Congressman Marc Veasey

Representing the 33rd District of Texas
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Continuing Education

Learn my views on Continuing Education.


Learn about my work in Congress on Education issues.

Energy and Environment

Learn about my work in Congress on Energy and the Environmental issues.

Fiscal Responsibility

Learn about my work in Congress on Fiscal Responsibility issues.

Health Care

Health care is important to our district and my work in Congress. Learn more about my views on this issue.


Learn about my work in Congress on Housing issues.

Jobs and the Economy

Good jobs and a strong economy are very important to our district and to my work in Congress. Learn more about my views on this issue.


Learn my views on K-12 education issues.

Local Issues

Learn about my work in Congress to support our community.

National Security

Learn my views on National Security.

Seniors Issues

Learn about my work in Congress to support Seniors.

Veterans Issues

Learn about my work in Congress to support our Veterans.