FY 2008 Tanzania Partners

Information subject to change as improved data becomes available.

The list below includes prime1 partners obligated3 PEPFAR money in fiscal year 2008 and the sub-partners2 of those prime partners.

The 2008 prime and sub-partner list reflects organizations that were obligated FY 2008 money during fiscal year 2008 - that is from October 1, 2007 through September 30, 2008.

The list is based on data provided by U.S. Government agency field offices during the Annual Program Results updates submitted to the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator. This information will be updated as new data becomes available.

Prime Partner:


Academy for Educational Development

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence/Be Faithful

Condoms and Prevention





AIDS Business Coalition

Kay's Hygiene

Marie Stopes Tanzania

Ministry of Labor, Youth Development, and Sports, Tanzania

National Muslim Council of Tanzania

Shely's Pharmaceuticals

Tanzania Football Federation

The Word and Peace Organization




Prime Partner:


Access FP

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:






Prime Partner:


Adventist Development & Relief Agency

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence/Be Faithful



Africa Inland Church of Tanzania

Anglican Church of Tanzania

Baraza Kuu la Waislam Tanzania -Mwanza

Deeper Life Christian Ministry Church

Kilimanjaro Women Fight Against HIV/AIDS

Mshikamano Cultural Groups

Seventh Day Adventist Church

Youth Advisory and Development Council




Prime Partner:


African Medical and Research Foundation

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Counseling and Testing

Laboratory Infrastructure




African Inland Church Diocese of Shinyanga

African Inland Church of Tanzania, Shinyanga (Isaka and Nzega)

African Inland Church of Tanzania, Shinyanga VCT Centre

Aga Khan Medical Centre Morogoro

Al Jumaa Mosque Charitable Health Centre

Anglican Church Central Diocese

Anglican Church of Tanzania - Diocese of Mara

Anglican Church of Tanzania - Diocese of Tanga

Biharamulo District Council

Bukoba Rural District Council

Bunda Designated District Hospital

Bwambo Health Centre

Chama cha Uzazi na Malezi Bora Tanzania (UMATI)

Chumbageni VCT Centre, Tanga

Dareda Mission Hospital

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania - South Central Diocese

Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania Central Diocese

Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania Karagwe Diocese

Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania Konde Diocese

Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania Southern Diocese

Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania, Same Diocese


Hope Clinic

Ifakara Research Center

Karagwe VCT Site

Katandala Health Centre VCT Centre

Kazilankanda Dispensary VCT Centre

Kigoma Clinic VCT Centre

Kilimatinde VCT Centre

Machame Hospital

Magomeni Health Centre

Magomeni Seventh Day Adventist VCT

Makambako VCT Site

Makete VCT Centre

Makongoro Health Centre

Mara Conference of Seventh Day Adventists, Musoma

Marangu Hospital

Matumaini VCT Centre -Mugumu - Kanisa la Menonite Tanzania

Mennonite Church in Tanzania

Mnazi Mmoja Health Centre

Mnazi Mmoja Referral Hospital

Moravian Mission Hospital in Mbozi

Moravian VCT Centre Tabora

Muhimbili Health Information Centre

Mvumi Hospital VCT Centre

Mwambani Designated District Hospital

Ngara Voluntary Counseling & Testing Site

Njombe VCT Centre Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania Diocese

Nyakahanga Designated District Hospital

Nyangao Hospital VCT Centre

Nzega District Hospital

Roman Catholic Diocese of Rulenge

Roman Catholic Diocese of Sumbawanga

Roman Catholic Njombe Diocese

Same District Hospital

Seventh Day Adventist Makao Mapya VCT Site Arusha

Shirati Hospital

Songea Municipal Council

St Walburg Hospital

St. Benedictine Ndanda Hospital

St. Francis Hospital, Ifakara

Sumbawanga Municipal Council

Temeke Seventh Day Adventist VCT

Tumaini VCT Centre Korogwe

Tunduma Health Centre

Tunduma Holy Family Health Centre

Uhai Baptist Centre Mbeya

Uviwana Dispensary (& VCT Centre)

