Weekly Video Address: Oversight and Investigations in the 113th Congress
Posted by on February 08, 2013
This week Dr. Burgess provides an update from Washington on the work the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee will focus on in the 113th Congress. You can watch the video below. To read a transcript of the address click here.

The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • Carey from hurst commented on 2/8/2013
    Why is it that none of the disturbed and evil men, who steal guns, then go and kill movie-goers and children in school, has ever been identified as a conservative NRA member? Ft Hood~~~ Registered Democrat ~ Muslim Columbine ~~~ Too young to vote; both families were registered Democrats and progressive liberals Virginia Tech ~~~ Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff ~ Registered Democrat Colorado Theater ~~~ Registered Democrat; staff worker on the Obama campaign; Occupy Wall Street participant; progressive liberal Connecticut School Shooter- ~~~ Registered Democrat; hated Christians Common thread is that all of these shooters were progressive liberal Democrats. INTERESTING, isn't it? Maybe Democrats shouldn't have guns!
  • First Name from City commented on 2/8/2013
    Federal Reserve needs to be dismantled. It is a private organization that does things our Treasury can do . and we pay the Fed a premium for this service. IRS as it is needs to go away. Our government does not need our tax money. Currently that tax money is going to pay the Federal Reserve. Congress, and Senate and I don't know who else is provided lifetime benefits and different benefits than we the citizens of America. Their job needs to be limited and their benefits for time only served and their retirement needs to be regular Social Security like the rest of us. What can you do to make our government smaller. Also to educate our country on what is really going on in our government. Thank you for your service. Concerned citizen.
  • Richard from Little Elm commented on 2/8/2013
    Oversight is great, if it works. It appears that Pres. Obama sidesteps Congress all the time and signs his name to change law. Sometimes Congress slaps his hand, but he merely laughs it off and tells you , oh yes he can. And does. The man has changed too much of our nation and we want it changed back.
  • Richard from Fort Worth commented on 2/8/2013
    Quit pontificating and get to work on the problems we face.
  • First Name from City commented on 2/8/2013
    There is no reason for an oversight committee when there is no reverse in action! We have an oversight committee for the Federal Reserve, which refuses to give us an accounting of bail-out money to privately and publicly held corporations. We have never audited this private held organization which controls Americas money and financial health. The people that control the Fed control congress and the President! You have an oversight committee with authority over this group of people (Fed/Wall Street), then there will not be as much of a need for oversight over micro-managed government agencies. So my question to Representative Burgess is, what are you doing to combat the influence of this group of people? Or are you just powerless against?
  • Jeff Jones from North Richland Hills commented on 2/8/2013
    I would like to pass a long a quick thank you from my family and friends for the hard work you continue to do on our behalf. I don't write to you often because honestly you already reflect our opinions and have the values and fortitude to get the job done. You have our support Dr. Burgess
  • John Barr from Orange Cove CA. commented on 2/8/2013
    It is my sincear prayer that the Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee for the 113th Congress will finaly do something about the waste of tax-payer dollers that is & has been going on for some time now. There have been well over 100 [one hundred] prograns that 'waste' tax money & it is my preyer that you Congressman Dr. Burgess will be in he fore-front of the fight to recover at least a portion of OUR tax money & put a stop to the programs that do waste OUR tax dollers. Thank you for your time John Barr California
  • Johnny Marshall from Bedford, Texas commented on 2/8/2013
    I would like to hear you say, and then act on it, WE WILL CUT SPENDING, WE WILL DO OUR JOB AND SEE THAT WAST IS STOPPED IN OUR GOVERNMENT.....can you please forget the word we should do this and we should do that......well stop using that stupid word should and replae it with WE WILL DO THIS AND WE WILL DO THAT. WHY DOES OUR ELECTED REPUBLICANS IN WASHINGTON DC GIVE PRESIDENT OBAMA EVERYTHING HE WANTS WHTHOUT GETTING ONE DAMN THING FROM HIM IN REURTN....he is constantly making fools out of you.
  • John Green from Hickory Creek commented on 2/8/2013
    Thanks for your service.
  • Paula Casey from Dallas commented on 2/8/2013
    Thank you for your update. Please hold fast to your conservative ideals. Obamacare is a joke. I am a retired employee of the State of Texas (Texas Rehabilitation Commission) I was employed by them in an Administration position in a local office. I previously worked for a major Fortune 500 firm from which I also retired. I was 57 when they had to scale back and I was laid off after almost 25 years of service. I was as single mom and had a teenage daughter at home so had to find another job. The State hired me at 57. I worked for them for eleven years, thus gaining my benefits, mostly health insurance. I did not get much of a pension because I made very little money. THIS YEAR THE STATE WENT TO SILVERSCRIPT (A GOVENMENT PART D PRESCRIPTION DRUG COVERAGE). I opted out of it because by the grace of God I have prescription drug coverage through my other employer (from which I had the most tenure so they are primary i my drug coverage and is a credible coverage plan i.e. accepted by our illusterous government. It is getting to where our government has to approve everything we do!! In any case, I opted out of it because had I taken it, then I could not have my other drug coverage. Thanks again to our government. Up until this year, my primary Part D coverage (with the other company) paid first. I paid the co-pays out of my pocket...then I sent in my out of pocket expenses to Caremark (last year's state coverage for prescription drugs) and I was reimbursed a portion of my out of pocket expenses. THIS IS A BENEFIT I TOOK VERY LOW PAY FROM THE STATE TO HAVE....NOW THAT IT IS SILVERSCRIPT....THEY WILL NOT REIMBURSE ME ANY PART OF MY OUT OF POCKET THAT IS LEFT OVER FROM MY OTHER COVERAGE. Some of my presciption drugs are very expensive and my co-pays are large and getting larger.....and being able to submit to a tertiary provider was nice. Now I cannot do that because if you have Silverscript, they MUST be primary. Is this what you call "choice".....I just continue to pray that I will never lose my health benefit coverage with the employer I was with for 25 years!!! This is rapidly becoming a joke and why aren't our elected officials (on our conservative side), stating these types of inicidents to the public.] Thank you for taking the time to read my comments. I know that you are not my representative but I have a son that is a physician and I like to hear what you have to say from your perspective.
