Fermilab Computing Sector
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Science & Computing

Support, research, design and engineering for the Fermilab scientific programs

A major part of the Computing Sector's work is to support and improve the scientific programs at the lab. This includes computer support for experiment systems, design and implementation of the data acquisition and control systems, accelerator and detector simulations, research and development of the physics analysis softwares.

The Computing Sector is also playing an important role in the following technology centers:

     Accelerator Physics Center                         CMS Center             LPC image              
 Accelerator Physics Center             CMS Center              LHC Physics Center       

       Astrophysics Center                            ROC

Particle Astrophysics Center         LHC Remote Ops Center



 Scientific Computing Image 1


Scientific Computing Image 2


Scientific Computing Image 3





For Fermilab Software Providers: Please note that if you are putting Fermilab software you have written in a place where non-lab employees can obtain it, your software needs to have a Fermitools license in it, even if your software is not a Fermitools product.








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Last updated by cdweb on 7/20/2010

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