Marines Magazine

The Official Magazine of the United States Marine Corps

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Archive for the ‘Corps Lore’ Category

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    Dedication and Sacrifice

    The Marine Corps is full of extraordinary people who are willing to do whatever it takes in the name of freedom and the ones they love. In 2004, one Marine, Sgt. Kenneth Conde, Jr., demonstrated  [Read more...]

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    Personal Stories of Some Special Marines in World War II

    Requests for copies of records relating to military service come into the National Archives every day. Some people are trying to fill in family history; others are looking for documentation of their own service. Those  [Read more...]

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    Battle of Midway

    Just six months after Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor, which nearly decimated the United States’ naval power, the United States found an opportunity to even the playing field. Adm. Chester W. Nimitz had a valuable  [Read more...]

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    The Haitian Campaign: Marines Change History and Tactics in Haiti

    As one action of many during the Banana Wars, the Marine Corps was called to Haiti July 28, 1915, to occupy and stabilize the nation in an effort to protect American interests throughout the Caribbean,  [Read more...]

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    From Sea to Bloody Streets

    During a time of severe post-World War II cutbacks and uncertainty for the Marine Corps, a new war began in the Far East, bringing the experience and fighting spirit of the Corps back into the  [Read more...]

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    Battle of Khe Sanh

    On Jan. 21, 1968, elements of 3rd Battalion, 26th Marine Regiment, came under heavy mortar, rocket and artillery fire at the Khe Sanh Combat Base in Quang Tri province, Republic of South Vietnam. In the  [Read more...]

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    During World War II, when the enemy would rather take his own life than surrender, Pfc. Guy Louis Gabaldon managed to single handedly capture about 1,500 Japanese prisoners. But he did not get the commendation  [Read more...]

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    Sniper’s Prodigy Evades Limelight

    Many are familiar with the scout sniper legend Gunnery Sgt. Carlos Hathcock, who achieved notoriety for 93 confirmed kills during his tenure in the Vietnam War. But few know of Charles B. “Chuck” Mawhinney, who  [Read more...]

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    Col. Alvin Mackin: A Fallen Korean War leader

    ARLINGTON, Va. – It’s been almost 55 years since the Marines of Company D, 2nd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, left the Korean peninsula after cold days and long nights of combat. In the years since,  [Read more...]

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    The Gadsden Flag: ’Don’t Tread on Me’

    The history of the United States Marine Corps is unlike any other, and though it has seen many brethren tried in countless battles, its tradition continues to run as deep as the blood sacrificed during  [Read more...]

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    The Unknown Legend

    The name and story of Col. Peter J. Ortiz may not be as recognizable as Dan Daly, Smedley Butler or John Basilone, but his story is that of legend and exemplifies a Marine tradition of adapting and overcoming tremendous odds to complete the mission.

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    WWII: Marines In Europe

    Wherever war is waged, Marines will be found – guarding or fighting. Although the Marine Corps’ battle was mostly in the Pacific during World War II, some Marines were assigned to serve with certain Navy  [Read more...]

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    Paving the Way

    Staff Sgt. Timerlate Kirven and Cpl. Samuel J. Love read an award citation for the Purple Heart they each received for wounds sustained during the Battle of Saipan in 1944. They were the first African-American  [Read more...]