Uzima Counseling Centre




Prime Partner:



Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:





Adopt Africa

Baraza la Akina Mama wa Kiislamu

Child Parents & Destitute Foundation

Evangelical Assemblies of God

Faraja Human Development Fund

Kongwa Huduma kwa Watoto Yatima, na Malaria

Muzdalifa Orphan Centre

Pamoja Tupambane na UKIMWI

Save HIV/AIDS Orphans Tanzania Foundation


Ukimwi na Jamii Kibaigwa




Prime Partner:


American Red Cross

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence/Be Faithful



Tanzanian Red Cross Society




Prime Partner:


American Society of Clinical Pathology

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Laboratory Infrastructure




Prime Partner:


Association of Public Health Laboratories

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Laboratory Infrastructure




Prime Partner:


Balm in Gilead

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence/Be Faithful

Counseling and Testing




Christian Council of Tanzania

National Muslim Council of Tanzania

Tanzania Episcopal Conference (TEC)




Prime Partner:


Bugando Medical Centre

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Counseling and Testing




Prime Partner:


Catholic Relief Services

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


ARV Services

Basic Health Care and Support



Palliative Care: TB/HIV



Bombo Regional Hospital

Bumbuli Hospital

Bunda Designated District Hospital

Constella Futures Group

District Designated Hospital/Hospitali Tuele Muheza

Geita District Hospital

Interchurch Medical Assistance

Lushoto District Hospital

Magu Hospital

Makongoro Health Centre

Musoma Regional Hospital

Ngudu Dist Hospital (Kwimba)

Pangani District Hospital

Roman Catholic Njombe Diocese

Sekou Toure Regional Hospital, Mwanza

St. Luke Health Centre

Sumve Hospital

Tarime District Hospital

University of Maryland, Institute of Human Virology




Prime Partner:


Central Contraceptive Procurement

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Condoms and Other Prevention




Prime Partner:


Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Laboratory Infrastructure




Prime Partner:


Columbia University

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


ARV Services

Basic Health Care and Support

Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing

Laboratory Infrastructure


Palliative Care: TB/HIV



Baptist Hospital

Biharamulo Designated District Hospital PMTCT Centre

Bugando Medical Centre

Bukoba Rural District Council

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Kagera Regional Hospital

Kigoma Municipal Council

Mchukwi Mission Hospital

Medecins du Monde

Ndolage Hospital

Nyakahanga Designated District Hospital




Prime Partner:


Deloitte Consulting Limited

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence/Be Faithful

ARV Services

Basic Health Care and Support

Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing

Other/Policy Analysis and Systems Strengthening


Palliative Care: TB/HIV                                        



African Inland Church Diocese of Mwanza

African Palliative Care Association



Afya Women's Group

Allamano Centre, Iringa

Alpha Dancing Group

Apex Engineering

Archdiocese of Arusha

Archdiocese of Mwanza

Archdiocese of Mwanza, Faraja Community Outreach Program

Bulongwa Lutheran Hospital

Catholic Relief Services

Centre for Counselling, Health & Nutrition

Consolata sisters Allamano Centre

Cultural Practice

Diocese of Central Tanganyika

Dodoma Regional Hospital

Emerging Markets

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania - East of Lake Victoria Diocese

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania - Northern Diocese, Karatu Lutheran Hospital

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania - South Central Diocese

Family Health International

Faraja Orphans and Training Center

Ikwiriri Mission Clinic and Dispensary

Ilembula PMTCT Centre

Iringa Regional Hospital, Tanzania

Jipeni Moyo Women and Community Organization

Kikundi cha Wajane Kondoa

Lugoda Hospital

Mafinga District Hospital

Makiungu Hospital

Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences

Mwanza Outreach Group

Pamoja Tupambane na UKIMWI

Promotion of Rural Initiatives and Development Enterprises Limited Tanzania Network of Women Living with HIV/AIDS

Tanzania Women Lawyers Association (TAWLA)

The Mosques Council of Tanzania

Uhakika Kituo cha Ushauri Nasaha

Ukerewe Adventist Community Health Outreach Project

Umoja wa Majeshi Kibaha, Tanzania




Prime Partner:


Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


ARV Services

Basic Health Care and Support

Palliative Care: TB/HIV



John Snow, Inc.

