Home Missions International Water Resources Fifth World Water Forum

Fifth World Water Forum

The 5th World Water Forum was convened from 16-22 March 2009 in Istanbul, Turkey. This unprecedented international water gathering attracted 33,058 world water stakeholders from 192 countries. Nine heads of states/governments, three international organization secretary generals, 103 ministers and vice-ministers, 250 parliamentarians and 200 local authorities attended.

IWR facilitated a large number of high-level events focused on integrated water resources management, navigation, managing the impacts of climate change, and reducing the impacts of water-related disasters. Additionally, IWR applied its breadth of experience to support the focus of the U.S. delegation towards a water-secure world and demonstrated its internationally renowned reputation for excellence in water resources management.

On these pages are links to stories about the 5th World Water Forum and to proceedings:

IWR released a number of news stories prior to the event:

More information:

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