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Gregory Steyer


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Short Biography

Greg Steyer is a wetland ecologist for the USGS National Wetlands Research Center who currently serves as the field supervisor of the Coastal Restoration Field Station at Louisiana State University.  His research is focused on developing ecological indicators, adaptive management approaches, and ecological and landscape models for use in natural resource decision support. For over 20 years he has worked for State and Federal governments developing and implementing wetland mitigation plans, wetland restoration projects, and monitoring and research programs for the evaluation of wetland restoration projects and programs.  Greg has used conceptual modeling to guide the selection of monitoring variables under the Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (, to develop desktop models for the evaluation of restoration alternatives for the Louisiana Coastal Area (LCA) (, and to inform stakeholders regarding wetland restoration and protection (

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Steyer, Greg D.; Cretini, Kari F.; Piazza, Sarai; Sharp, Leigh Anne; Snedden, Gregg A.; and Sapkota, Sijan, 2010, Hurricane influences on vegetation community change in coastal Louisiana: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2010–1105, 21 p.  The product is available online at


Lin, Jeff P., Scott Bourne, Brady Couvillion, Jane M. Smith, Gregg Snedden, Gregory D. Steyer, and Sally L. Yost, 2010, Evaluation of a Method for Measuring Lateral Obscuration of Coastal Marsh Vegetation in Louisiana. ERDC/EL TN-10-2, 15 p. The product is available online at


Steyer, G.D., 2010, Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS): U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2010-3018, 2 p. The product is available online at


Conzelmann, C., G.D. Steyer, M. Comeaux, and K. Suir. 2009. CRMS Mapping Applications and the Google Maps Application Programming Interface (API): An Alternative to the Traditional Web Form. The product is available online at


Twilley, R.R., B.R. Couvillion, I. Hossain, C. Kaiser, A.B. Owens, G.D. Steyer, and J.M. Visser. 2008. Coastal Louisiana Ecosystem Assessment and Restoration Program: The Role of Ecosystem Forecasting in Evaluating Restoration Planning in the Mississippi River Deltaic Plain. American Fisheries Society Symposium 64:29-46.


Steyer, G.D., C.E. Sasser, E. Evers, E. Swenson, G. Suir and S. Sapkota. 2008. The Influence of the Houma Navigation Canal on Salinity Patterns and Landscape Configurations in Coastal Louisiana.  Final Report Submitted to Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. Open-file report 2008-1127. 191pp.


Steyer, G.D., B.C. Perez, S. Piazza, and G. Suir. 2007.  Potential Consequences of Saltwater Intrusion Associated with Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.  Pages 138-147 in G. S. Farris, G. J. Smith, M. P. Crane, C. R. Demas, L. L. Robbins, and D. L. Lavoie, editors. Science and the storms: The USGS response to the hurricanes of 2005. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1306, 283pp


Steyer, G.D., A.B. Owens, and B.R. Couvillion. 2006. Data Collection Network to Support Ecosystem Forecasting for the Barataria BasinMississippi River Domain. Coastal Environment and Water Quality (ed. By Y.J. Xu & V.P. Singh), 431-442. Water Resources Publications, LLC, Highlands Ranch, CO 80163-0026, USA.


Steyer, G.D., R.R. Twilley and R.C. Raynie. 2006.  An Integrated Monitoring Approach Using Multiple Reference Sites to Assess Sustainable Restoration in Coastal Louisiana. Pages 326 – 333 In Aguirre-Bravo, C., Pellicane, Patrick J., Burns, Denver P., and Draggan, Sidney (Eds.) Monitoring Science and Technology Symposium: Unifying Knowledge for Sustainability in the Western Hemisphere.  2004 September 20-24, Denver, CO.  Proceedings RMRS-P-42CD, Fort Collins, CO, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 990 p.


Day, J., J. Barras, E. Clairain, J. Johnston, D. Justic, G. Kemp, J. Ko, R. Lane, W. Mitsch, G. Steyer, P. Templet, and A. Yanez-Arancibia. 2005. Implications of Global Climatic Change and Energy Cost and Availability for the Restoration of the Mississippi Delta.  Ecological Engineering. 24:253-265.


Day, J., P. Templet, J. Ko, W. Mitsch, G.P. Kemp, J. Johnston, G. Steyer, J. Barras, D. Justic, E. Clairain, and R. Theriot. 2004. The Mississippi Delta: System Functioning, Environmental Impacts, and Sustainable Management. Pages 851-880. In: Caso, M., I. Pisanty, and E. Ezcurra (eds). Environmental Diagnosis of the Gulf of Mexico. Vol. 2. National Institute of Ecology, Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico.


Ko, J., J. Day, J. Barras, R. Morton , J. Johnston, G. Steyer, G.P. Kemp, E. Clairain, and R. Theriot. 2004. Impacts of Oil and Gas Activities on Coastal Wetland loss in the Mississippi Delta. Pages 957-977 In: Caso, M., I. Pisanty, and E. Ezcurra (eds). Environmental Diagnosis of the Gulf of Mexico. Vol. 2. National Institute of Ecology, Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico.


