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NETL Regional University Alliance (NETL-RUA)

Young business men and woman  

Innovation and entrepreneurship build sustainable development, create jobs, generate economic growth, and advance technology. Education plays a critical role in developing the skills and entrepreneurial mindset required to solve the energy challenges of the future. Through its technology research and educational programs, NETL-RUA prepares future leaders who will not only perform innovative research, but who will also be poised to exploit new technology in the marketplace by creating new companies or applying their skills in larger ones.

  Man lecturing in classroom

NETL-RUA partners with a variety of university departments as well as other public and private stakeholders to mentor and coach young professionals and entrepreneurs. In addition to the role that academic institutions serve in fostering young people’s attitudes and skills, there is an increasingly critical role for multi-stakeholder partnerships to provide knowledge, expertise, mentoring, and financial support to educate the next wave of entrepreneurs.

NETL-RUA links various stakeholders for collaboration thereby cultivating innovation, research, and education. Research that has not been sufficiently exploited in the market presents opportunities for students to pursue new venture projects. To facilitate such ventures and product development, NETL-RUA provides laboratory space and time as well as collaboration with faculty and business partners. Additionally, NETL-RUA encourages joint appointments at both NETL and Alliance universities, promoting side-by-side research and teaching opportunities that will advance the education of future scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs.

Girl in classroom  

NETL-RUA welcomes both graduate and undergraduate students in its educational programs. The Alliance affords undergraduates in particular the opportunity to discover the value of an advanced degree in science, technology, engineering, and math as well as the greater opportunities such a degree engenders. By participating in NETL-RUA experiences and opportunities, undergraduates are well-positioned to discover the merit and the entrepreneurial possibilities of their academic disciplines.