Karatu Designated District Hospital

Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre

Masasi District Council

Maswa District Council

Newala District Council

Nkinga Mission Hospital

Tandahimba District Council

University of California at San Francisco

Urambo District Council

Uyui District Council




Prime Partner:


Engender Health

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence/Be Faithful

Condoms and Other Prevention




Hanang Hospital

Mbulu Hospital




Prime Partner:


Family Health International

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence/Be Faithful

ARV Services

Basic Health Care and Support

Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing





Academy for Educational Development

African Medical and Research Foundation


AngloCharity Dispensary

Anti-Female Genital Mutilation Network

Dhi Nureyn Islamic Foundation

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania - South Central Diocese

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania - Southern Diocese

Family Life Action Trust

Femina TV Talk Show

Howard University/PACE Center

Instituto Promundo

Makambako Health Centre

Makambako Women's Development Association

National Organization of Peer Educators

Program for Appropriate Technology in Health

Single Women Against AIDS Tanzania-Sumbawanga (SWAAT);

Solidarity Center

Support Makete to Self Support

Tanzania Gender & Networking Programme



Tunduma Health Centre

Tunduma Holy Family Health Centre

Usawa Group

Voices for Humanity




Prime Partner:


International Rescue Committee

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Counseling and Testing





Prime Partner:


International Youth Foundation

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence/Be Faithful



Tanzania Scouts Association

Tanzania Young Men's Christian Association

Tanzania Young Women's Christian Association

Tanzanian Red Cross Society




Prime Partner:


IntraHealth International, Inc

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence/Be Faithful

ARV Services

Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing


Other/Policy Analysis and Systems Strengthening



AIDS Business Coalition

National Institute for Medical Research

University of Dar es Salaam, University Computing Center

Waliokatika Mapambano Ya Ukimwi Tanzania




Prime Partner:



Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


ARV Services

Counseling and Testing
Injection Safety





Prime Partner:


Macro International

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Strategic Information




Prime Partner:


Management Sciences for Health

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Basic Health Care and Support

Other/Policy Analysis and Systems Strengthening



Ministry of Health - Zanzibar, Tanzania

Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Tanzania

Tanzania Commission for AIDS




Prime Partner:


Ministry of Education and Culture, Tanzania

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence/Be Faithful




Prime Partner:


Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Tanzania

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Blood Safety

Injection Safety

Laboratory Infrastructure

Other/Policy Analysis and Systems Strengthening

Strategic Information



Tanzanian Red Cross Society




Prime Partner:


Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Tanzania - Zanzibar AIDS Control Program

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence/Be Faithful

ARV Services

Basic Health Care and Support

Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing


Strategic Information




Prime Partner:


National AIDS Control Program Tanzania

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence/Be Faithful
ARV Services

Basic Health Care and Support

Counseling and Testing


Strategic Information



AIDS Business Coalition

Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences

Tanzania Youth Aware Trust Fund (TAYOA)

University of Dar es Salaam, University Computing Center




Prime Partner:


National Institute for Medical Research

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Other/Policy Analysis and Systems Strengthening

Strategic Information



Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Tanzania




Prime Partner:


National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Program

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Palliative Care: TB/HIV




Prime Partner:


Pact, Inc.

