FY 2007 Cote d'Ivoire Partners

Information subject to change as improved data becomes available.

The list below includes prime1 partners obligated3 Emergency Plan money in fiscal year 2006 and the sub-partners2 of those prime partners.

The 2007 prime and sub-partner list reflects organizations that obligated FY 2007 money during fiscal year 2007 - that is from October 1, 2006 through September 30, 2007.

The list is based on data provided by U.S. Government agency field offices during the Annual Program Results updates submitted to the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator. This information will be updated as new data becomes available.

Prime Partner:



ABT Associates

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Other/Policy Analysis and System Strengthening



Family Health International 

Aga Khan Development Network

Prime Partner:




Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:



Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Counseling and Testing

Treatment: ARV Services

Strategic Information



Afrique Espoir

Association pour la Promotion de la Sant� Maternelle


Centre Nazareen


Femme Face au SIDA

Femmes Actives

Femmes Egale Vie

Hopital Protestant de Dabou


Lumiere Action, C�te d'Ivoire

Manne du Jour

Notre Grenier

Ruban Rouge


Soeurs de la Providence

Solidarite Plus Abidjan

Union Cooperative des Femmes de Sassandra


Prime Partner:



American International Health Alliance

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Counseling and Testing

Prime Partner:



American International Health Alliance Twinning Center

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Prime Partner:



CARE International

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas


Abstinence Be Faithful Programs

Condoms and Other Prevention Activities

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Counseling and Testing

Other/Policy Analysis and System Strengthening



Caritas Cote d'Ivoire

Centre Solidarite Action Sociale

Collectif des Organisations de Lutte contre le SIDA de Man

Coordination de la Vallee du Bandama de Lutte Contre le SIDA

IDE Afrique

Initiative Developpement Afrique Libre


Lumiere Action, C�te d'Ivoire


Network of media professionals and artists against AIDS in C�te d'Ivoire

Objectif Sante et Developpment

Parole des Femmes Actives

Population Council

Renaissance Sante Bouake

Reseau des Associations de Lutte Cotre le SIDA Korhogo

Reseau des Ecoles Madrassas en Cote d�Ivoire


Prime Partner:



CDC International Lab Coalition

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Laboratory Infrastructure

Prime Partner:



Central Contraceptive Procurement

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Condoms and Other Prevention Activities

Prime Partner:



Columbia University

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:



Palliative Care: TB/HIV
Treatment: ARV Services

Prime Partner:



Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Treatment: ARV Services


Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Counseling and Testing

Strategic Information

Other/Policy Analysis and System Strengthening





Association Centre Integre de Recherche Bioclinique d'Abidjan

Association de Soutien a l'Autopromotion Sanitaire Urbaine

Association Initiative Plus

Association Ivoirienne pour le Bien-Etre Familial

Association pour la Promotion de la Sant� Maternelle

Caritas Cote d'Ivoire

Centre de Sante Banacomoe

Centre de Sante Communautaire de Ouangolodougou

Centre de Sante El RAPHA   

Centre de Sante PIM

Centre de Sante Sainte Therese de l'Enfant Jesus

Centre de Sante Urbain Notre Dame des Apotres de Dimbokro

Centre de Sante Wale

Centre PIM Abengourou

Centre Saint Camille de Bouake

Centre Solidarite Action Sociale


Espace Confiance

GBH-Bethesda Yopougon

Helen Keller International

Hope Worldwide

Hopital Baptiste de Ferkessedougou

Hopital General d'Ayame

InSTITUT National de Formation de Sciences Sociales   

Isped Bordeaux




Professional Association of Gynecologists and Obstetricians in Cote d'Ivoire

Renaissance Sante Bouake

Societe Africaine de Plantation d'Heveas

Societe des Caoutchoucs de Grand Bereby

Syndicat des Enterprises de Manutention de Port Autonome San Pedro

Unite de Formation et de Recherche des SCiences Medicales d'Abidjan Cocody

University of California at San Francisco

Prime Partner:




Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Other/Policy Analysis and System Strengthening

Prime Partner:



Family Health International

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Condoms and Other Prevention Activities

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Counseling and Testing    



Association de Soutien a l'Autopromotion Sanitaire Urbaine

Association pour la Promotion de la Sant� Maternelle

Cote d'Ivoire Prosperite

Espace Confiance

Institut de Medecine Tropicale

Renaissance Sante Bouake    

Prime Partner:



Hope Worldwide

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence Be Faithful Programs

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Prime Partner:




Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:



Abstinence Be Faithful Programs

Condoms and Other Prevention Activities

Counseling and Testing

Treatment: ARV Services

Other/Policy Analysis and System Strengthening



Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Johns Hopkins University Institute for International Programs

Prime Partner:



John Snow, Inc.          

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Transmission: Injection Safety

Strategic Information

Prime Partner:



Ministry of AIDS, C�te d'Ivoire

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence Be Faithful Programs

Counseling and Testing

Strategic Information




Prime Partner:



Ministry of Health and Population, Cote d'Ivoire

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Strategic Information

Other/Policy Analysis and System Strengthening

Prime Partner:



Ministry of Health, C�te d'Ivoire

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Transmission: Blood Safety

Prime Partner:



Ministry of National Education, C�te d'Ivoire

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence Be Faithful Programs

Condoms and Other Prevention Activities

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Prime Partner:



Ministry of Solidarity, Social Security and Disability, C�te d'Ivoire

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Prime Partner:



National Agency of Rural Development

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence Be Faithful Programs

Condoms and Other Prevention Activities

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Counseling and Testing

Treatment: ARV Services




Lumiere Action, C�te d'Ivoire

Network of media professionals and artists against AIDS in C�te d'Ivoire

Population Services International

Prime Partner:



Partnership for Supply Chain Management

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:



Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Treatment: ARV Drugs

Laboratory Infrastructure

Strategic Information

Prime Partner:



Population Services International

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence Be Faithful Programs

Condoms and Other Prevention Activities

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Counseling and Testing



Agence Ivoirienne de Marketing Social

Caritas Cote d'Ivoire

Espoir Forces Armees Nationales de Cote d'Ivoire


Prime Partner:



Social and Scientific Systems

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Transmission: Blood Safety

Prime Partner:



US Agency for International Development

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Management and Staffing

Prime Partner:



US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence Be Faithful Programs

Condoms and Other Prevention Activities

Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Counseling and Testing

Treatment: ARV Services

Strategic Information

Management and Staffing


Laboratory Infrastructure

Prime Partner:



US Department of State

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Other/Policy Analysis and System Strengthening


1 Prime partner: A prime partner is an entity which receives funding directly from, and has a direct contractual relationship (contract, cooperative agreement, grant, etc.) with, the USG agency. Please note that there is a distinction between an organization and a partner. An organization can be any organization listed in the Country Operational and Plan Reporting System (COPRS). An organization becomes a partner by being selected by a country as either a prime or a sub. A partner has a funding relationship with the USG agency. (Source: President�s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief FY 2007 Country Operational Plan Guidance; Page 40)

2 Sub-partner: A sub partner is defined as an entity to which a prime partner allocates funding. (Source: President�s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, FY 2007 Country Operational Plan Guidance; Page 44)

3 Obligation: An agreement that will result in outlays, immediately or in the future. When you place an order, sign a contract, award a grant, purchase a service, provide incremental funding or take other actions that require the Government to make payments to the public or from one Government account to another, you incur an obligation. Budgetary resources must be available before obligations can be incurred legally. Obligations should not exceed available budgetary resources. For this Annual Program Results Report, only report on obligations made during the fiscal year (October 1, 2005 through September 30, 2006). (Source: President�s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief FY 2006 Annual Program Results (APR) Guidance for Focus and 2006 Mini-COP Country Reporting, p.6)

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