Name (click for metadata and to rate record) Description Agency Subagency Category
Food Availability (Per Capita) Data System Estimates of per capita availability of several hundred foods available for human consumption in the United States USDA ERS Health and Nutrition
Foodborne Illness Cost Calculator The calculator provides information on the assumptions behind foodborne illness cost estimates and gives you a chance to make your own assumptions and calculate your own cost estimates. This interactive web-based tool allows users to estimate the cost of illness due to specific foodborne pathogens. The updated ERS cost estimate for Shiga-toxin producing E. coli O157 (STEC O157) was added to the Calculator in spring, 2008. Calculator users can now review and change the assumptions behind the ERS cost estimates for either STEC O157 or Salmonella. The assumptions that can be modified include the annual number of cases, the distribution of cases by severity, the use or costs of medical care, the amount or value of time lost from work, the costs of premature death, and the disutility costs for nonfatal cases. Users can also update the cost estimate for inflation for any year from 1997 to 2007. USDA ERS Health and Nutrition
USDA Economic Research Service Data Product Catalog Complete catalog of current data products from the USDA Economic Research Service. USDA ERS Agriculture
Feed Grains Database Downloadable database file (CSV) that contains statistics on four feed grains (corn, grain sorghum, barley, and oats), foreign coarse grains (feed grains plus rye, millet, and mixed grains), hay, and related items. This is the data behind a corresponding interactive query and reporting tool. Tables previously published annually in the Feed Yearbook are available and updated continuously as data are added to the database. USDA ERS Agriculture
Food Environment Atlas Food environment factors - such as store/restaurant proximity, food prices, food and nutrition assistance programs, and community characteristics - interact to influence food choices and diet quality. The Food Environment Atlas assembles statistics on food environment indicators to stimulate research on the determinants of food choices and diet quality and provides a spatial overview of a community's ability to access healthy food and its success in doing so. The Atlas currently includes 90 indicators of the food environment in three broad categories - food choices, health and well-being, and community characteristics. Data set includes an interactive mapping tool plus bulk data download. USDA ERS Health and Nutrition
Creative Class County Codes The creative class thesis - that towns need to attract engineers, architects, artists, and people in other creative occupations to compete in today's economy - may be particularly relevant to rural communities, which tend to lose much of their talent when young adults leave. The USDA Economic Research Service creative class codes indicate a county's share of population employed in occupations that require "thinking creatively". A separate break-out of employment in the arts is also included. Data are provided for all counties in the U.S. for 1990 and 2000. USDA ERS Labor Force, Employment, and Earnings
Farm Balance Sheet Data Estimates are presented for the farm business balance sheets for the U.S. for 1960 to present and individual States for 1960 through 2003. The balance sheet includes component accounts for assets, debt, and equity, where equity equals assets minus debt. USDA ERS Agriculture
Farm Income Data Estimates of farm sector income with component accounts: for the United States, 1910-2010; and for States, 1949-2008. USDA ERS Agriculture
Farmland and Cropland Concentration Measures This data product provides a size measure (the acre-weighted median for cropland and for farmland) that reflects the increasing concentration of production on large farms. The acre-weighted median, here provided at the county level, is calculated by ordering farms from smallest to largest and picking the farm size at the middle acre (the standard median focuses on the middle farm). Half of all land is on farms smaller than the acre-weighted median, and half of land is on bigger farms. USDA ERS Agriculture
Fruit and Tree Nuts Yearbook Data tables Annual data on acreage, production, trade, supply and utilization, prices, and value of production for fruit and nuts including citrus, other tree fruits, grapes and other small fruits; supply and utilization of processed fruit and fruit juices. USDA ERS Agriculture