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:





Department of Social Welfare

Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania Karagwe Diocese

Family Health International

Jane Goodall Institute

Kagera Development And Credit Revolving Fund

Karagwe District Education Fund

Karagwe Youth Development Network

Rulenge Diocesan Development Office

Saidia Wazee Tanzania

Tabora NGOs Cluster

Tukolene Youth Development Centre

Youth Advisory and Development Council




Prime Partner:


Partnership for Supply Chain Management

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


ARV Drugs

ARV Services

Blood Safety

Counseling and Testing

Laboratory Infrastructure


Strategic Information



Crown Agents

Management Sciences for Health

Program for Appropriate Technology in Health

Voxiva, Inc.




Prime Partner:


Pastoral Activities & Services for People with AIDS

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


ARV Services

Basic Health Care and Support

Counseling and Testing


Palliative Care: TB/HIV





Prime Partner:


Pathfinder International

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Basic Health Care and Support

Counseling and Testing




Axios Partnerships in Tanzania

Interchurch Medical Assistance

Tanga Aids Working Group

Waliokatika Mapambano Ya Ukimwi Tanzania




Prime Partner:


Program for Appropriate Technology in Health

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Palliative Care: TB/HIV




Prime Partner:


Salvation Army

Obligated FY08 Funds:




Program Areas:






Prime Partner:


Selian Lutheran Hospital - Mto wa Mbu Hospital

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence/Be Faithful




Prime Partner:


The American Society for Microbiology

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Laboratory Infrastructure




Prime Partner:


Touch Foundation, Inc.

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


ARV Services




Prime Partner:


Tulane University

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


ARV Services

Strategic Information




Prime Partner:


University of Dar es Salaam, University Computing Center

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Strategic Information




Prime Partner:


University of Medicine and Dentistry, New Jersey - Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Center

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:






Prime Partner:


University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Carolina Population Center

Obligated FY08 Funds:




Program Areas:



Strategic Information




Prime Partner:


University of Rhode Island

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Condoms and Other Prevention




Prime Partner:


University Research Corporation, LLC

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


ARV Services





Prime Partner:


US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence/Be Faithful

ARV Services

Basic Health Care and Support

Blood Safety

Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing

Laboratory Infrastructure

Management and Staffing

Other/Policy Analysis and Systems Strengthening

Palliative Care: TB/HIV


Strategic Information



National Institute for Medical Research

University of California at San Francisco




Prime Partner:


US Peace Corps

Obligated FY08 Funds:




Program Areas:


Abstinence/Be Faithful

Basic Health Care and Support

Condoms and Other Prevention

Management and Staffing





Prime Partner:



Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


ARV Services

Blood Safety

Strategic Information




Prime Partner:


World Health Organization

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


ARV Services

Strategic Information




Prime Partner:


World Vision International

Obligated FY08 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence/Be Faithful



Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs


1 Prime partner: A prime partner is an entity which receives funding directly from, and has a direct contractual relationship (contract, cooperative agreement, grant, etc.) with, the USG agency. Please note that there is a distinction between an organization and a partner. An organization can be any organization listed in the Country Operational and Plan Reporting System (COPRS). An organization becomes a partner by being selected by a country as either a prime or a sub. A partner has a funding relationship with the USG agency. (Source: President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief FY 2007 Country Operational Plan Guidance; Page 40)

2 Sub-partner: A sub partner is defined as an entity to which a prime partner allocates funding. (Source: President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, FY 2007 Country Operational Plan Guidance; Page 44)

3 Obligation: An agreement that will result in outlays, immediately or in the future. When you place an order, sign a contract, award a grant, purchase a service, provide incremental funding or take other actions that require the Government to make payments to the public or from one Government account to another, you incur an obligation. Budgetary resources must be available before obligations can be incurred legally. Obligations should not exceed available budgetary resources. For this Annual Program Results Report, only report on obligations made during the fiscal year (October 1, 2005 through September 30, 2006). (Source: President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief FY 2006 Annual Program Results (APR) Guidance for Focus and 2006 Mini-COP Country Reporting, p.6)

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