research Faculty, Institute of Transportation Studies
              University of California, Davis

Market Potential and Market Barriers to Distributed Power Growth in the United States
Moderator: Andy S. Kydes
                Senior Technical Advisor, Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting
                Energy Information Administration

Documenting Barriers to Distributed Power
Speaker: R. Brent Alderfer
              Principal, Competitive Utility Strategies

Industrial Cogeneration: Annual Energy Outlook 2000
Speaker: Daniel H. Skelly
              Demand and Integration Division
              Energy Information Administration

District Heating Systems: Combining Heating, Cooling, and Power to Improve Efficiency and Reduce Emissions
Speaker: Mark Spurr
              Legislative Director, International District Energy Association
              Vice President, Kattner/F.V.B. District Energy, Inc.

Market Opportunities for CHP under Rationalized Regulations
Speakers:  R. Neal Elliott, Senior Associate
                 Anna M. Shipley, Associate
                 American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy

3:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.

3:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Parallel Sessions C

Electricity Generating Technologies: Impact on Emissions Reductions
Moderator: Scott B. Sitzer
                 Director, Coal and Electric Power Division
                 Energy Information Administration

Increasing Dependence on Fossil Fuel Drives Electricity Sector Emissions
Speaker:  J. Alan Beamon
               Coal and Electric Power Division
               Energy Information Administration

Central Station Renewables in the Annual Energy Outlook 2000
Speaker: Thomas W. Petersik
              Coal and Electric Power Division
              Energy Information Administration

Perspective for a Zero Emissions Coal Plant
Speaker: Robert J. Wright
              Portfolio Manager, Combustion Power Systems
              Office of Fossil Energy, U.S. Department of Energy

U.S. Nuclear Options and Potential
Speaker: Edward Rodwell
              Manager, Advanced Nuclear Plants Systems
              Electric Power Research Institute

The Potential for Renewable Power Technologies to Reduce GHG Emissions
Speaker: Eldon Boes
              Director, Energy Analysis Office
              National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Technology Characterizations and Penetration in the Buildings Sector
Moderator: Steven Wade
                 Demand and Integration Division
                 Energy Information Administration

Technology in the Residential Sector: A National Energy Modeling System Perspective
Speaker: John H. Cymbalsky
              Demand and Integration Division
              Energy Information Administration

Technology in the Commercial Sector: A National Energy Modeling System Perspective
Speaker: Erin E. Boedecker
              Demand and Integration Division
              Energy Information Administration

Impacts of Appliance and Lighting Standards on Energy and Emissions
Speaker: James E. McMahon
              Leader, Energy Efficiency Standards Group
              Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

National Energy Consumption Estimates for End Use Groups from Measured Data
Speaker: James R. Brodrick
              Senior Energy R&D Analyst
              D&R International

Grid-Tied PV: Market Policies, Value and Deployment
Speaker: Christy Herig
              Senior Engineer
              National Renewable Energy Laboratory

The Impact of Advanced Technologies on Efficiencies and Emissions in Air and Freight Transportation
Moderator: David M. Chien
                Demand and Integration Division
                Energy Information Administration

Aircraft Technology and Its Relation to Fuel Consumption and Emissions
Speaker: Duc H. Le
              Demand and Integration Division
              Energy Information Administration

Potential for Emission Reductions through Aircraft Technology Advances
Speaker: Mark D. Guynn
              Systems Analysis Branch
              NASA Langley Research Center

Freight Truck Technology and Its Relation to Fuel Consumption and Emissions
Speaker: Mark B. Friedman
              Demand and Integration Division
              Energy Information Administration

Mack's Low Emission Engine Programs
Speaker: John B. Bartel
              Function Team Leader, Respiration System
              Mack Trucks, Inc.


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File last modified: March 22, 2000

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