Steyer, G.D., C.E. Sasser, J.M. Visser, E.M. Swenson, J.A. Nyman, and R.C. Raynie.  2003.  A Proposed Coast-wide Reference Monitoring System for Evaluating Wetland Restoration Trajectories in Louisiana.  Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.  81:107-117.


Summers, J.K., and G.D. Steyer. 2000. A Framework for an Integrated and Comprehensive Monitoring Plan for the Estuaries of the Gulf of Mexico. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory, Gulf Ecology Division, Gulf Breeze, Florida. EPA 620-R-00-006.


Steyer, G.D. and D.W. Llewellyn.  2000.  Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act: A Programmatic Application of Adaptive Management. Ecological Engineering.  15: 385-395.


Johnston, J.B., J. Barras, S. Hartley, D.A. Fuller, and G. Steyer. 1998. The integration of GIS and image processing technology for monitoring wetland restoration projects. Pages 607-616 in: McComb, A.J., and J.A. Davis, editors. Wetlands for the Future: INTECOL’S V International Wetlands Conference, Perth, Australia.


Steyer, G.D., D. Fuller, and J. Barras. 1995. The integration of GIS and image processing technology with continuous and real-time data collection for monitoring wetland restoration projects.  National Interagency Workshop on Wetlands, New Orleans, LA.


Cahoon, D.R., D.J. Reed, J.W. Day, Jr., G.D. Steyer, R.M. Boumans, J.C. Lynch, D. McNally, and N. Latif. 1995. The influence of Hurricane Andrew on sediment distribution in Louisiana coastal marshes. Journal of Coastal Research. SI 21: 280-294.


Guntenspergen, G.R., D.R. Cahoon, J. Grace, G.D. Steyer, S. Fournet, M.A. Townson, and A.L. Foote. 1995. Disturbance and recovery of the Louisiana coastal marsh landscape from the impacts of Hurricane Andrew. Journal of Coastal Research. SI 21: 324-339.



Steyer, G.D., C.I. Simon, and S.G. Underwood. 1993. A resource management approach for evaluating the effectiveness of wetland restoration projects.  Pages 742-745 in: Landin, M.C., editor. Wetlands: Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the Society of Wetland Scientists, New Orleans, LA.  South Central Chapter, Society of Wetland Scientists, Utica, MS.


Stone, G.W., J.M. Grymes, III, K.D. Robbins, S.G. Underwood, G.D. Steyer, and R.A. Muller. 1993. A chronologic overview of climatological and hydrological aspects associated with Hurricane Andrew and its morphological effects along the Louisiana coast, USA. Shore and Beach. 61(2): 2-12.


Trepagnier, C.M., B. Good, G.D. Steyer, and W. B. Sutton. 1993. Evaluation of three crevasse splay marsh creation projects at the Mississippi River delta.  Pages 115-119 in: Landin, M.C., editor. Wetlands: Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the Society of Wetland Scientists, New Orleans, LA.  South Central Chapter, Society of Wetland Scientists, Utica, MS.


Steller, D.L., B. Good, C. Clark, K. Bahlinger, J. Rasi, and G. Steyer. 1993. Coastal restoration: Louisiana’s saving grace. Pages 2111-2125 in: Magoon, O.T., W.S. Wilson, H. Converse, and L.T. Tobin, editors. Coastal Zone ‘93 New Orleans, LA.


Steyer, G.D., and R.E. Stewart, Jr. 1992.  Monitoring Program for Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act projects.  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Wetlands Research Center Open-File Report 93-01. 85 pp.


Steyer, G.D. 1991. Wetland restoration utilizing real-time data collection along Louisiana’s coastal zone.  Pages 101-108 in: Dhamotharan, D., H.C. McWreath, and A.I. Johnson, editors. 27th Annual Conference: Water Management of River Systems and Symposium: Resources Development of the Lower Mississippi River.  AWRA, Bethesda, MD.


Underwood, S.G., G.D. Steyer, B. Good, and D. Chambers. 1991. Bay bottom terracing and vegetative planting: An innovative approach for habitat and water quality enhancement.  Pages 164-173 in: Webb, F.J., Jr., editor. 1991 Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Wetlands Restoration and Creation. Hillsborough Community College, Tampa, FL.


Steyer, G.D., S.G. Underwood, D.L. Steller, C.M. Trepagnier, and C.I. Simon. 1991. Sediment capture techniques and their application to Barataria-Terrebonne estuary. Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program Data Inventory Workshop. Thibodaux, LA. October 1991.


Steyer, G.D. 1991. Louisiana uses DCP’s to manage wetland resources.  RAWS Talk: A Newsletter for Remote Automatic Weather Station Users. 1 pp.


Steyer, G.D., and B. Good. 1990. Current activities of the Coastal Restoration Division of the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources.  Pages 144-156 in: Webb, F.J., Jr., editor. 1990 Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Conference on Wetlands Restoration and Creation. Hillsborough Community College, Tampa, FL.


Steyer, G.D. 1988.  Litter dynamics and nitrogen retranslocation in three types of mangrove forests in Rookery Bay, Florida.  M.S. Thesis.  University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, LA.  70 pp.

Contact Information

Gregory Steyer
C/O Livestock Show Office, Parker Coliseum
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
225-578-7927 - Fax
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