Resources for Tribes and Tribal Governments


Under the leadership of Secretary LaHood, we are committed to improving existing tribal transportation resources. This webpage serves as a portal to assist tribes and tribal governments find the information and contacts they need at the Department.


The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) is dedicated to providing Indian tribes (tribes) with technical assistance to help in their efforts to improve the safety and efficiency of tribal pipeline systems. Affirmed in treaties, Supreme Court decisions, and executive orders, PHMSA has a government-to-government relationship with Indian tribal governments, and provides technical assistance as requested.

View the Protocol

Tribal Consultation Plan

The President signed the “Tribal Consultation” Presidential Memorandum on Thursday, November 5, 2009. This Presidential Memorandum directs executive departments and agencies to take certain actions to implement Executive Order (EO) 13175. The Presidential Memorandum requires that:

  • Each agency head submit to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) a detailed plan of actions the agency will take to implement the policies and directives of EO 13175.
  • Agencies must submit to OMB a progress report on the actions taken pursuant to these plans together with proposed updates to the plan.

Recent News

DOT Announces $15 Million to Enhance Transit Options on Tribal Lands for an America Built to Last

U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood today announced the availability of approximately $15 million in competitive funding to help American Indian and Alaska Native tribal governments strengthen public transportation options.

“President Obama has charged us with building an economy that works for everyone, and for thousands of families living on America’s tribal lands, public transportation is critical to accessing economic opportunity,” said Secretary LaHood.

Updated: Wednesday, January 9, 2013