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Estuaries are an Important Concept of the Ocean Literacy Essential Principles & Concepts     

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Are you Ocean Literate?

Ocean Literacy is...
an understanding of the oceans influence on YOU and YOUR influence on the ocean.

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Request An Ocean Literacy Brochure
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Download the PDF version of the Ocean Literacy Principles & Concepts brochure. This brochure is available free of charge for educators, while stocks last.

Contact Jeannine Montgomery at the NOAA Outreach Unit for copies of the summary pamphlet.
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An ocean-literate person:
  • Understands the essential principles and fundamental concepts:
    1. The Earth has one big ocean with many features.
    2. The ocean and life in the ocean shape the features of the Earth.
    3. The ocean is a major influence on weather and climate.
    4. The ocean makes the Earth habitable.
    5. The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
    6. The ocean and humans are inextricably interconnected.
    7. The ocean is largely unexplored.
  • Can communicate about the oceans in a meaningful way;
  • Is able to make informed and responsible decisions regarding the oceans and its resources.

Estuary Related Topics in the Ocean Literacy Principles & Concepts

In further reviewing the fundamental concepts of each principle, we have found that estuaries are captured in the Ocean Literacy Principles and Concepts. While not fully explicit in all the principles and concepts, estuaries can be used as a powerful context to support learning about the interconnections and interdependencies between terrestrial and ocean systems, what important services they provide for humans, and how to restore and protect them.

Following are examples of how estuaries support the Ocean Principles & Concepts:

1. The Earth has one big ocean with many features – Estuaries lie at the interface between land and the ocean. By exploring estuaries, students learn about the ocean, and about estuaries and related coastal features.

2. The ocean and life in the ocean shape the features of the Earth – The dynamic interactions of river flows, ocean currents, tides and waves are constantly changing the land and the life that lives there.

3. The ocean is a major influence on weather and climate – Students explore the effects of weather on estuaries, and learn about the effects of the ocean in moderating temperatures, feeding energy into storm systems, and establishing the region’s climate.

4. The ocean makes Earth habitable – Students investigate how ocean currents provide an influx of nutrients and support a food chain that reaches throughout the estuary and beyond.

5. The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems – Estuaries are among the most biologically diverse areas in the world, with different species thriving in ecosystem system niches throughout each estuary, and have even great diversity across the full range of estuaries.

6. The ocean and humans are inextricably interconnected – Students explore how the human presence affects the estuarine environment and vice-versa. They also engage in stewardship activities to help ameliorate human effects on estuaries.

7. The ocean is largely unexplored – We have much to learn about the dynamics of estuaries, as students learn by asking questions about estuaries, using observational data to pursue answers and realizing how much more we lies ahead for further exploration.

Learn More...

Last Updated on: 10-19-2011


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