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National Institute of Justice (NIJ): Research, Development, Evaluation

Topical Working Groups for Research Program Development

Topical Working Group meetings are an integral part of NIJ's mission to improve knowledge and understanding of crime and justice issues through science.

Purpose of the Topical Working Group Meetings

Topical Working Groups provide NIJ with information regarding the current state of research regarding crime and criminal justice. Participants discuss the latest findings and emerging issues as well as identify questions and gaps in our knowledge base. NIJ disseminates summaries of Topical Working Group discussions so the field can use the information to enhance development of research efforts.

Current Topical Working Groups

Topics are selected by NIJ staff and approved by the Director. Current Topical Research Working Groups include:

Topical Working Group Participants

Topical Working Groups are one of several mechanisms NIJ uses to bring together researchers, state and local practitioners and federal partners for a comprehensive discussion of research questions, issues and gaps in our knowledge.

NIJ invites well-known experts in the field to participate. Participation is voluntary; no remuneration is given. NIJ staff selects potential participants who are then approved by the NIJ Director.

Date Modified: April 23, 2012