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Guard your Grill – Maxillofacial Shield

The Ballistic Protective Maxillofacial Shield, made by Gentex Corporation, is a piece of personal protective equipment made to shield a Marine’s face from shrapnel and other ballistic threats faced on today’s battlefield.

The shield comes in two models, the MFS 800 and MFS 1800 models. The 800 model offers protection comparable to ballistic protective eyewear. The 1800 offers protection up to the National Institute of Justice’s level IIIA rating, which is no penetration with a 124-grain full metal jacket 9 mm projectile traveling at 1,350 to 1,450 feet per second.

The system is light, with the both models weighing under one and 1.9 pounds respectively. The system can be retrofitted to existing helmets, attaching to holes already in the helmet.

“The MFS is easy to install and use,” said Richard Long, product manager, U.S. and international sales with Gentex Corp. “You just attach the brackets to your helmet and in a few minutes you’ll have it snapped in and ready. You can remove it in seconds and work the shield up or down with one hand. It takes away another vulnerable spot. Instead of aiming for the head, enemies are aiming toward the face because it’s unprotected. The MFS fixes that.”

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  • T-ray

    its just an article noreason to argue

  • Thanos14

    Im a nerd, but i can join the marines, im not weak and stuff, i in the Young Marines right now. But your right. when comes to the Marines, im dead serious…Semper fi.

  • e-5

    im adding a funnel mod. to this for that reason

  • Tburns7

    I had to wear one of these stupid things for 1 week in Iraq before I refused to and was almost NJPd. You cant look down the sights of an m240 with it on….   I hate body armor…  its for *******. Id rather be FAST and mobile…. with no armor, than trade my ability to climb and sprint for slight partial bullet resistance……   I say make uniforms with kevlar fibers to mitigate shrapnel penetration.. and just leave it at that…

  • Tburns7

    I had to wear one of these stupid things for 1 week in Iraq before I refused to and was almost NJPd. You cant look down the sights of an m240 with it on….   I hate body armor…  its for *******. Id rather be FAST and mobile…. with no armor, than trade my ability to climb and sprint for slight partial bullet resistance……   I say make uniforms with kevlar fibers to mitigate shrapnel penetration.. and just leave it at that…

  • James Lewis

    I will say this much… this looks more for EOD and machine gunners than the Gruntz or anyone on the front line for that matter.  The reason i say this is that it looks a bit bulk, it may limit your peripheral vision, hard to give out commands and orders (which has a great affect on the field), hard to aim when shouldering your weapon, and it only stop 9mm im sorry the enemy shoots 7.62 rounds so im not impressed at all by this so i will give them a good try but try again please.

  • Goaway876

    This is almost as bad as the new Kevlar groin protector theyre coming out with.

  • ddt

    You should not be in the Marine Corps.

  • Travis

    This would be great in a turret

  • TKB

    why don’t we just drop all the PPE and all get issued a giant transparent bullet/blast proof bubble … one that makes you have to run like a hampster on a wheel in order to move around. This is just… wow.

  • Sconnors

    I once had a SSgt tell us before stepping off for a “hump” that “ounces equals pounds, and pounds equals pain. cut the extra shit out of your packs and we’ll all be fine in 20 km.” now throw “1.8lbs” on your face and neck and run through the streets. I can see where this is useful to turret gunners, and them alone. no one anywhere else wants to wear this. Did they get a unit to T&E this? Bet NO ONE liked it. All might’ve said it’s a good idea, but clumbsy, awkward, heavy, unnecessary excessive weight were words used to describe this. Sorry Mr. Long, your product will not be welcomed by and service member E6 and lower. I just caught the “remove it in seconds” (and go straight to the bottom of the seabag) blip.