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General Dunford meets with President Karzai about Kunar Operation


KABUL, Afghanistan (Feb. 14, 2013)
- Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., commander US Forces Afghanistan, met today with President Karzai to provide his insights into the Afghan and Coalition forces partnered operation that was conducted on Wednesday in Shigal district, Kunar province. Gen. Dunford took this opportunity to express his personal condolences for any civilians who may have died or been injured as a result of the operation.

Gen. Dunford explained that the Coalition takes all allegations of civilian casualties seriously, and that we are conducting an assessment of the circumstances surrounding this incident. Gen. Dunford is committed to providing the results of that assessment to President Karzai once complete.

The Coalition will also meet with local village elders as well as families of those who may have been harmed during this operation in order to personally express our condolences.

Because we understand that protecting Afghan civilians is the cornerstone of our mission here in Afghanistan, Gen. Dunford reaffirmed the Coalition's commitment to taking every step possible to ensure that we conduct our operations in a way that further reduces the number of civilian casualties.

Updates from Gen Joseph F. Dunford, JR
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