  • John from The Colony commented on 2/8/2013
    Why are you allowing the president to overstep his authority on a regular basis without so much as an objection? Why are you ignoring the proven forgery of his birth certificate and his blatant treasonous orders to military personnel to stand down during the attack on our consulate in Benghazi? It was sworn to under oath that he and his cabinet members watched the events in real time and listened in real time to the attack and now the sec of def Pannetta has lied under oath that they did not have real time information. We all know that gov't drones can read a license plate from a mile in the sky and we all know that they are constantly in the air above our enemies. The marines on the ground knew the drones were there or they would not have painted the mortars locations with lasers and given their position away. Which is it? Who is covering up what? This was a kidnapping attempt by Obama to give his Muslim friends leverage to bargain for the release of the Blind Shaike. Obama did not count on marines doing their jobs and the plot went horribly wrong. the in edent in Africa at the oil refinery where American hostages were taken was another attempt by the same people to gain the release of the blind shaek. Pay attention. Why was the commander of Africon relieved of duty for ignoring an order to stand down if that order, according to Pannetta, was never given? This was an act of war at best and treason at worst, not terrorism. We were attacked on US soil. We have been lied to repeatedly by this administration. It has to stop. Why are you standing by while lethal aircraft and tanks are being delivered to our sworn enemies and the enemies of our allies? Barack Hussein Obama is a traitor and needs to be stopped. Do something. Be a man. Sincerely, John Cann Extremely concerned citizen
  • Cynthia from Lake Dallas commented on 2/8/2013
    Keep holding them accountable, especiallly in regard to robbing us of our constitutional rights and legislating more taxes on an already heavily burdened middle class.
  • Marjorie from Mock commented on 2/8/2013
    Thank you Dr Burgess for these frequent reports to us in NE Tarrant County.I appreciate you and your work at the national level. Keep the faith and keep your common sense representation of us all. God bless YOU!
  • Rich Garrett from Justin commented on 2/8/2013
    Will you please sponsor a Bill to Regulate the EPA on its wild and unaccountable regulations with no sense... rhyme or reason. Their people are the most unruled bunch of Gov't ... non-elected .... over paid, and most devastating and counter productive illrational group we Americans have to deal with. With all that said ... do what you can .... if you can. Thanks for listening. Rich
  • Marlene from Lewisville commented on 2/8/2013
    God bless you, Dr. Burgess for all that you do for us.
  • Jean from Lewisville commented on 2/8/2013
    We are very concerned regarding the direction of our country. We are dismayed with Obama Care and how it is going to affect our country. It seems that the intent is to have government run health care eventually. We can look at how the SS and SSA as well as welfare has been mishandled by the government and know that it will be another debacle. We want to see more power in the hands of the states and less big brother government. We want see more drilling in the US and less dependence on foreign oil. We want those jobs to be here in the USA. We want to keep morality and family values strong in Texas. We want the education of our children to be monitored by more than a small group and the fact that teachers are not allowed to inform parents as to what is being taught them on the internet is an outrage. We want congress to let Obama know that he was not elected to be dictator, but president and cannot exercise power without the approval of the Senate. Thank you for representing Texas!
  • Lynda from Allen Park commented on 2/8/2013
    BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! Just DO something about it! All there is, is blah blah blah!!!
  • Donald Murray from Lewisville commented on 2/9/2013
    Dr. Burgess, I want to thank you for serving as US Representative for our area. I have a question: When is Congress going to investigate the Executive Branch? 1. Executive Orders the President is signing 2. The murder of our Embassy and our service men in Libya 3. Men advising the President at the White House that are members of the Brotherhood If you cannot answer these question, please do not send a canned e-mail.
  • Linda from Dallas commented on 2/9/2013
  • William from Highland Village commented on 2/9/2013
    National Defense Authorization Act, specificially section 1021, certainly looks likw bad law. A law we do not need. Please take all appropriate actions to kill this law. I am also looking forward to hearing concrete ideas/plans from the republicans to deal with excesive spending, unemployment, more taxes and EPA regulations that are chocking business. Just SAYING NO to "HIs Majesty" is not good enough!!
  • Walt from Frisco commented on 2/10/2013
    Congratulations on explaining the taxing situation in our country.The bald headed guy didn't seem to get it and Ms Romans wisely dropped out of the conversation.
  • First Name from City commented on 2/13/2013
    Dr. Burgess, Is this true? It came from the ACLJ. I'm not at all happy with cutting military spending to begin with... The Obama Administration is making a historic mistake. Last night, in his State of the Union Address, President Obama said that "we cannot presume to dictate" the course of Muslim Brotherhood-led Egypt. Today we received reports the Administration is actually accelerating its delivery of advanced weapons to this radical regime. We are arming our enemies even as our own military faces draconian budget cuts that will hamper our military readiness for years to come. The Obama Administration should not reinforce the jihadist Muslim Brotherhood while cutting our own military. It must not give powerful American weapons to a regime led by a man who called Jews the "descendants of apes and pigs." As our petition numbers grow, more members of Congress are stepping up to defend Israel and restore common sense to our foreign policy. Thank-you, Joyce Van Haastert
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