Name (click for metadata and to rate record) Description Agency Subagency Category
Business Employment Dynamics
Business Employment Dynamics is a set of statistics generated from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, or ES-202, program. These quarterly data series consist of gross job gains and gross job losses statistics from 1992 forward. These data help to provide a picture of the dynamic state of the labor market.
DOL BLS Labor Force, Employment, and Earnings
Employment, Hours, and Earnings from the Current Employment Statistics survey (National)
Each month the Current Employment Statistics (CES) program surveys about 150,000 businesses and government agencies, representing approximately 390,000 individual worksites, in order to provide detailed industry data on employment, hours, and earnings of workers on nonfarm payrolls.
DOL BLS Labor Force, Employment, and Earnings
Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages
The Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) program publishes a quarterly count of employment and wages reported by employers covering 98 percent of U.S. jobs, available at the county, MSA, state and national levels by industry.
DOL BLS Labor Force, Employment, and Earnings
Consumer Expenditure Survey
The Consumer Expenditure Survey (CE) program consists of two surveys, the quarterly Interview Survey and the Diary Survey, that provide information on the buying habits of American consumers, including data on their expenditures, income, and consumer unit (families and single consumers) characteristics. The survey data are collected for the Bureau of Labor Statistics by the U.S. Census Bureau.The CE collects information on all spending components including food, housing, apparel and services, transportation, entertainment, and out-of-pocket health care costs including insurance premiums.
DOL BLS Income, Expenditures, Poverty, and Wealth
Consumer Price Index
The Consumer Price Indexes (CPI) program produces monthly data on changes in the prices paid by urban consumers for a representative basket of goods and services.
DOL BLS Prices
Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey
The Current Population Survey (CPS) is a monthly survey of households conducted by the Bureau of Census for the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It provides a comprehensive body of data on the: labor force, employment, unemployment and persons not in the labor force.
DOL BLS Labor Force, Employment, and Earnings
Employee Benefits Survey
National Compensation Survey - Benefits produces comprehensive data on the incidence (the percentage of workers with access to and participation in employer provided benefit plans) and provisions of selected employee benefit plans.
DOL BLS Labor Force, Employment, and Earnings
Employment Cost Trends
National Compensation Survey - Employment Cost Trends produces quarterly indexes measuring change over time in labor costs (ECI) and quarterly data measuring level of average costs per hour worked (ECEC).
DOL BLS Labor Force, Employment, and Earnings
Employment Projections
The Employment Projections Program develops information about the labor market for the Nation as a whole for 10 years in the future.
DOL BLS Labor Force, Employment, and Earnings
Foreign Labor Statistics
The International Labor Comparisons (ILC) program provides international comparisons of hourly compensation costs; productivity and unit labor costs; labor force, employment and unemployment rates; and consumer prices. The comparisons relate primarily to the major industrial countries, but other countries are included in certain measures. Because statistical concepts and methods vary from country to country, international comparisons of statistical data can be misleading.
DOL BLS International Statistics